Clerks (1994)

Today’s film is “Clerks,” released in 1994. The movie was written and directed by Kevin Smith.

[raj]: all right

[keith]: right

[raj]: clerks

[keith]: clerk

[raj]: nineteen ninety

[keith]: dan

[raj]: four so let me tell you why

[keith]: i

[raj]: love this movie so this

[keith]: this

[raj]: is like one of the best movies
to watch if you're an inspiring film maker

[raj]: like there

[keith]: there

[raj]: are

[keith]: are

[raj]: better

[keith]: better

[raj]: vs i mean there are far better
movies but a lot

[keith]: a lot

[raj]: of those great movies are really so
perfect or so ambitious that they may

[keith]: may

[raj]: seem

[keith]: seem

[raj]: impossible to make especially if you're just
an inspiring film maker but this movie clerks

[keith]: worse

[raj]: feels like

[keith]: it's

[raj]: a

[keith]: like

[raj]: movie

[keith]: a movie

[raj]: you can make it's a movie that

[keith]: that

[raj]: you might be

[keith]: might

[raj]: able

[keith]: be

[raj]: to

[keith]: able

[raj]: try that you think like i can
write i can write this it's relatable

[keith]: eatable

[raj]: there's no action

[keith]: no action

[raj]: scenes well that's not

[keith]: has

[raj]: exactly

[keith]: not exactly

[raj]: true they do have

[keith]: you

[raj]: hawke

[keith]: have a hack

[raj]: scene and they do run out of

[keith]: out

[raj]: funeral home and there is a fight
scenes but they don't seem to doesn't seem

[raj]: like there was any stunt double they
seem to be very diable to film and

[raj]: i would i would imagine that like
for most film makers especially the spire

[keith]: i i

[raj]: ones like a movie like good fellows
the godfather those could be

[keith]: those could be

[raj]: heir favorite films and they deserve to
be their great

[keith]: at

[raj]: but a movie like clerks

[keith]: i

[raj]: i feel it's just more inspiration for
like an inspired maker it's like i can

[raj]: make a movie like that i can
write a screen play like that i can

[keith]: i can

[raj]: act

[keith]: act

[raj]: in a movie like that even though

[keith]: though

[raj]: that the last part would be a
stretch acting is actually pretty hard and so

[raj]: that's

[keith]: that's

[raj]: why i love this movie because it's
just is like you know what if you

[raj]: love

[keith]: love

[raj]: films this

[keith]: this

[raj]: is a

[keith]: s

[raj]: great

[keith]: a great

[raj]: movie to watch because for me it
was just like

[keith]: i

[raj]: you know what

[keith]: what

[raj]: i have this like story in my
head maybe i'll write a screen play on

[raj]: it all right off to you

[keith]: oh man when this movie came out
i had no idea none whatsoever i was

[keith]: eighteen

[raj]: okay

[keith]: and i was in the summer between
high school and college and we had spent

[keith]: the summer a bunch of friends and
i just going to different

[raj]: oh

[keith]: houses and having got together and we
went to this one friend's house and we

[keith]: were goin to go swimming in the
pool like we thought and you know we

[keith]: showed up and there's like eight of
us and we were all good friends and

[keith]: my friends she's like i'm sorry for
the false pretenses but i brought you guys

[keith]: over to watch this movie and we're
like what and she's like yeah we

[raj]: oh

[keith]: have paper view and i got bored

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and i'm just like searching through all
these channels and i saw this really weird

[keith]: thing it's a black and white but
like i couldn't turn my eyes away and

[keith]: we're we're okay swimming all right whatever

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like t's only an hour and a
half but i think

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: i think you guys will like it
i've already watched it twice

[raj]: oh my

[keith]: and

[raj]: gosh

[keith]: so

[raj]: it was pay for view in nineteen
ninety four

[keith]: yes on

[raj]: oh

[keith]: some cable yeah it was like so
none of us had any idea about it

[keith]: so it was a summer of ninety
four and

[raj]: yes

[keith]: oh man

[raj]: oh

[keith]: it was instant hook instant

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i didn't care about the film green
or the black and white

[raj]: yah oh

[keith]: or the crudity honestly that is how
people spoke i live near

[raj]: oh

[keith]: new jersey i know what it's like
but to me it felt like somebody was

[keith]: speaking my

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: language really i mean i have had
deep star wars conversations about the most ridiculous

[keith]: mondaine

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: things

[raj]: yah

[keith]: and here's these people

[raj]: h

[keith]: literally

[raj]: oh

[keith]: having the same questions but also doing
it in a in a way that just

[keith]: seemed

[raj]: a

[keith]: natural and i had been a clerk
i was a clerk technically at the time

[keith]: i worked at a photo story i
was at the time

[raj]: my

[keith]: of my last summer that was selling
computers for comp say now everybody has customers

[keith]: everybody knows the general public just sucks
you know but that's part

[raj]: no

[keith]: of the growing up process i

[raj]: oh

[keith]: think like you know i have those
jobs you learn about people you got to

[keith]: have in personal skills or whatever

[raj]: oh

[keith]: but like there's never going to

[raj]: yes

[keith]: be a great day or a not
crappy day like this life is life and

[raj]: oh

[keith]: people are people and you keep your
eyes open i remember the individual

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: customers with their isms that would bother
me at the photo store you know i

[keith]: want reprints where this is out of
focus you know ike just stupid things that

[keith]: you couldn't change you know like you
have and these guys just had it and

[keith]: i knew i didn't recognize anybody but
i didn't

[raj]: oh

[keith]: care i was like these people

[raj]: oh

[keith]: have a role and it's really i
feel like i just a feeling that you

[keith]: know like this i didn't care there
was one location with two locations you know

[keith]: like it didn't

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: matter if you've got a good story
and good dialogue

[raj]: a

[keith]: you're going

[raj]: incredible

[keith]: to be

[raj]: dialogue

[keith]: in a good spot you know he's
not quinton tarrantino or whatever that quntnterantino had

[keith]: a lot of money to

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: spend on his movies but tarantia had
incredible dialogue and characters

[raj]: yeah oh

[keith]: and i know kevin it was a
big fan of slackers and that was his

[keith]: biggest

[raj]: ye

[keith]: inspiration for this movie and he was
like i can do i have dialogue you

[keith]: know and i know actual people he
didn't create most of these characters he knew

[keith]: jason news from a friend of a
friend and he thought he was

[raj]: oh

[keith]: a weird funny kid he was eighteen
at the time and they decided to go

[keith]: him and his friends who new j
a new kevin they wanted to go to

[keith]: this comic book shop in new york
city and they wanted to bring j along

[keith]: and kevin is like what are you
doing i'm not transporting a kid over state

[keith]: lines you know like what is this
who is this you know but they became

[keith]: friends and j

[raj]: oh

[keith]: just had this dense to him and
he didn't he was himself basically for the

[keith]: movie

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and uh kevin smith had told him
somebody should put you in a movie and

[keith]: then did

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: it himself

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: it was just a

[raj]: oh

[keith]: it's an incredible story of no budget

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and people helping out and no sleep

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i know we can get into all
the production parts of it but you know

[keith]: i really liked the the fact that
it's a like dante's

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: inferno it's a it's basically like that
you know there's the nine

[raj]: oh

[keith]: parts of the dante's inferno there are
nine sections of clerks you know with those

[keith]: titles

[raj]: ah

[keith]: and i got to tell you i
felt really embarrassed that day on that first

[keith]: watch that i didn't have a dictionary
in front of me i didn't i didn't

[keith]: i didn't even know half words of

[raj]: on the title car

[keith]: on the

[raj]: i

[keith]: title

[raj]: just cover

[keith]: so like this is something i have
to find out what is purgation what is

[keith]: you know

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: i had of the anoulement but you
know like like already i'm fascinated because you're

[keith]: talking on my level and also talking

[raj]: i

[keith]: above my level

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and

[raj]: but you can still enjoy it though
even if you don't understand

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: he stuff that's going over your head

[keith]: uh the language sure it's not but

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: it's accurate for the period and the

[raj]: yep

[keith]: ah it's harsh i know that harvey
winesten the first time he was given a

[keith]: copy of this they eventually put it
out m max but he didn't get ten

[keith]: minutes in he was like this is
stupid and the language is too much pass

[keith]: but it was his staff that kept
watching when

[raj]: oh

[keith]: they finished they were like dude you
gotta like go back go back and watch

[keith]: the whole thing

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and he did

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and then he called kevin smith and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he's like we're going to make this
thing we're goin actually gonna put it in

[keith]: theaters

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and they actually gave him a little
bit of budget for music

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that actually outstripped the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: budget for the entire movie itself

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: just for some sound track from

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: people we had heard of

[raj]: and

[keith]: head

[raj]: when you think of the black and
white so i

[keith]: i

[raj]: love old movies so like if there's
a black and white movie i'm actually more

[raj]: or my

[keith]: or

[raj]: ears perk up i'm like oh i
want to watch this but when i was

[raj]: a teen ager and

[keith]: a

[raj]: if the movie is black and white
was like old movie did

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: you have those kind of reactions or

[keith]: i was curious for sure why it

[raj]: oh

[keith]: was happening and why it was so
damn greeny uh but you know eventually would

[keith]: later learn that they had no money
they had to cheap film you could possibly

[keith]: get to still actually shoot

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: a movie on and he only had
the crappy convenience store lighting and it was

[keith]: so

[raj]: oh

[keith]: bad in there the only way to
make it look right if you

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: it in color was to get a
bunch of different lights

[raj]: m

[keith]: and then also have to treat it
in post they didn't have any

[raj]: oh

[keith]: of that stuff so you go

[raj]: oh

[keith]: black and white and it just basically
moves those issues

[raj]: ah

[keith]: into the background a little bit and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: you know i kind of just forget
that it's in black and white because you're

[keith]: just so entranced with what's happening and
who's saying what

[raj]: oh i didn't know that about the
lighting so that's actually pretty interesting you

[keith]: it was

[raj]: know

[keith]: a necessity

[raj]: yeah you know

[keith]: you

[raj]: you were talking about the dialogue and
the story and the characters that's how i

[raj]: kind of feel with the movie like
the dialogue is good you're invested in the

[raj]: characters and the story is good

[keith]: or

[raj]: it's like sometimes you don't even care
about the production design whether

[keith]: right

[raj]: it's grainy film or black and white
and i feel like this movie just kind

[raj]: of like starts right from the beginning
like that you're just hooked right in

[keith]: right sleeping in the closet

[raj]: a

[keith]: he's rolling out gets the phone and
you know like like oh

[raj]: hey so

[keith]: here we

[raj]: i wouldn't

[keith]: go

[raj]: ask about that like i thought it

[keith]: oh

[raj]: was hilarious that the first time you
meet dante falls out of the closet with

[raj]: the phone ring in but i did

[keith]: i did

[raj]: write in

[keith]: it

[raj]: my notes i was like so why

[keith]: ah

[raj]: he sleep in the closet i

[keith]: that's

[raj]: mean

[keith]: the best

[raj]: different

[keith]: part like it's up to you it's

[raj]: it's

[keith]: yah

[raj]: just you

[keith]: i

[raj]: know

[keith]: live thirty

[raj]: why do

[keith]: minutes

[raj]: i think

[keith]: from

[raj]: of

[keith]: jersey so like i have some some

[raj]: so you sleep in the closet i
think he has a dog in that and

[keith]: a cat

[raj]: a cat

[keith]: he's got a cat

[raj]: i think the cat was taking the

[keith]: uh

[raj]: so

[keith]: yep but it also establishes early on
that he's kind of a push over

[raj]: yep

[keith]: he's not supposed to work and he
doesn't have to say yes but he does

[raj]: that's

[keith]: it anyway

[raj]: right oh

[keith]: and it's a big theme the

[raj]: you

[keith]: movie

[raj]: know i love how like like just
like little dialogues like that you just get

[raj]: to know the character immediately like right
when he's on the phone and he's talking

[raj]: to like probably boss or the owner
of the store off screen

[keith]: oh

[raj]: and just within moments you like you
were saying a push over you just you

[raj]: already know who dante is and so
i love it when when you win just

[raj]: tells me it's like it's good writing

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: and good acting too

[keith]: and it was good planning that you

[raj]: oh

[keith]: know the whole shutters being closed with
the sign out front that was all because

[keith]: they had to shoot night for day

[raj]: are

[keith]: they

[raj]: you

[keith]: didn't

[raj]: serious

[keith]: have yeah kevin smith worked at the
quick stop and the

[raj]: at that

[keith]: video

[raj]: quick stop

[keith]: at that exact one

[raj]: oh

[keith]: he left film school because it was
too expensive and he didn't think it was

[keith]: for him he had met his friend
producer scott mosier

[raj]: oh

[keith]: in vancouver at film

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: school and they became friends but

[raj]: oh

[keith]: about half way through his first

[raj]: oh

[keith]: to mester smith was like i don't
think the schools for me i want to

[keith]: make movies and i don't have

[raj]: ah

[keith]: any money and he went to the
dean and was like listen if i

[raj]: ah

[keith]: i back out now can

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: i get any of my money back
from the semester and the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: demons like actually you next week would
be the midway point so

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: if you back out now you can
get your money back so he did he

[raj]: oh

[keith]: took his five gram back and and
him and moser agreed like

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he's like m goin t go to
new jersey and write a movie and you

[keith]: stay

[raj]: oh

[keith]: here and go to school and you

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: a movie and whoever finishes first i'll
come to you and make the yours

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you come to me and make mine
and as mose put it smith was done

[keith]: like that sent him the script and
mose was like okay i'm not going to

[keith]: write anything ever because

[raj]: oh

[keith]: this is the guy

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and you know he was able to

[raj]: oh

[keith]: that tuition money towards the budget but
i mean the budget

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: itself ended up in it like twenty
nine thousand dollars

[raj]: unbelievable

[keith]: and he used that money he used
money from

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: flood insurance

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that him and j got from a
car that was destroyed

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that j forgot to move

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: in a flood and they used the
insurance man on the budget and they also

[keith]: make out his credit cards

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and also got three grant from his
dad and his dad

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: was like if you don't pay me
back i'm not goin t be able to

[keith]: retire for another five years like

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that kind of thing

[raj]: oh

[keith]: it makes me all the more excited
about it because you know this is a

[keith]: passion thing when people

[raj]: yes

[keith]: are like i'll give up this i'll
give up that the quick step the art

[keith]: they didn't

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: want any money they loved kevin

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he was an imp and they like
just got to do it on the off

[keith]: time well this is a convenience steward
you know convenience

[raj]: my

[keith]: stores aren't nine to five it's six
a m to eleven p

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: m so he would work six to
eleven and then they would shoot from like

[keith]: twelve to four then he would sleep
for two hours then back

[raj]: go

[keith]: in

[raj]: back

[keith]: work

[raj]: to work

[keith]: they did it for twenty one days
straight uh and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: since they had to shoot at night
the whole shutter

[raj]: ah

[keith]: thing made them able to make it
look like it was daytime but they

[raj]: oh

[keith]: couldn't because of the bunch of savages
in this town you know

[raj]: oh

[keith]: coming up the locks you know that

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: necessity is a wonderful you know motivator
and it's funny about the story

[raj]: oh

[keith]: that he worked at is that

[raj]: oh

[keith]: he said he got cat fish by
the owners he wanted to work at r

[keith]: s t video

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that's where he interviewed and got hired
but they owned both the stores

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and they actually made him work the
convenience store like ninety percent of the time

[raj]: oh

[keith]: so he didn't he was like he
basically got cat

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: fished on the on the convenience

[raj]: oh

[keith]: store job but it opened a bigger
window for him into the world of

[raj]: oh

[keith]: general public

[raj]: wow that's such a great story one
one is i love how the dad the

[raj]: dad

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: helped out that's just an awesome story

[keith]: mom

[raj]: you know

[keith]: helped out too

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: she was the milk maid

[raj]: no

[keith]: the lady who comes in who's like
he's complaining about customers and she's checking every

[keith]: milk for the latest date

[raj]: oh

[keith]: the person they cast didn't show up
it was two in the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: morning and kevin smith called his mom
like mom can you come down here she's

[keith]: like well

[raj]: i love it

[keith]: he's like we really need you and
she's like okay honey and she came down

[keith]: to the convenience story two a m
and shot the milkmaid scene

[raj]: was that kind of like a flash
back scene when like randall

[keith]: oh

[raj]: and dante were talking about like customers

[keith]: yes

[raj]: that you don't like

[keith]: correct

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: she was the

[raj]: wow

[keith]: one checking

[raj]: so

[keith]: the milks

[raj]: great

[keith]: and that was a real story

[raj]: so

[keith]: he's

[raj]: she

[keith]: like

[raj]: had no speaking role it was just

[keith]: right

[raj]: i love it

[keith]: his sister was in the movie she
was the lady who when talking about the

[keith]: guy who was checking for the perfect
set of eggs she's

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: the lady who says that's why you
got to have a job important job manually

[keith]: master bate caged animals for uh artificial
insemination that's kevin smith's sister

[raj]: oh so she's she was good she
was actually funny

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: she had a funny line

[keith]: ah

[raj]: you know it's great about that scene
is like when she says like oh i

[raj]: work at a job where we artificially
in seven or to

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: artificially me jerk off animals and when
she walks away i think both randall and

[raj]: dante look at each other

[keith]: m

[raj]: look at her and then they go
back looking at the egg guy

[keith]: yeah

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: wow that's so great that makes that
makes so much sense why

[keith]: right

[raj]: it feels like so authentic like the
dialogue and the customers that come in you

[raj]: know it's like i can see a
customer like that coming in and

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: he

[keith]: these

[raj]: must

[keith]: were real

[raj]: have

[keith]: experiences

[raj]: yeah he must have gotten those stories
from the time that he was working at

[raj]: the convenience store and the video shop

[keith]: yeah and he originally didn't even have
a randall part necessarily but it was kind

[keith]: of be kind of his part and
then he met the guy jeff who ended

[keith]: up playing the part came in for
the casting even though he wasn't an actor

[keith]: he just heard about it and he
came in for then else and it changed

[keith]: kevin's mind he's like you know what
i think you could be a co pilot

[keith]: for dante here instead of me

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you know and the recent kevin wanted
to be in the movie

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: himself was just because in case it
flopped and he never did anything else over

[keith]: he could actually point to something than
actually look and be like look i made

[keith]: a move yeah and if i didn't

[raj]: m

[keith]: do anything you could see him in
it and be like i actually did this

[keith]: once you know that's that's why

[raj]: m

[keith]: he was he didn't care that

[raj]: oh

[keith]: he only had the one line himself
he just wanted to like prove to anyone

[keith]: that he could do this even if
it didn't go anywhere

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: so silent bob was just you know
great and t j and bob

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: were also based on pot dealers that
used to hang out in front of the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: uh the store we drug deals whatever
they were selling but you know there was

[keith]: always a quiet

[raj]: oh

[keith]: guy with muscle and somebody else doing
the doing the stuff that was and and

[keith]: bob you know j is one of
the greatest characters

[raj]: yes

[keith]: i've ever encountered

[raj]: oh yeah

[keith]: but he doesn't act really he's just

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: they just put the camera

[raj]: oh

[keith]: on him and he monologues i mean
every once while they gvehim actual lines he

[keith]: had to do

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and he actually struggled with them he
was really nervous about it one the cameras

[keith]: were rolling

[raj]: oh

[keith]: remember the scene where they actually put
the boom box down

[raj]: oh

[keith]: out in front of the store at
night and then

[raj]: oh

[keith]: j starts dancing then obviously bob starts
going crazy dancing

[raj]: oh

[keith]: they had to clear the set because
j couldn't do it in front of people

[keith]: he was so

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: clamped up and shy uh

[raj]: oh

[keith]: they just put the camera on sticks
and everybody left

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and they just did it two of
them themselves that's the only way muse could

[keith]: do it

[raj]: man i wouldn't even think that

[keith]: right

[raj]: because his character in front of like
it's just like he's got like no filter

[raj]: and just doesn't seem embarrassed by anything

[keith]: but when it came to the actual
things they needed him to do he got

[keith]: like nervous it was actually he was
supposed to deliver the famous line that silent

[keith]: bob became un silent for but key
was nervous he couldn't deliver

[raj]: m

[keith]: it and so they changed it to
give it to bob and made it this

[keith]: more poignant thing that he only would
speak once and then eventually later he would

[keith]: only speak once and the other movies
as well became a kind of a stick

[raj]: yeah i know it's funny how that
works out i did not know that story

[keith]: it looks

[raj]: and

[keith]: like it was meant this is what's
the only time and he's like the yoga

[keith]: with the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: wisdom and he's going to impart it
he's been silent and all of a sudden

[keith]: he's been listening the whole time nd
he's way

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: smarter than you think he is and
he's got this great point

[raj]: oh

[keith]: of view but it's really because j
was too new is to say that line

[keith]: changed it to bob

[raj]: you know

[keith]: oh

[raj]: it actually worked out better

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: because that's what makes silent bob so
great he's silent bob he doesn't say anything

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: and then the one time he says

[keith]: it smacks

[raj]: it's like

[keith]: you

[raj]: the

[keith]: in the head

[raj]: yes it's like the smartest it's it's
got a lot of wisdom and it makes

[raj]: dante think and then like you said
it created a character where now silent bob

[raj]: now we know what type character he
is for the other movies

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: can we talk about

[keith]: he

[raj]: jay for a little bit

[keith]: absolutely

[raj]: so so

[keith]: oh

[raj]: within the first like sixty to ninety
seconds he basically goes on to offend just

[raj]: about everybody

[keith]: yep

[raj]: games women and it's

[keith]: people

[raj]: it's

[keith]: humans

[raj]: yeah and it's so quick happened so
fast and actually it's kind of hard to

[raj]: do because he does it without

[keith]: out

[raj]: being like overtly hateful i don't know
if it's just maybe just because

[keith]: you

[raj]: like the way he's dressed

[keith]: ah

[raj]: or the way he's delivering the lines
you can just like it's like he's not

[raj]: a bad guy

[keith]: he's nineties

[raj]: he's

[keith]: he's

[raj]: nineties

[keith]: nineties do you ever watch friends i
don't but like i did

[raj]: i've

[keith]: at

[raj]: seen

[keith]: the

[raj]: a

[keith]: time

[raj]: couple of episodes but yeah

[keith]: but like my wife she like sleeps
to him because she's seen him

[raj]: yep

[keith]: enough times it's just like background noise
i mean the friends over nineties

[raj]: ah

[keith]: they hear they are

[raj]: yah

[keith]: almost as bad with their anti gay
stuff i

[raj]: ah

[keith]: mean

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you know excuse it but i mean
this was nineties and people still made those

[keith]: things

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and made those comments you

[raj]: oh

[keith]: know right or wrong wrong obviously

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but you know like it was not
uncommon for somebody

[raj]: oh

[keith]: to have those things you obviously couldn't
and wouldn't make that today

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but it was normal for the time
but it was out

[raj]: you

[keith]: there

[raj]: and

[keith]: that's

[raj]: i

[keith]: why

[raj]: were

[keith]: harvey winston turned off the tape i
don't even to give that guy

[raj]: yes

[keith]: some name but like he turned it
off but

[raj]: oh

[keith]: the staff was like oh we're gonna
we're gonna see where this goes but the

[keith]: only reason

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: i even got it to harvey wine
steve is because

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: they got it into a film festival
in new york and

[raj]: ah

[keith]: kevin thought it was they got this

[raj]: oh

[keith]: screening on sunday night but

[raj]: m

[keith]: he didn't know that

[raj]: m

[keith]: that's the that nobody goes to that

[raj]: oh

[keith]: is like the last like it's like
the lowest attended of all

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and the only people in the audience

[raj]: m oh

[keith]: cast and crew and

[raj]: uh

[keith]: family and a couple of other people
but it turns out

[raj]: oh

[keith]: one of those couple of other people
was his guid name bob hawk who news

[raj]: oh

[keith]: a lot of people and he was
like hey you have something here

[raj]: so

[keith]: ah

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you need to like we need to
talk to some like and it was his

[keith]: recommendation that started getting

[raj]: oh

[keith]: it out to other people if it
wasn't for

[raj]: oh

[keith]: him nobody really would have seen it
then or like followed up on it i

[keith]: thought

[raj]: oh

[keith]: that was fascinating that you know nobody

[raj]: oh

[keith]: was there but there's one guy but
he had he had the power to call

[keith]: people and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: say check

[raj]: oh

[keith]: this dude out he first time film
maker it and he wants some awards for

[keith]: it you know like not best film
but like best first time film

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: at that at that

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: festival unto maybe gave him some confidence
that he

[raj]: yea

[keith]: could do this some more

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and then when

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: mirmax got involved they they gave him
some budget for you know songs from bands

[keith]: you've actually heard of you know although

[raj]: i was i was wondering about that
because i was like wait an ve heard

[raj]: that song where did

[keith]: right

[raj]: they

[keith]: you can go

[raj]: get

[keith]: your

[raj]: the

[keith]: own

[raj]: budget

[keith]: ways

[raj]: to have

[keith]: playing on the radio and like you
can't afford that and

[raj]: uh

[keith]: then but no they didn't it was

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but if you remember half the songs
are written by his friends and they're

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: about new jersey there's one about tubac

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: the watawooke saw like it's just random

[raj]: no

[keith]: ship but who cared you know it's
just music it's just

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: a little bit of a side track
it didn't play for every song or every

[keith]: scene or every whatever

[raj]: m

[keith]: it was just usually the transitions

[raj]: oh

[keith]: uh between scenes or in scene or

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and they would go to see music
but i don't know what a look song

[keith]: was like are they singing

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: about it's

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: a radio song like what is this
but i like it

[keith]: oh

[raj]: so maybe we can get to some
favorite scenes and list there's any other

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: like overarching themes you wanted to talk
about this you know i didn't want to

[raj]: ask you

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: so you did grow up in jersey
or in the new york area

[keith]: in connecticut but like right

[raj]: connecticut

[keith]: on the new york side so like
i'm like twenty minutes thirty minutes from new

[keith]: jersey and we used to go there
in the summer

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: on the coast down the

[raj]: so did you know these people

[keith]: i knew i knew some of the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but

[raj]: that's what

[keith]: what

[raj]: i meant but

[keith]: but it wasn't so much like here
in connecticut a really pretty don't know clean

[keith]: as far as people go

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but i mean i live next to
cities and i went to new york city

[keith]: so like i wasn't aware of truck
dealers looked like or what you know people

[keith]: spoke like but it's a vibe

[raj]: yes

[keith]: that there are three parts of jersey
you know there's really

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: distinct parts north jersey central south and
even technically the other part that's like philly

[keith]: jersey that

[raj]: oh

[keith]: identifies with philadelphia

[raj]: oh

[keith]: even thug it's technically in new jersey

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: ah but

[raj]: oh

[keith]: these guys knew who they were and

[raj]: oh

[keith]: everything in their home town and everybody

[raj]: oh

[keith]: with somebody they knew or somebody

[raj]: oh

[keith]: that cast locally and i don't know
it's just

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: a ah one of those things that
lie like you said it

[raj]: oh

[keith]: would make other people think maybe i
could do this

[raj]: yep

[keith]: because like i said the grain the
black and white all that fades away once

[keith]: you're

[raj]: oh

[keith]: really getting into the nittygritti

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: of rebuilding the death star with independent

[raj]: oh

[keith]: contractors

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and how you know

[raj]: oh

[keith]: jet just was a bunch of muppets
and you know like there were this is

[keith]: conversations

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and somewhere about life someone were about
the stupidest things but they were

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: all conversations i feel like i had
or needed to have

[raj]: oh

[keith]: at some point i didn't have obviously
marriage considerations in high school but

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you know you had girl friends that
people were unfaithful or

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like those those are themes that are

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but you know i didn't have a
random i had a best friend but he

[keith]: wasn't crazy and uh foul mouthed and
you know self

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: destructor really destructive towards me you know
randal is not destructive towards himself he screws

[keith]: dante every chance he gets uh unconsciously
or not or whatever but

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: their report i didn't get it at
first but then then i loved it

[raj]: let's talk about randal

[keith]: oh

[raj]: because

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: i think

[keith]: thank

[raj]: it's like unconsciously that he screws over
dante like i actually think randal is a

[raj]: good dude and i think he loves
dante their brows

[keith]: okay

[raj]: and we know that i mean you
know that for most of the movie but

[raj]: it really comes in during a scene
where dante goes and gets ready for the

[raj]: date with atlin because katelan's back in
town and randall s like watching a port

[raj]: movie at the at the time when
he's talking to

[keith]: the

[raj]: atlin

[keith]: best of both worlds

[raj]: and i was this close to googling
best of both worlds like i never heard

[raj]: that movie but then right after he
feels like it's a poor movie

[keith]: or

[raj]: i was like

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: i was like is this a movie
i've never heard of but

[keith]: they're having this

[raj]: he

[keith]: crazy tough conversation about her and they're
watching her mathedetic

[raj]: he

[keith]: port at the same time

[raj]: which is great and and randal is
not even phased by it and either is

[raj]: really

[keith]: neither

[raj]: kate

[keith]: she

[raj]: lin that much yeah she like knows

[keith]: yes

[raj]: but i actually love to see when
randall goes hey if you break dantes it

[raj]: again i will kill you

[keith]: yes he

[raj]: and

[keith]: kind of throws it off it's kind
of like a throwaway lime but it's

[raj]: okay

[keith]: not he just kind of like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: puts it out there

[raj]: ah

[keith]: and he's like

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: you're like oh he cares like you

[raj]: he

[keith]: thought

[raj]: cares

[keith]: there is an actual care there not
like a

[raj]: ah

[keith]: friend messing with each other there's a
care there and

[raj]: fuck

[keith]: yeah he's not trying

[raj]: he loves

[keith]: to screw

[raj]: dante

[keith]: him he does

[raj]: yeah and so that's why i says
like you know he's a good dude he

[raj]: does get dante in trouble by selling

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: cigarettes to a four year

[keith]: oh

[raj]: old blowing

[keith]: oh

[raj]: almost ruining his relationship with veronica

[keith]: knocking over the casket at the funeral

[raj]: yeah nockingover the casket

[keith]: which was a

[raj]: of

[keith]: scene

[raj]: the

[keith]: they

[raj]: few

[keith]: wanted to shoot but he didn't

[raj]: oh

[keith]: have the money so

[raj]: oh

[keith]: they just cut it like super quick

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like that they intended to actually show

[raj]: do

[keith]: but

[raj]: you think

[keith]: they

[raj]: it's

[keith]: didn't

[raj]: better

[keith]: have the money

[raj]: actually

[keith]: i

[raj]: because

[keith]: think it's definitely better

[raj]: because

[keith]: they go

[raj]: they

[keith]: in and

[raj]: go

[keith]: they come

[raj]: in

[keith]: running out

[raj]: they come running out and you don't
know why but it's it's hilarious

[keith]: people throwing stuff at the car yeah

[raj]: and

[keith]: ah

[raj]: then they have the scene where they
talk about it and like randall is always

[raj]: i love randall he's so positive he's
like well they could just put the body

[raj]: back in the casket

[keith]: oh

[raj]: and just go on you know oh

[keith]: on their way to the wake in
the car

[raj]: so good

[keith]: yes uh randall's tole line about the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: breaking his neck trying to go down
on himself and then his response to dante

[keith]: finally

[raj]: oh

[keith]: admitting that he tried it but what

[raj]: oh

[keith]: court me in that scene was the
camera work it was the only time it

[keith]: was like this and it you know
at first it seemed kind of like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: rudimentary but it was obviously on

[raj]: oh

[keith]: purpose everything else was shot pretty normally
but in that car the camera is in

[keith]: the back seat and it just pops
back left right left right

[raj]: i

[keith]: as

[raj]: love

[keith]: each person

[raj]: it when it

[keith]: talks

[raj]: does that

[keith]: wipippipipno cuts

[raj]: oh

[keith]: but every line like this was deliberate
and i

[raj]: m

[keith]: don't mind it once i realized what
it was it didn't wasn't like that in

[keith]: any

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: other part of the movie but that
car converse ation was ridiculous and so i

[keith]: i felt like the whip back and

[raj]: oh

[keith]: just kind of like added to like
are we really talking about something like this

[raj]: oh

[keith]: this is like a real discussion you
know ah

[raj]: oh

[keith]: they did that in one take

[raj]: yeah yeah

[keith]: did you know here were a lot
of scenes like that that were done for

[keith]: time and for money but when veronica
first shows up and gets rid of the

[keith]: tules

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: guy

[raj]: oh

[keith]: or whatever and everything calms down and
she sits in behind the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: counter with dante and he's

[raj]: m

[keith]: there painting her nails or whatever that's

[raj]: m

[keith]: like a five minutes sat shot there
were no cuts that was one take

[raj]: yep

[keith]: and you had to nail it all
and i'll tell you what they were good

[keith]: these guys were professionals

[raj]: oh

[keith]: but they like

[raj]: he

[keith]: they got it done

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and i didn't even like realize it
was one shot

[raj]: oh

[keith]: way back when i was watching it
or whatever i didn't really appreciate

[raj]: ye

[keith]: things like that so much but you
know that's not

[raj]: well

[keith]: easy

[raj]: the

[keith]: to

[raj]: dialogue

[keith]: do

[raj]: is so good and in the call
the acting is good like sometimes it's hard

[raj]: to notice sometimes those things cause you
just get sucked right in

[keith]: that's when i know it's good you
know i wasn't

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: i'm editor when

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i was eighteen but you know i'm
an editor now it's t v but like

[keith]: i find myself watching

[raj]: oh

[keith]: a production instead of watching a movie

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i'm out of it you know like

[raj]: m oh

[keith]: i don't want to notice the production
that means

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: it's not good you know like people

[raj]: oh

[keith]: me what's good editing what's good ting
are you like good editing will never be

[keith]: noticed it's a

[raj]: oh

[keith]: it's a thing you know like the
better job

[raj]: no

[keith]: you do editing the least noticeable it
is it sounds

[raj]: i

[keith]: strange

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but that is way goes the way
i was trained the last

[raj]: okay

[keith]: thing you want to do is jar

[raj]: oh

[keith]: somebody right you know on a

[raj]: oh

[keith]: jar anybody with a quick cut or
a anything

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you know like a jump cut or

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: like don't

[raj]: ye

[keith]: make the audience

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: pause or jump or think something is

[raj]: oh

[keith]: weird like if you if you interrupt
the flow

[raj]: oh

[keith]: as bad editing so the best editing

[raj]: oh

[keith]: is this that the stuff you just
don't even notice

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and same with the production like once
i watched this movie i noticed the black

[keith]: and white like i said i noticed

[raj]: oh

[keith]: cheapness but like i was into the
movie because the movie was good

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i didn't give a ship what it
looked like dialogue

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i mean every character had some kind
of bent

[raj]: oh

[keith]: to them that

[raj]: oh

[keith]: lent them an stra something that movie
didn't have the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: free gate ra guy you know like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: everybody commenting on the shoe polish you
know and the guy

[raj]: oh

[keith]: was playing hockey is like i want
to get my stuff you know like he

[keith]: like he's one of the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: most aggressive customers everywhere else

[raj]: yah

[keith]: is usually like pretty chill

[raj]: yah yeah

[keith]: yeah this guy

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: is like mad and swearing then he
knocks him over and and ends the game

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you know but everybody added something or
else they wouldn't have been in it and

[keith]: they added everybody was a different flavor

[raj]: so true and everybody was

[keith]: m

[raj]: maybe maybe i'm being easy but i
thought everybody was great like i was like

[raj]: you know i just thought like i
loved all the customers that came in um

[raj]: i love like the chili guy

[keith]: he

[raj]: that came in in the beginning

[keith]: m the guy who

[raj]: uh

[keith]: is with

[raj]: h

[keith]: a cat later box that's all we
see him is trying to trying to make

[keith]: us and

[raj]: oh he just looks

[keith]: he's watching

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: the cats shipping dude kevin

[raj]: oh

[keith]: smith had a friend with a

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: cat and he was like dude i
need your cat to sit in a box

[keith]: on the thing really like really like

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: how do you plan a cat ship
he's like i don't know

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but let's figure it out and so
his friend ended up

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: hiding the cats letter box that

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: day for hours and hours so the
cat didn't ship so he knew like we

[keith]: put the thing on the table the
cat wouldn't care what else was going on

[keith]: the world that cat was going to
go ahead the box and take a ship

[keith]: and they would get an actual catch
ship on film like that was the level

[keith]: of like they needed this they

[raj]: ah

[keith]: really he really wanted to catch shipping
on the counter and they did it like

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that either happening or it didn't but
like that was a choice and they made

[keith]: it and it was hysterical he guy

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: never talked the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: obviously didn't talk it was just another
view of the world of the clerks what

[keith]: they see a

[raj]: i didn't write that on my notes
as one of the favorite scenes and i

[raj]: was like you know the cat dogs

[keith]: mark

[raj]: have always been great actors

[keith]: oh

[raj]: in movies cats are cats are much
much harder

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: and so i thought the cat was
great and trying to get a cat to

[raj]: go into the letter box poop that's
just incredible

[keith]: you don't tell cats what to do

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: do take any order you want cats
cats don't give a shit what

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: you want

[raj]: exactly

[keith]: they would do but like the guy
who cat

[raj]: oh

[keith]: was and he was in the movie
to as one of the friends he was

[keith]: like this

[raj]: oh

[keith]: is the only thing i can think
of i'm just going to hide the box

[keith]: for hours and hours and then the
cat won't he'll have to ship uh

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: you know thinking of those things that
was you know like the shutters again the

[keith]: way you think to get around the
problems that you have you know problem solving

[keith]: is massive aspect in film

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and t v you know it's a
part of my job description

[raj]: oh

[keith]: as an editor is you know storyteller

[raj]: oh

[keith]: button pressure button pusher you know uh
i got lost

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: my train there but you know like
it just

[raj]: problem solver

[keith]: problems solve you know because everyone like
we need to cut this well then how

[keith]: are we on a get from here
to there

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you know if we don't have this
or we need to add some they how

[keith]: like there's so many things that that
you just got to problems and

[raj]: m

[keith]: these guys the production

[raj]: oh

[keith]: side were also like okay we got
this problem we got this problem this lem

[keith]: how we going to do this how
we gonna do this all right well and

[keith]: they

[raj]: oh

[keith]: came up with these brilliant but simple

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that's what makes

[raj]: uh

[keith]: it partly more brilliant is the simplicity
yes somebody shoved gum into

[raj]: oh

[keith]: the locks like bunch of savages in
town that's it

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: i don't need anything more to why
it's not light out in the the the

[keith]: in the store i don't care

[raj]: oh

[keith]: the video store the way

[raj]: oh

[keith]: randall treats the customers

[raj]: oh

[keith]: is my i mean one of my
favorite things is when he's sitting on the

[keith]: counter and the ladies

[raj]: yah

[keith]: asking him for the the recommendations and
he's not looking at her and

[raj]: h

[keith]: she's the only good and he's like
oh i don't know i don't kind

[raj]: oh

[keith]: of watch movies she's like nobody says
anything about anythin you know

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: an he's not looking at

[raj]: oh

[keith]: he's like an she's like she turns
around and she makes like she's getting some

[keith]: more she pulls to bark

[raj]: a

[keith]: he's lie what about these two and
without looking at her guineas like oh those

[keith]: suck she's like these are the same

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: you weren't even paying attention

[raj]: yeah yeah

[keith]: and he's like no i wasn't

[raj]: oh

[keith]: she's like well i don't think that
and he's like well i don't appreciate your

[keith]: ruse

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: your cunning attempt to

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: trick me and she's like i was
only trying to point it was and i

[keith]: hope it feels good pointing out the
field show crimings like his his awesome he's

[keith]: still is not looking at her he's
reading the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: paper and he won't look at her
what it's not until she says screw you

[keith]: which is like the lightest square in
the entire movie he gets all offended puts

[keith]: the paper down jumps off the counter
and opens the door it's like you're not

[keith]: out round here any more like obviously

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he's actually like mad at somebody you
know likes she said like the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: lightest line in that tired ninety minutes

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that's what gets him you know like

[raj]: you know

[keith]: that's

[raj]: it's

[keith]: a

[raj]: great

[keith]: clerk

[raj]: about random is even when he's being
helpful he's still offensive like that

[keith]: ah

[raj]: one lady

[keith]: yah

[raj]: coming in

[keith]: oh

[raj]: with a baby ask or a little
kid asking for like i think

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: some kids title

[keith]: yep

[raj]: he was like oh wait wait

[keith]: oh

[raj]: i'm on the phone with the distributor
i'll ask

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: about that and then he goes ahead
and names about like twenty poor titles

[keith]: all

[raj]: that the

[keith]: x rated names all the worst

[raj]: oh

[keith]: names right he refused to shoot that
scene and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: with with the mother and the daughter
you if you go back and watch you

[raj]: you

[keith]: never

[raj]: talk

[keith]: see

[raj]: about kevin

[keith]: them in the

[raj]: smith

[keith]: same shot

[raj]: or the

[keith]: no randall jeff

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: anderson refused

[raj]: ye

[keith]: to say that

[raj]: oh

[keith]: in front of the mother and the
child and they shot them separately and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: so

[raj]: a

[keith]: she she

[raj]: ye

[keith]: she was reacting to other name

[raj]: oh

[keith]: titles that they told her but it
wasn't jeff anderson saying because

[raj]: oh

[keith]: he was like i can't i just

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and you're like what randal you say
every thing

[raj]: oh

[keith]: well he's not randall he's an act

[raj]: he's

[keith]: you

[raj]: an

[keith]: know

[raj]: actor

[keith]: and he didn't want to do that
and so they're like fine we can do

[keith]: it without it and they did it
was a short scene so who cares

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: if you don't see them in the
same shot that happens

[raj]: okay

[keith]: all the time

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i can look at movies we're going

[raj]: oh

[keith]: out last year i'd like oh man
did you see those guys were never in

[keith]: the same shot not once

[raj]: ah

[keith]: they were on different days different months
whatever it was

[raj]: a

[keith]: movie magic

[raj]: yah

[keith]: here we are

[raj]: m

[keith]: you can do that but you know
what i

[raj]: oh

[keith]: learned when he said he refused to
do it kevin was like oh yeah and

[keith]: he added or name some or rancher
names for him to list

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: off even though he was by himself
doing the shot they added like five more

[keith]: names to the porn list

[raj]: no no

[keith]: m

[raj]: that's that's what makes it funny

[keith]: m

[raj]: because it was i don't know how

[keith]: oh

[raj]: many titles he named but it was

[keith]: oh

[raj]: you know you get the

[keith]: you

[raj]: point after five

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: or ten but the fact it felt

[keith]: it's

[raj]: like

[keith]: like twenty

[raj]: it went yeah he goes on on
which you know sometimes it's just like it

[raj]: gets even funnier when you kind of
go on for

[keith]: right

[raj]: that

[keith]: because

[raj]: long

[keith]: his cadence is great because there's there's
titles that

[raj]: yes

[keith]: sounded like so he changes girls who
create girls are group

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he's like you know like his cadence
is even like like he's ordering a bag

[keith]: over the the you know

[raj]: oh

[keith]: diner next story is going to go
pick up it was

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like nothing to him to say

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: all these triple x rated things and

[raj]: ah

[keith]: the best is like oh yeah and
what was that kids movie were

[raj]: so good you know now we're talking
about the video store this movie was such

[raj]: a great times camp capital

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: even though they didn't go to lot
of locations but you get to see the

[raj]: prices of the cigarettes

[keith]: yes

[raj]: in the convenience store

[keith]: one

[raj]: which

[keith]: ninety five

[raj]: when ninety five um now

[keith]: no

[raj]: it's like i don't smoke

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: but

[keith]: like fifteen

[raj]: ten bucks

[keith]: or something

[raj]: or maybe yeah

[keith]: they made so many taxes i don't
any more either so like i don't know

[keith]: but

[raj]: so and then

[keith]: did

[raj]: the obvious one is it's you know
we're shooting this pod in twenty two and

[raj]: video stores are extinct

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: i think and

[keith]: there's one block buster left it's famous

[raj]: awesome

[keith]: actually

[raj]: but

[keith]: it's a

[raj]: like

[keith]: great twitter follow

[raj]: does it

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: where is it actually

[keith]: it's in oregon i think

[raj]: that's awesome that's awesome but a big
part of my childhood and in my twenties

[raj]: was going to the video store

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: um and spending a lot of time
there so it was just nice like just

[raj]: see in that atmosjust seeing like a
video store with casts s tapes all

[keith]: oh

[raj]: over the place

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: and i even love the scene when
randall asked borrow

[keith]: oh

[raj]: dante's car so you can go to

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: the bigger i don't think they call
it block buster but it's kind of like

[keith]: choice

[raj]: a block buster like a big choice
and like the music goes on and he

[raj]: was just like look at all this
choice s and

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: um you know

[keith]: no

[raj]: if i ever got a chance to
watch this movie again which i will i'll

[raj]: probably pause it to look at all
the titles in the back i didn't notice

[raj]: some like i

[keith]: oh

[raj]: noticed

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: there was a tom hanks movie think
it was big

[keith]: oh

[raj]: solves kind of cool

[keith]: i in college you know i kind
of you know i love this movie and

[keith]: one of my favorite scenes and we
could talk about when we get to you

[keith]: know the thirty seven

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that number once i've watched that movie
every email address every

[raj]: oh

[keith]: al screen name every whatever thing i
signed up for ended it with a thirty

[keith]: seven whatever

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i put in front of it was
my name or some other thing everything ended

[keith]: in thirty seven for me because it

[raj]: your fancy

[keith]: ah

[raj]: football team has your avatar has a
helmet with a thirty seven on it i

[raj]: think

[keith]: yes yes it does

[raj]: and i would not have gotten it

[keith]: oh

[raj]: you got you and i were testing
back and forth and you were mentioning the

[raj]: significance of thirty seven

[keith]: ah

[raj]: and then watching the movie i was
like that's it and

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: now i know

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: so

[keith]: and

[raj]: i

[keith]: i

[raj]: mean

[keith]: used

[raj]: usually

[keith]: to go to the

[raj]: like

[keith]: video store so was going to continue
like and i kind of felt like randall

[keith]: sometimes and like i wanted to be
more open and loose and fun and when

[keith]: people didn't care and in the college
town that was worth it you know we'd

[keith]: go to block busterapen state you mean
my three roommates and it was a giant

[keith]: block buster and we all

[raj]: oh

[keith]: look for something and i would everyone
like my friend black but this one i'd

[keith]: be like does it have any tits
in it

[raj]: eh

[keith]: you know as loud as i could
in front of the whole store and my

[keith]: friends will be all embarrassed and stuff
but i don't care you know like like

[keith]: like it's fine and on the idle
it you know

[raj]: eh uh

[keith]: that's not a line from the movie
it's just i feel like

[raj]: h

[keith]: something like randall would have been fine

[raj]: there

[keith]: with

[raj]: now

[keith]: saying

[raj]: movies when you're younger i feel like
movies mean more and like you see a

[raj]: character that you'll like

[keith]: oh

[raj]: and you're like i want to be
that character in real life

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: and

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: so sometimes you'll pick up anorisms or
you'll say the lines or act like that

[raj]: character in real life may not last

[keith]: on

[raj]: very

[keith]: a

[raj]: long but movies

[keith]: do you

[raj]: have

[keith]: remember

[raj]: that effect

[keith]: at the very end when he's closing
the store and randal is about to leave

[keith]: and dante is like

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: want rangalatof here he's like he's like
come on do the and he does that

[keith]: dance you know and he's

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: snapping

[raj]: the shake

[keith]: an's like when i got to college
and i ended up doing marching band

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: later on because bunch of my friends
were in it and it was a big

[keith]: program we

[raj]: okay

[keith]: got to travel everywhere and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: they have every

[raj]: oh

[keith]: season they make a new version of
what they call this incorporator and when you're

[keith]: marching

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: just down the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: street like in a parade the drums
are just playing all the time just the

[keith]: drums mostly in between songs and all
the all the people in the band have

[keith]: like these little inside

[raj]: ah

[keith]: jokes that when a certain thing happens
in the in the music people either

[raj]: ah

[keith]: grab their hat and did this thing
or they touch it like it was like

[keith]: cool that people like had you know
reactions to certain things in the music

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and when i got there i i
don't know why

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: i took it upon myself but i
added a section i convinced a bunch of

[keith]: people in

[raj]: oh

[keith]: my area to all do the randall

[raj]: ah

[keith]: when the parade order would hit a
certain part

[raj]: oh

[keith]: in the music and it caught on
and like the one year i was in

[keith]: the bed

[raj]: oh

[keith]: we would do the like we would
do the snap thing in

[raj]: ye

[keith]: the middle of march down

[raj]: oh

[keith]: the parade routes or whatever

[raj]: oh

[keith]: in the middle of all the other
stupid things when they said his one thing

[keith]: everybody would do a twirl or whatever

[raj]: yes

[keith]: but i got i got the randal
in there you know because i'm lame like

[keith]: that but yeah

[raj]: you know we should just go jump
to our favorite scenes because and i'll start

[raj]: we've been i've already been mentioned some
of the scenes but one of them was

[raj]: the randall

[keith]: the

[raj]: dance or i call the randall shake
i wrote i could watch that all day

[raj]: i mean just and you kind of
know what who the character is when he

[raj]: just shows up and he does that

[keith]: that's

[raj]: walking

[keith]: his first

[raj]: in

[keith]: yeh

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and he doesn't not even knowing dante's
there he's going to do it no matter

[keith]: who who showed up to work that

[raj]: and what i love is that the

[keith]: oh

[raj]: when you see him last he walks
out with the shake

[keith]: yep

[raj]: and dante asked for it and

[keith]: yep

[raj]: no matter how picked off dante gets
randall and how annoyed because like randall

[keith]: fought

[raj]: does

[keith]: they

[raj]: it

[keith]: just fought

[raj]: they just fought

[keith]: physically

[raj]: you know that i was saying that
randall loves dante

[keith]: oh

[raj]: you know dante loves randall because randall
dante asked for it

[keith]: yep

[raj]: because he needs some cheering

[keith]: m

[raj]: up and he was like can you
do it

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you know the original that screened in
that festival

[raj]: oh

[keith]: right after that you know the movie

[raj]: oh

[keith]: so like you're closed

[raj]: ah

[keith]: booming cuts to black and the actual
one that's screen the festival mer comes in

[keith]: and shoots and kills dante

[raj]: so that i didn't know they showed
they say that in the licapedia and but

[raj]: what i didn't

[keith]: i

[raj]: know

[keith]: didn't

[raj]: when

[keith]: know

[raj]: i was

[keith]: that

[raj]: when i was i didn't know that
either and but apparently they shot it it

[raj]: wasn't just

[keith]: yep

[raj]: in the screen play they actually shot

[keith]: screened

[raj]: original

[keith]: it

[raj]: ending

[keith]: they screened it that way and

[raj]: ah

[keith]: they were like what

[raj]: oh

[keith]: were suggested i think by that bob
guy or whatever like i don't think you

[keith]: should do that

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and it didn't add to the movie
he was already in hell it was a

[keith]: you know like i think it would
have had a different note would it would

[keith]: have ended on a really different note
i've still ould have enjoyed the movie but

[keith]: like downer

[raj]: well he

[keith]: already

[raj]: didn't make

[keith]: happened

[raj]: a reference of empire strikes back on
why dante

[keith]: yes

[raj]: likes that better and they mentioned that

[keith]: ye

[raj]: because that was a downer ending

[keith]: yes

[raj]: uh you know with

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: han solo frozen luke sky walker's

[keith]: a

[raj]: arm hand game chopped off and so

[keith]: everybody's

[raj]: it kind

[keith]: in

[raj]: of comes

[keith]: flux

[raj]: around yeah

[keith]: yeah nobody have done that before but
it didn't really

[raj]: oh

[keith]: fit and i'm glad he took the
note not everybody can

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: take notes

[raj]: m

[keith]: it's hard you know like i signed
up for

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: a job that is one million per
cent subjective and what my direct boss might

[keith]: like their

[raj]: yes

[keith]: boss might not like you know like
everybody is right so because

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: everybody gets their opinion but it's all
subjective and it's you know some people don't

[keith]: like notes i know some editors who
just like get notes and like no i'm

[keith]: not doing

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: this no i don't agree with

[raj]: okay

[keith]: this like sometimes they don't get hired
back because no matter what your job is

[keith]: or your product

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: or your service your ultimate responsibility

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: is to make the people pay and

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you happy and

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i mean you're on to hand me
a piece of paper with a check list

[keith]: this is here's how to make me
even happier

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i'm going to do it why am
i going to say no and not have

[keith]: you call me again especially in a
freelance world like that's a

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: you know so kevin

[raj]: oh

[keith]: took the note and like we don't
have to talk about the crazy weird

[raj]: oh

[keith]: death ending of this cute

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: fun movie

[raj]: oh

[keith]: there was enough darkness somebody died in
the bathroom

[raj]: oh

[keith]: somebody had sex with the it was

[raj]: h

[keith]: dark you know

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: they went to a wake like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: it was it was dark enough and
i'm glad he took the note because i

[keith]: don't know if it had been as
well received with that

[raj]: it says a lot about kevin smith
that just shows that you know

[keith]: oh

[raj]: he doesn't really have a big ego
and you know he's willing to take like

[raj]: like he said notes and opinions and
advice from others oh

[keith]: he leaned on the you know jay's
dialogue some a lot of it was ritten

[keith]: a lot of it wasn't

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he's like just he when he had
met him

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: originally a couple

[raj]: oh

[keith]: years earlier he like had seen

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: his stick and was like dude you're

[raj]: ye

[keith]: a character

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like somebody should put you in a
movie this before kevin smith was going to

[keith]: make movies and this is a guy
he had never been out of jersey and

[keith]: that was

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: in his credit in this movie you
like it made

[raj]: oh

[keith]: it made the jersey aspect so much

[raj]: m

[keith]: like like something more solid you know
because this was a guy left maman county

[keith]: you know like

[raj]: yep

[keith]: in real life so he was

[raj]: oh

[keith]: so local to this

[raj]: yes

[keith]: it was i don't know just a
so pleased my friend made us watch it

[keith]: i'm sure i would

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: have gotten to it because obviously got
to college soon and had friends and we

[keith]: you know i would have gotten to
it but that one night all over the

[keith]: summer and we all sitting around our
t v just go and what is this

[keith]: awesomeness

[raj]: okay what

[keith]: i

[raj]: was the you said there was like
eight of you guys what was the reception

[keith]: do

[raj]: among everybody else

[keith]: there were a couple of girls who
were like we're goin swimming like they weren't

[keith]: in for the language

[raj]: oh

[keith]: but everybody else stayed i actually

[raj]: oh

[keith]: wrote to my friend the other night
and so i got

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i got to say thank you for

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and you know like i'm about to
go talk about the movie you introduced me

[keith]: to on a podcast

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: so you know thank you

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: again for that you know it was
your insistency

[raj]: oh

[keith]: nobody had ever heard of this thing
and we didn't have paper view

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like okay paper view black and white
sure you know then we'll go swimming but

[keith]: like all we could do is talk
about the movie and i wanted to watch

[keith]: it again right away but i didn't
have paper view so yeah

[raj]: do you have any favorite scenes

[keith]: um yes the thirty seven scene is
is one of the one of the top

[raj]: ah now they mentioned it a couple
of times is there like

[keith]: yeah i mean it's dante's

[raj]: oh

[keith]: uh feeling that sex and oral sex
are completely different things and his disgust the

[keith]: oral sex is like but you know

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: ah he's yet not you know doesn't
think anything about the women of multiple women

[keith]: he's been with

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but he just can't

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: process the number and ike

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and it goes on he as to

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: tell randall

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and she comes in and randall's

[raj]: ye

[keith]: making the slip and sounds and he's

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: the gross things and she's like did

[raj]: oh

[keith]: you have to tell randal's like we
i had to tell

[raj]: oh

[keith]: somebody he put it into perspective

[raj]: okay

[keith]: for me and she said what he
said at least

[raj]: oh

[keith]: he wasn't number thirty six and

[raj]: ah and verona

[keith]: you know

[raj]: is okay with that and actually you
know what with the lines

[keith]: oh

[raj]: he just said i think vera

[keith]: oh

[raj]: when he goes like you have to
tell them and dante goes i had to

[raj]: tell somebody but then veronica wants to
know it's like so what did he say

[raj]: how

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: did he react

[keith]: but actually the first time when they're
talking about i and he's mad and she's

[keith]: leaving the store and she's like i'm

[raj]: oh

[keith]: gonna come back maybe later when you're
all you know more mature about this and

[keith]: she

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: she works out the store and he

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: follows her out and opens the door
and it's like try not to suck any

[keith]: dick on your way through the parking
lot and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: there's some dude who's leaning against the
wall of the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: store is like here's that and he's
like and he starts going the parking lie

[keith]: like hey get back here you know
like just these little little little isms you

[keith]: know like also it's not a scene
it's just a moment but with jade and

[keith]: bob and there their little friends in
the corner are there making the who i

[keith]: coxsign put on the then

[raj]: yep

[keith]: they place it specifically on the door
to have knock and you know make randall

[keith]: come out and open the door perfectly
frame so it says

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like the top bubble of him saying
i eat cock or whatever you know like

[keith]: it's just it didn't need to be
there but it was so funny you know

[keith]: it's just like it was so funny
and when dante sees to sign later he's

[keith]: just so casual he's like who eats
cock you know

[raj]: oh

[keith]: it's just like this like it's like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i'm not i didn't not expect

[raj]: yeah oh

[keith]: to see something ranch like this or
hear something ranch like this and that phrase

[keith]: cock became very popular with friends of
mine you

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: know just like a we shorten it
to who eats you know just like who's

[raj]: ye

[keith]: the asshole here like like we may

[raj]: oh

[keith]: who eats you know like

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that's

[raj]: oh

[keith]: that's what we becathatthat's seen all of
that end

[raj]: oh but you

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: know it was great about that scene
when dante comes back and says who eats

[raj]: cock and then randall i don't know
did he say the line this line like

[raj]: oh there's a bunch of savages in
this town but

[keith]: they

[raj]: it

[keith]: both

[raj]: was the line

[keith]: have said

[raj]: they mentioned

[keith]: it

[raj]: what

[keith]: they both

[raj]: ah

[keith]: say it at one point in the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: movie

[raj]: and i love that it comes back

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: and i wrote that as one of
my favorite scenes it's just like like you

[raj]: were talking about like there's just like
a lot of these is

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: like a lot of the scenes that
i wrote are lee two seconds and less

[keith]: they're cut aways

[raj]: there

[keith]: you're

[raj]: cut

[keith]: hearing

[raj]: aways

[keith]: dialogue from something else and you're

[raj]: oh

[keith]: outside watching j roller blunt or like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: whatever it is but

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: then they come out and it's like
oloffbzerker that whole

[raj]: oh

[keith]: metal scene what they did with that
guy's hair

[raj]: uh

[keith]: they bought a wig and they

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: put it on backwards

[raj]: oh

[keith]: to make it look

[raj]: oh

[keith]: even more ridiculous

[raj]: eh

[keith]: and like make up words that whatever

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: like just all bullshit like

[raj]: yes

[keith]: but they actually wrote the bazurker song
and they like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: kevin smith and some of his friends
like wrote the lyrics

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and at the very end of the
movie you can actually hear a band playing

[raj]: oh

[keith]: brazurker but the whole the whole why
is it even out there then this is

[keith]: my friend is his cousin from russia
and he wants to be a

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: metal singer like why is it even
i don't know but it is hilarious and

[keith]: so you get to the words you

[raj]: oh

[keith]: did he just say making fun like
that was one of the most funniest lines

[raj]: yah

[keith]: of the movie where he's singing the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: is like would you like

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: to

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: make some fun

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: you know and the girls like did
he just say making fuck

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like why was this here i don't
know but it's hysterical

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: why i don't know but we're here

[raj]: oh

[keith]: in a i stopped laughing

[raj]: yea the whole like interaction with j
the girl and the russian guy was hysterical

[raj]: like he said and like j would
say like like she

[keith]: oh

[raj]: like he would the rushing guy would
say something and j

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: would be like oh ship like it
like offended or

[keith]: oh

[raj]: something was like like wat do ye
sayin is like i don't know

[keith]: no

[raj]: and then

[keith]: yes

[raj]: i like when he was singing and

[keith]: a

[raj]: then they showed the reaction from m
william black

[keith]: right

[raj]: or snowball was his nickname

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: and i think he said like snowball
said like that was brilliant or like it

[raj]: was

[keith]: that's

[raj]: like he

[keith]: beautiful

[raj]: said in a very

[keith]: man

[raj]: profound way

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: yeah that was beautiful

[keith]: that's scott moser that's the producer he

[raj]: oh

[keith]: william and he played the ass hole
hack guy came up and messed with the

[keith]: ball everybody

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: played like ten parts

[raj]: i do i do see that like
i'm on the wikapedia page on the cast

[raj]: section

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: and i noticed that a lot of

[raj]: character actors of the side like the
actors had small parts play multiple roles yeah

[keith]: but who cares right

[raj]: yeah i didn't

[keith]: ah

[raj]: even notice until like you said it
and i see it on the on the

[raj]: lickapedia page but it was like it
was great

[keith]: oh they knew what they needed they
knew what they were looking for

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and like i said when mose read
the script he was like okay i'm not

[keith]: going to

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: be the writer in this team ah

[raj]: ye

[keith]: will help produce in whatever but kevin's
got the voice kevin really has a voice

[keith]: and it's already advanced and developed

[raj]: oh

[keith]: even though he hasn't done it yet

[raj]: oh

[keith]: he he really you know wanted to
be a movie maker and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: uh his

[raj]: oh

[keith]: parents helped him

[raj]: he's talented and he's got a voice
and he's not

[keith]: oh

[raj]: a one hit wonder um um because
he's made other great movies

[keith]: that's

[raj]: with great

[keith]: right

[raj]: dialogue

[keith]: and i was going to get to
that too like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: he's got a movie

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: universe

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he viewiskuniverse

[raj]: oh

[keith]: right that's his production couples called view
eske and they were one

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: i mean obviously a movie universes started

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: in in the thirties and forties with

[raj]: yah

[keith]: the you know bella

[raj]: ah oh

[keith]: go see you know the mummies and
all that but like this was

[raj]: for

[keith]: different this was

[raj]: oh

[keith]: totally different when they went into mal

[raj]: oh

[keith]: they were in

[raj]: which is a cold

[keith]: that

[raj]: classic

[keith]: universe

[raj]: now

[keith]: right and then hey made this universe
and kept going and that was never the

[keith]: thought of the plan but since

[raj]: oh

[keith]: there was so much success they just
just decided

[raj]: oh

[keith]: to keep going with it and turns
out i didn't remember this

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: j and silent bob were

[raj]: oh

[keith]: in scream three

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: a scene and i don't remember why
but like the people making

[raj]: why not

[keith]: that wanted that wanted that to happen
like well is that in the same universe

[raj]: a

[keith]: no i would i wouldn't put something
like that but

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: to think that a no named film
maker made a zone

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: cynematic universe from its first film is
really impressive

[raj]: yeah oh yeah

[keith]: and i mean i just watched clerks

[raj]: ah

[keith]: i click too was kind of not
so good but obviously it's a

[raj]: did

[keith]: fan

[raj]: you like it at the time when
you watched it though

[keith]: it was

[raj]: clerks

[keith]: okay

[raj]: to

[keith]: you know

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i wasn't mad that i watched it
it was just like okay you couldn't really

[keith]: recapture it and thankfully you didn't try
to actually recapture it at

[raj]: oh

[keith]: the quick stop they went to the
movies and had a little bit of difference

[keith]: you know

[raj]: oh

[keith]: scene there and obviously showed some money
but cooks three had heart

[raj]: so you

[keith]: ah

[raj]: know you and

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: i were textingtextin i didn't me to
interrupt you i wanted you to go back

[keith]: hat'allright

[raj]: to the heart but you and i

[keith]: the

[raj]: texting each other

[keith]: oh

[raj]: and just to give the audience uh
one more context m when you were saying

[raj]: that clerks as really good clerks to
not so much and i was testing like

[raj]: i actually kind of like clerks too
and i may end up watching if i

[raj]: saw that i went and saw the
trailer the other night and i was like

[raj]: trailer was bad

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: but then i saw the trailer for
clerks three and i really

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: want to watch it and you were
talking about the heart the heart kind of

[raj]: shows

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: in the trailer

[keith]: i

[raj]: so

[keith]: didn't i haven't seen a trailer for
i just

[raj]: oh

[keith]: just heard it came out and i

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like wait i feel embarrassed as a
fan that i didn't even know it was

[keith]: being made

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but they didn't really super market

[raj]: h

[keith]: it

[raj]: m

[keith]: but it's not the same even

[raj]: okay

[keith]: though it's the same uh

[raj]: so did you like it don't don't

[keith]: i

[raj]: the

[keith]: loved

[raj]: movie

[keith]: it

[raj]: for

[keith]: would never spoil

[raj]: but

[keith]: i will tell you this it is
got a ninety three

[raj]: oh

[keith]: per cent fresh rating rotten tomatoes from
fans that is not an easy thing to

[keith]: do and it's fresh from the review
obviously not as high but like even the

[keith]: critics have it in the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: in the fresh area and for a
third part a

[raj]: ah

[keith]: movie that was twenty five years like
with tired

[raj]: oh

[keith]: that's going to be hard to do
if you don't have a quality script in

[keith]: a quality performance

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and i will tell you i used
to think on the original

[raj]: oh

[keith]: man obviously these are first time actors
the are

[raj]: h oh

[keith]: you know or just like local actors

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i don't care if they're not super
talented i'm here for the story the dialogue

[keith]: all the other stuff um but like

[raj]: and you kind of want

[keith]: by

[raj]: o

[keith]: now they're

[raj]: you've

[keith]: better

[raj]: lived in that universe

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: before ursel

[keith]: seeing them now i appreciate their development

[raj]: oh

[keith]: as actors and the film makers have
you know like you would expect over

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: time getting better at their craft and
and you know kevin smith still has his

[keith]: voice ah

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and it was i

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: would recommend it i didn't really recommend
the second one to people but i'm actually

[keith]: recommending highly the third one because like
i said it's not just clerks it's clerks

[keith]: with a hat t h which is
really different again i

[raj]: and

[keith]: don't want to

[raj]: it's

[keith]: see the same thing all the time

[raj]: i seen characters that you've seen before
and you grew up with and so it's

[raj]: just like

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: just kind of being back in that
universe again so i'm definitely gonna i'm definitely

[raj]: going to watch him i watch it
pretty soon i actually did not know about

[raj]: the movie i did know about it
before you tested me

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: i'm a huge fan

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: quentntarantina so when he shows up

[keith]: oh

[raj]: on a podcast i'll listen to it
and they were talking about clerks three

[keith]: oh

[raj]: they didn't they didn't say that they
watched they were just saying that when kevin

[raj]: smith was filmy clerks three he got
very emotional so and i could see that

[raj]: you know just

[keith]: yep

[raj]: having the cast again and maybe filming
at similar locations and you know it could

[raj]: be emotional

[keith]: yeah i mean there's

[raj]: oh

[keith]: yeah there's a good amount of emotion
in it and you're not expecting it from

[keith]: a

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: clerk's movie which also makes it kind
of cool in the fact that they're not

[keith]: doing the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: same exact

[raj]: oh

[keith]: thing like they basically did in a
second one with just more money i don't

[keith]: need

[raj]: oh

[keith]: to see a donkey show like you
could you could allude to it you know

[keith]: like

[raj]: you know the thing with the donkey

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: though that did become a thing with
me and my friends because it was

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: like never been a huge fan but
i have friends that like to go to

[raj]: mexico and you know it's just more
freedom and it's just whatever goes it's like

[raj]: it's like a different version of vegas
like tana can be

[keith]: yep

[raj]: me one time we went we were
like oh let's go watch a donkey

[keith]: oh

[raj]: show because of the movie clerks too

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: was we never

[keith]: that's what

[raj]: watched

[keith]: you do

[raj]: a donkey

[keith]: in t

[raj]: show

[keith]: j i

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: never made it down there when i
lived in i feel okay about

[raj]: it's

[keith]: it

[raj]: usually i think you're fine

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: nothing

[keith]: i

[raj]: wrong

[keith]: feel

[raj]: with

[keith]: okay

[raj]: you wanted

[keith]: about

[raj]: though

[keith]: it

[raj]: it's very common for eight ten to
twenty years old to go to tana because

[raj]: it's like you can drink you know

[keith]: right

[raj]: and you can

[keith]: i was

[raj]: do

[keith]: twenty

[raj]: things

[keith]: five

[raj]: that

[keith]: when i moved out there so yeah
it was

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: a little different bibe

[raj]: you know what tone becomes less alluring
becomes less like you don't think about going

[raj]: once you turn twenty one but for
twenty one it was like let's go to

[raj]: tana

[keith]: oh

[raj]: so i do want to circle back
to kevin smith a little bit later and

[raj]: talk a little bit about his photography
i do have one other scene and then

[raj]: you can talk about some other scenes
that you also like but i like the

[raj]: um right after dante and randall had
a fight physical fight

[keith]: yep

[raj]: and then they still have an argument
at the end when you know dante

[keith]: no

[raj]: goes i shouldn't be even be here
this day and randall just

[keith]: it

[raj]: blows up and

[keith]: that's the real fight

[raj]: that's the real fight and the monologue
that randall has is really really good like

[raj]: i love it and i felt like
he was even talking to me yet i'm

[raj]: older now so i have a little
you know the pandemic because the pandemic i

[raj]: have a little different perspective trying to
think take things not too seriously any more

[raj]: but i loved his talk about like
you know dante takes his job too seriously

[raj]: you have a minimum wage job you're
not even that good at it and i

[raj]: think this could even apply for jobs
that are not minimum wage

[keith]: right

[raj]: and i feel a lot of people
even myself

[keith]: oh

[raj]: and i kind of looked back with
a little regret on how much i would

[raj]: just freak out over my job you
know and little things or just even not

[raj]: not just even things that didn't even
have to be my job and then i

[raj]: would just like stress out of bit
or always play the victim

[keith]: m

[raj]: and i thought randall's monologue was really
really good

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: and dante needed to hear that because

[keith]: yeah he needed

[raj]: randall

[keith]: to

[raj]: was right

[keith]: yeah that or get off the pot

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: the actual line and it

[raj]: oh

[keith]: is true dante was too

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: afraid of upsetting the apple cart of
his life kind of in any

[raj]: oh

[keith]: way ah

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: but this kind of like kicked him
in the in the butt

[raj]: m

[keith]: seems like

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: h h

[raj]: ah yeah

[keith]: as far as like other scenes it's
all like almost all one see that's what

[keith]: kind of kind of love about it
too you

[raj]: well

[keith]: know

[raj]: you

[keith]: i

[raj]: mentioned

[keith]: didn't

[raj]: the return the jet i and

[keith]: oh yeah

[raj]: you had i don't have like i've
watched a lot of movies but i feel

[raj]: like karentino and kevin smith like they
would talk about movies in the movies and

[keith]: yes

[raj]: i don't i think you see that
now a lot but i don't know if

[raj]: that happened before this movie and i

[keith]: right

[raj]: if that happened in the eighties in
the seventies and the sixties fifties forties where

[raj]: they just talk about other movies or
pop culture they just

[keith]: yes

[raj]: didn't

[keith]: reservoir

[raj]: do it

[keith]: dogs the madonna like a virgin

[raj]: oh

[keith]: conversation is

[raj]: oh

[keith]: like very close to me to what
the kind of conversations they're having

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: about star wars in this

[raj]: exactly

[keith]: movie

[raj]: and i think in

[keith]: and

[raj]: reservoir dogs they talk about a t
v show also and

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: when in the car ride

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: in old fiction they talk about t
v shows and kevin smith talks about return

[raj]: to ceti

[keith]: a

[raj]: and

[keith]: in ways that me and my nerve
friends would talk about it

[raj]: that's right

[keith]: ah and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and like the independent contractors i never
had that

[raj]: ye

[keith]: deep of a conversation but that was
the kind of stuff that i was like

[keith]: oh yeah dude

[raj]: oh

[keith]: who thinks like that even for you

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: that's really a good one you know

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and then having the construction person there
to say actually

[raj]: oh

[keith]: politics would come into play it was
pretty cool

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i'm not a super

[raj]: oh

[keith]: fan of the hockey scene only because

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: there's like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: ten feet of space out there there
there was really no way conceivably for anybody

[keith]: to do anything without smacking ten other
people with their stick or whatever

[raj]: and

[keith]: however

[raj]: how many people were up there

[keith]: exactly

[raj]: was

[keith]: and you never saw a wide because
you couldn't because it would reveal just how

[keith]: riou the goals were like ten feet
apart from each other or whatever

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: it was all tight shots and it
was all feet shots and action shots they

[keith]: made it work that's that's part of
the problem solving though they didn't have the

[keith]: money for another location the people

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: who

[raj]: oh

[keith]: owned the stores gave him the location
for free

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: so he used it as much as
he could

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and that's why they're up there and
so i'm okay with it but like

[raj]: and allowed them to play hockey because
dante was like we wait a minute do

[raj]: we have to play at the park

[keith]: yeah ah and i will say this

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: when the

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: asshole guy comes up to join him
because he's talking ship about dante and you

[keith]: know i didn't see it coming but
they're a roller blades and this guy isn't

[keith]: as soon

[raj]: yep

[keith]: as they face off he just pushes
them over

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: the other blades and knocks the ball

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: two blocks away into the sewer

[raj]: okay

[keith]: or whatever and he leaves and then
dante like gave

[raj]: oh

[keith]: me another ball and it's like nobody's
got another ball i only brought one i

[keith]: only brought one ship we only got
one ball or whatever and dante looks down

[keith]: over

[raj]: oh

[keith]: the edge down on the street he's
like hey you see any balls down there

[keith]: and you hear jago back yell about
the biggest pair you ever see

[raj]: oh

[keith]: dingle berry uh you know like it's

[raj]: ah

[keith]: fast forward

[raj]: dante

[keith]: like

[raj]: has a look of disgust on his

[keith]: right he's

[raj]: face

[keith]: done the game is over

[raj]: oh

[keith]: we got twelve minutes of a game
you know

[raj]: oh

[keith]: in l a i was in a

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i glass store whatever and brian hallo
dante walked in

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and you know i'm not that kind
of guy to

[raj]: eh

[keith]: like bother celebrities you know it happened
and they let you run

[raj]: oh

[keith]: cross woman you know it work or
at home stores like it just it just

[keith]: happened and you kind of let it
go or whatever but like sometimes it's just

[keith]: like a can't

[raj]: right

[keith]: let it go but i'm still not
gonna get

[raj]: oh

[keith]: into his space so like he was
about twenty feet away

[raj]: oh

[keith]: from me or something on the other
side of the counter other side like we

[keith]: weren't going to talk or whatever but
i just wanted to like appreciate him and

[keith]: have him hear it so i just
was like

[raj]: oh

[keith]: see any balls

[raj]: oh

[keith]: around down there

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: just just yelled it out in the
store and sure enough he picked his head

[keith]: up

[raj]: oh

[keith]: he didn't finish the line obviously but

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he just you know gave a nod
and a smile and i i just you

[keith]: know gave a nod myself like i'm
not going to approach

[raj]: m

[keith]: you just like that was cool you're

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and i'm going to leave now but
like i have a slice

[raj]: that's

[keith]: to see

[raj]: pretty

[keith]: dante

[raj]: cool though

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: getting a nod is pretty cool

[keith]: my wife was mortified she she would
never want me to talk to people

[raj]: oh

[keith]: but you know i really didn't

[raj]: oh

[keith]: unless it happened you i gave ship
to jeff ross

[raj]: oh

[keith]: one time because

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he was jeff rose and you he
gives ship so

[raj]: oh

[keith]: why would i not talk ship about
that as hole

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he came into a story i went
into was like oh baby

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: we'd better leave you know jeff ross
comes in this place a ship

[raj]: uh

[keith]: he laughed but not too super funny

[keith]: yeah but i mean interesting enough

[raj]: h

[keith]: nobody else

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: ever made anything out of their careers
except for j and and bob really i

[keith]: don't don't think it matters you know

[raj]: i don't think

[keith]: it

[raj]: it matters

[keith]: actually

[raj]: either

[keith]: helps

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: it actually helps to me like this
was this little microcosm of this group

[raj]: m

[keith]: and this time and then like people

[raj]: oh

[keith]: their ways and and they did

[raj]: oh

[keith]: god into acting that kate lyn

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: girl she he didn't act ever again

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and

[raj]: oh

[keith]: for some reason wouldn't be involved in
any of the anniversary

[raj]: eh

[keith]: things or whatever

[raj]: oh

[keith]: but like everybody just kind of did
this movie went on with their

[raj]: oh

[keith]: lives and we just have it for
our enjoyment now and

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: we don't see them but

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: we just get to have the recording
at any time we want

[raj]: hey so for the flaws i actually

[keith]: a

[raj]: you know

[keith]: a

[raj]: there's really no flaws for me i
thought this movie was just great sure

[keith]: what

[raj]: maybe the symotography could have been better
but you know if i had to choose

[raj]: like if you replaced the screen play
with a mediocre screen play with mediocre dialogue

[raj]: that doesn't sound real and replaces the
cenmetographer with like

[keith]: a non film student

[raj]: yeah or i was

[keith]: an

[raj]: saying like

[keith]: actual

[raj]: well well what i was saying yeah
what i was saying is like if you

[raj]: put it in a super like a
top level

[keith]: oh

[raj]: syphotographer but had a week

[keith]: the

[raj]: script the movie would not be good

[keith]: no

[raj]: and so like i don't really think
there's a flaws i did write like the

[raj]: hawk and the fighting sir they probably
could have cocoographed that better but

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: that's not really in the movie you

[keith]: right

[raj]: know

[keith]: i mean honestly when they're fighting in
the store

[raj]: oh

[keith]: destroying things

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i'm thinking of myself you know nowadays

[raj]: we

[keith]: what they were doing like every candy
bar they throw cost is going to cost

[keith]: them another fifty cents there's no

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: way they're going to destroy this whole
thing because

[raj]: ah

[keith]: they're gonna have to pay for the
stuff so when he

[raj]: that's

[keith]: does start

[raj]: funny

[keith]: throws

[raj]: you're

[keith]: im

[raj]: thinking

[keith]: like

[raj]: of that i was thinking it more
of the clean up not like in real

[raj]: life i was like man dante and
ran are have to clean up all that

[raj]: mess

[keith]: right or kevin because he works there
evan's going to

[raj]: and

[keith]: go to work

[raj]: in

[keith]: in

[raj]: real

[keith]: two hours

[raj]: life yes that's right

[keith]: it is actual job uh but yeah
like oh

[raj]: oh

[keith]: they're serious they're actually throwing food and

[raj]: a

[keith]: stuff like this is portant

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: uh to the scene because they're spending
money on breaking food

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: oh

[raj]: do you have any flaws in this
movie and it's

[keith]: ah

[raj]: it's all right if you don't

[keith]: i i try to think you know
i said like the hockey scene is a

[keith]: little weird for me physically but it
fits the tone and the movie

[raj]: yes

[keith]: way more than i have a problem
with the physical you know size limitations of

[keith]: them not ever being able to actually
swing a hockey stick up there without hitting

[keith]: everybody else it does i wouldn't call
it a fly but call it a

[raj]: oh

[keith]: necessary solution to a problem they didn't
have the money to go anywhere else and

[keith]: they wanted the scene it was it

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: was an important scene right he actually
is finally going to be derelict in his

[keith]: duties

[raj]: oh

[keith]: which is not dante

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: he's finally like you know what fucking
these guys have screwed me

[raj]: oh

[keith]: am going to close the store you
know so it was it was an important

[keith]: ne called a flaw you know because
it was i said it was a problem

[raj]: oh

[keith]: solved they didn't have the money

[raj]: oh

[keith]: go to a park and play hockey

[raj]: oh

[keith]: and it wouldn't have had the same
tone either

[raj]: oh

[keith]: because you know the people pissed off
downstairs you know

[raj]: oh

[keith]: trying to get

[raj]: oh

[keith]: in and you know the free gate
raids like it just all worked

[raj]: it all worked

[keith]: a

[raj]: i feel the same way about the
acting i thought the acting was really good

[raj]: i mean sure they

[keith]: my

[raj]: probably they didn't have the budget but
like yes

[keith]: yes

[raj]: like brandon fraser

[keith]: ah

[raj]: if he was in this movie or
eric stolt

[keith]: ah eh

[raj]: a lot better actors

[keith]: it

[raj]: than than probably the actors in this
movie but i don't know if they would

[keith]: ah

[raj]: have made it a better movie i
think it just wouldn't

[keith]: it

[raj]: have

[keith]: wouldn't

[raj]: given

[keith]: be believable

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: they're

[raj]: and like

[keith]: not

[raj]: the

[keith]: from

[raj]: face

[keith]: jersey

[raj]: not from jersey they're too good looking

[keith]: yea

[raj]: i just kind of like the faces
i love the

[keith]: he

[raj]: faces in this movie you know

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: they just felt real and

[keith]: these were his friends you could you
could kind

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: of tell it didn't matter

[raj]: ah yeah any acting

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: stand out in this movie i love
randall maybe it's just because i love the

[raj]: character

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: i like his voice i like i
like his dance

[keith]: i love his voice i love him
and and jade times bob obviously

[raj]: ah oh they're so great you know

[keith]: no

[raj]: if dante you were i didn't when
you were mentioning that with dante gets killed

[raj]: could you still have j and silent
ball i guess you could because

[keith]: yeah

[raj]: they didn't die but

[keith]: right but

[raj]: make

[keith]: you

[raj]: the

[keith]: couldn't

[raj]: universe

[keith]: have

[raj]: different

[keith]: right the universe would have been completely
different because dante

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: showed up in other ones that weren't
clerks as well

[raj]: yep

[keith]: right when they end they would bring
everybody to the j and silent bob strike

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: back or like have everybody cameo

[raj]: uh

[keith]: like all the cameos and all those
movies and everybody

[raj]: uh

[keith]: s crossing and crossing crossing

[raj]: uh

[keith]: ben

[raj]: oh

[keith]: atle plays himself and then he plays
the other guy and he plays the guy

[keith]: played all rats and play he played

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: chasing amy you know like it's just
it's fun like that because that's

[raj]: oh

[keith]: how the clerks started you know three
people played moser played three people

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and the guy gives the citation for
the girl little girl smoking is also

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: the guys in the ambulance like everybody
did multiple

[raj]: oh

[keith]: things then and like it fits later
that they're doing

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: multiple things later

[raj]: oh

[keith]: i'm actually

[raj]: oh

[keith]: looking forward to you watching clerks three

[raj]: i'm going to watch it i'm gonna
try to see if i could watch this

[raj]: week this week i got a couple
other pods scheduled up with some other hosts

[raj]: but after seeing the trailer i was
just like i got to latch it

[keith]: like the first one it's like a
bucking buck

[raj]: oh

[keith]: thirty book thirty five it's not a
long watch

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: you know it's like

[raj]: m

[keith]: it's in the

[raj]: oh

[keith]: sweet spot like if you're going to
go over an hour and forty out and

[keith]: forty five for me you better have

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: really compel in reason ah

[raj]: yeah

[keith]: and kevin doesn't do that

[raj]: no no actually one of the movies
but i did love this movie i'm a

[raj]: huge coresacy fan i'm actually doing shudder
island later

[keith]: oh

[raj]: this week

[keith]: good movie

[raj]: and and that's a movie that actually
liked better on

[keith]: oh

[raj]: the second

[keith]: oh

[raj]: and third time i've watched it but
it is a long movie but nicely with

[raj]: kevin smith movies are they're nice and
short they remind me of kind of lie

[raj]: wodyalen movies you know sometimes barely ninety

[keith]: right enjoyment

[raj]: so

[keith]: enjoyment leave them wanting more

Clerks (1994)
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