Scream (1996)
[raj]: all right scream nineteen ninety six so
i love this movie when it came out
[raj]: and i just watched a little bit
of it last night and then the rest
[raj]: of it this morning so it's fresh
on my mind and i still love this
[raj]: movie i still feel this movie holds
up um i don't watch a lot of
[raj]: horror movies i just don't care to
be scared and i can watch like violent
[raj]: movies bloody movies but and i don't
find those scary but like the cheap thrills
[raj]: that you get in a horror movie
that actually does scare me but i never
[raj]: really watched my parents never watched horror
movies and because of that i never watched
[raj]: movie as a kid or as a
teen ager but this movie is different i
[raj]: remember when he came out miramax produced
and mira max was like then now hot
[raj]: distributor production company of movies you had
tarantino movies coming out and so this movie
[raj]: was like park comedy and set in
high school and for the longest time and
[raj]: you probably know this nail um i
was a huge fan of high school movies
[raj]: um
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: it wasn't until i got to my
mid thirties that i stopped watching high school
[raj]: movies now i can't even watch high
school babies like i don't even care
[neil]: like you like you're like american pies
[raj]: american pie my god my dan wilder
you know just
[neil]: high
[raj]: like
[neil]: school
[raj]: any
[neil]: high
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: any of those like high school movies
i would
[neil]: first
[raj]: watch
[neil]: time it rich high right is the
[raj]: fast
[neil]: that kind
[raj]: times
[neil]: of
[raj]: ridge on high was an ultimate classic
we may have to put them in the
[raj]: list but
[neil]: a
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: city
[raj]: that came
[neil]: bus
[raj]: out of the early eighties
[neil]: at
[raj]: ferris fers buler
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: um you know i would even include
back to the future a little bit as
[raj]: a little bit high school team wolf
um but and even when i got into
[raj]: my twenties i could still watch like
these high school movies like i enjoyed them
[raj]: but then when i got to my
mid thirties i was like no i don't
[raj]: even know who these people are or
i'm old
[neil]: right
[raj]: but high school movies was like one
of my favorite genres or sub genre so
[raj]: when this movie came out like i
had to watch it i think came out
[raj]: during christmas so you know i was
off of school get the christmas brag and
[raj]: i would just probably watch movie in
the theater every day or every other day
[raj]: know
[neil]: right
[raj]: until i got back to go to
school and then even when i was at
[raj]: school i'd watch the movie in the
theaters on the weekend it was like like
[raj]: a big thing in my life and
so i actually thought the comedy in this
[raj]: movie was still funny i thought the
humor held up pretty well i didn't find
[raj]: the movie scary because i knew the
plot i knew who the killers were so
[neil]: well the funny thing about this movie
first off that
[raj]: ye
[neil]: i want to kind of introject
[raj]: go right ahead yeah
[neil]: get into it is m i'd made
a suggestion i was like oh you know
[neil]: halloween is coming up maybe we
[raj]: ah
[neil]: should watch a
[raj]: ah
[neil]: halloween movie and you know
[raj]: great
[neil]: i threw
[raj]: idea
[neil]: out the normal halloween
[raj]: m
[neil]: movies you know halloween night mare and
elm street you know those those types of
[neil]: like kind of you know the ones
that will make you jump out of your
[neil]: seat kind of a movie
[raj]: yes
[neil]: and then i don't know i just
like okay i'll just throw scream in there
[neil]: just for just to see you know
and then okay he's interested
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: in scream he's interested in scream and
i was like kind of kind of like
[neil]: a a low like like a can't
be halloween movie you know
[raj]: it's a
[neil]: like
[raj]: camp hollow it's like if
[neil]: er
[raj]: you
[neil]: movie i guess you could say not
not halloween movie but
[raj]: it was like a hot sauce ranking
like i chose the mild version
[neil]: you did choose the mildest of my
yes i mean i was happy to watch
[neil]: it again and re live
[raj]: oh
[neil]: a lot of the the stuff that
came through
[raj]: a
[neil]: but i hadn't seen it forever so
probably since since when i came out i
[neil]: mean it was for me i think
a one time watch i mean i enjoyed
[neil]: it i know they made like five
sequels afterwards but
[raj]: oh my gosh i think they may
have had a six one and you know
[raj]: i think you've got a better memory
than i do and i remember in the
[raj]: nineties and in the early two thousands
you and i my brother and sometime some
[raj]: other mutual friends like we watched a
lot of movies together
[neil]: sure
[raj]: on the theater did we watch this
together we were
[neil]: i
[raj]: we at different places at that time
[neil]: might have because it was
[raj]: yes
[neil]: it was kind of after after high
school so you know
[raj]: i want to say
[neil]: one of the time that we did
see this movie together
[raj]: i want to say because i saw
this movie actually twice i saw this
[neil]: m
[raj]: once in the legit theater and then
[neil]: hm
[raj]: you and i briefly crossed paths in
[neil]: right
[raj]: and i want to say that i
aw this because they call it sometimes the
[raj]: school will like i have a campus
[neil]: right
[raj]: now
[neil]: oh yeah
[raj]: and
[neil]: yeah they bring back this is
[raj]: and
[neil]: probably
[raj]: i want to say that you and
i both went and saw this
[neil]: could i could see that happening yes
[raj]: so yeah i did choose the mild
version of this movie comedy ganrammild horror genre
[neil]: yes but it's okay it's
[raj]: m
[neil]: it still still holds up i think
for the most part i mean
[raj]: oh
[neil]: it's entertaining
[raj]: oh
[neil]: and the you know it keeps you
kind of think it's a very like you
[neil]: know you're always the way they've kind
of integrated some of the dialogue in the
[neil]: movie like makes you want to play
along with
[raj]: it does
[neil]: with
[raj]: yeah and they have who done it
and they kind of really do play who
[raj]: done it i remember watching this in
the theater and if you watch the movie
[raj]: you already know who the killers are
but when you're first time watching it especially
[raj]: do you hear the crowd's reaction so
there's the scene with the principal played by
[raj]: henry winkler who who had a nice
little come back in the nineties you
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: know
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: ah i mean for for people they're
too young to remember that listening to this
[raj]: pod he played the fawns in happy
days which was a very popular t v
[raj]: show seventies and early eighties um but
he made it come back i think he
[raj]: was he played the coach and water
boy in
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: adam sadler movie which you and i
do remember watching that in a dollar
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: theater i
[neil]: hm
[raj]: think it was like five people in
the in the at the theater at the
[raj]: time when we watched it but be
got a great head but there's a scene
[raj]: where he's pulls out the scissors and
he's punishing interrogating like the two students that
[raj]: played a prank i'm playing ghost face
running through the halls
[neil]: right
[raj]: and i remember watching it in the
theater they were like oh he's the killer
[neil]: okay okay
[raj]: like the audience reacted
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: and so um but anyways like if
you notice like the ghost face killer either
[raj]: it's a killer or someone playing a
prank he shows up in the movie like
[raj]: every fifteen minutes like the pacings fast
[neil]: it's very fast it is you and
the one thing that happens in every scene
[neil]: where the killer appears as he gets
he gets like punched or something like like
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: he he gets like knocked down or
like it's it's
[raj]: he gets
[neil]: very
[raj]: beaten up
[neil]: yea he gets beaten up every scene
in some way but he seems to recover
[neil]: quite quickly
[raj]: yeah it seems like you know he's
like a cartoon character like
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: you know like a normal person a
normal guy gets hitting the nuts
[neil]: yes
[raj]: you could be on the ground for
ten minutes
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: but you know what he like he
gets hit in the nuts punched in the
[raj]: face falls down and gets up ten
seconds later
[neil]: right
[raj]: he's right back at it
[neil]: yeah yeah he's
[raj]: have you noticed like the balls on
the two guy or the ghost face like
[raj]: he'll go out killing in the daytime
you know you
[neil]: right
[raj]: you you like even shows up at
the like the liquor store you know you
[neil]: hm
[raj]: see him in the reflection you know
he's it's like the cops exist in this
[raj]: movie but the response time it's like
we in this this movie the movie rules
[raj]: the response time of the cops are
very slow
[neil]: small town america right that
[raj]: smoke
[neil]: didn't seem
[raj]: down
[neil]: like
[raj]: america
[neil]: didn't
[raj]: oh
[neil]: seem like they were in a big
[raj]: ah
[neil]: with a lot of police or
[raj]: m
[neil]: anything
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: it was just it david rquett for
the most part and then the chief of
[neil]: police too but
[raj]: m
[neil]: he seemed to play a really small
role movie and i
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: think david was i
[raj]: yah
[neil]: don't even know if i was related
to somebody
[raj]: yah
[neil]: like the
[raj]: patricia or cat so he's always known
as like the weird kind of brother like
[raj]: because rosanna our cat
[neil]: hm
[raj]: oh you talk about in the movie
the character
[neil]: the movie
[raj]: or the
[neil]: i didn't know if he had
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: like a family relation
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: to anybody but everybody
[raj]: right
[neil]: like just chat on him right
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: like they all were just like he
was the guy that just didn't succeed in
[neil]: life and became the local deputy
[raj]: which is ich happens in real life
sometimes you know you get the
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: like you know you couldn't get into
college or got into just a community school
[raj]: and don't know where to go and
you jutsid you know what i'm going to
[raj]: be a cop
[neil]: yeah i'm never leaving this town
[raj]: yeah and it seemed like his character
which is due
[neil]: hm
[raj]: and right from the beginning like you
know he lives at home you know that
[raj]: his little sister soon everybody laughs at
him so he probably was kind of like
[raj]: the the nord or you know just
not the popular guy in school and
[neil]: right
[raj]: now he's the cop now he's the
[neil]: yeah now he's
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: he's in charge or at least so
he thinks he is
[raj]: but they had a nice art for
him one they don't kill him
[neil]: no
[raj]: so he survives and he you know
at first obviously courtney cox character gale weather's
[raj]: um and we can talk a little
bit about more of her because she had
[raj]: a researghent well she got castin and
friends but well get to do that though
[raj]: but at first she was kind of
like going up to do to try to
[raj]: get a lead try to get a
[neil]: right
[raj]: she actually she eventually falls for him
finds him kind
[neil]: right
[raj]: of sweet
[neil]: interesting thing i noticed about corny cox
is in every scene she has a different
[neil]: hair color
[raj]: i didn't even notice that that's a
great catch
[neil]: yeah her hair yeah changes color in
every scene
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: that she's in when she's like whether
it's like you whatever the next day or
[neil]: whatever like one time it's burnet one
time it's red and it's black one time
[neil]: it's like somewhat of a dirty blond
[raj]: he's still
[neil]: ah
[raj]: trying to find that luck
[neil]: yeah well i think it was like
yeah just she's just out there like reporter
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: just wants to see what works best
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: for her i guess i don't
[raj]: oh
[neil]: know it might have been something that
they decided to do just to kind of
[neil]: like just give her character a little
bit more kind of um depth
[raj]: yeah you know another thing about this
movie were mentioned a little bit about the
[raj]: dialogue and you know i never really
watched maori movies but like i've heard the
[raj]: criticism of horror movies it's like wait
a minute why would you walk outside when
[raj]: it's pitch black dark and you hear
the sounds why would you go into the
[raj]: garage or into the cellar you know
are you crazy and this movie addresses that
[raj]: you know actually kind of makes fun
of that and it's like wait
[neil]: it's fun when you're in the theater
right they're like
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: no no no no no you know
[raj]: that's
[neil]: just
[raj]: right
[neil]: like don't go in that i yeah
[raj]: and that's the thing with horror movies
it's kind of fun to watch with other
[raj]: people like that but this movie kind
of like so ware of that
[neil]: yes
[raj]: even west craven takes a shot of
himself the director of this movie who directed
[raj]: the night bar in elm street and
he even mentioned that in the being he
[raj]: movie and i think barry's more character
she says that like oh i love the
[raj]: first one but the other ones were
just horrible
[neil]: isn't it weird how she takes the
turn of like not wanting to speak to
[neil]: the guy and then after like the
third or fourth call she's pretty much like
[neil]: giving her life store to this his
voice on the phone it's it was comical
[neil]: to me just you know just the
popcorn obviously like catching on fire
[raj]: yeah and
[neil]: like
[raj]: then she she she even lies about
not having a boy friend and then saying
[raj]: that she has a boy friend it's
like it's like she wanted to talk
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: oh
[neil]: yeah sure like in the fact that
he shows up immediately i know you're lying
[raj]: you know i remember when this movie
came out like that role is considered like
[raj]: was considered like a cameo
[neil]: yes
[raj]: and you know drew barrymore was already
i would say her and courtney cox were
[raj]: probably a lot more established than the
other actresses like the other actresses and actors
[neil]: net camel was just what melrose place
or something
[raj]: ah
[neil]: like that i think was what she
was known for at the time
[raj]: wow no there wasn't my wife and
now there's there's like another show ah it
[raj]: was had nev campbell and another girl
that was in another horror movie the year
[raj]: after i forget what it was called
but yeah i think maybe melrose place i
[raj]: think there was another like um m
party of five
[neil]: okay okay
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: maybe it was party of five and
[raj]: i
[neil]: not
[raj]: think it's party of five you know
it's i never watched i never watched those
[raj]: types of t v shows i mean
i watched t v in the nineties for
[raj]: sure i was more
[neil]: hm
[raj]: sign feld um watching those like half
hour said coms opposed to more serious stuff
[raj]: but yeah
[neil]: right
[raj]: like a lot
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: of the actors
[neil]: five you're right yeah
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: it's party of five
[raj]: a lot of the actors and actresses
in this movie with exception of drew barrymore
[raj]: and courtney cox were kind of just
starting out you know this
[neil]: yes
[raj]: movie was kind of like a start
for everybody yeah
[neil]: hm yeah that's for sure
[raj]: oh
[neil]: there's there's a few faces i mean
yeah i've seen in some bigger movies like
[neil]: the guy who plays stewart um m
and in the movie he's one of the
[neil]: killers the taller the taller
[raj]: matthew
[neil]: friend
[raj]: lord yeah
[neil]: yeah he was in one of my
favorite movies hackers like you know so that
[neil]: that was really kind of fun to
see him i mean i i honestly didn't
[neil]: remember a lot like i mean i
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: like i didn't watch
[raj]: okay
[neil]: a lot of sketolrich movies
[raj]: oh
[neil]: but you know he
[raj]: neither have i
[neil]: obviously
[raj]: matthew lyra was also in well you
know you tlkidgabot one of my favorite movies
[raj]: like i actually like serial mom i
don't now i yu'vever seen it is like
[raj]: a
[neil]: i've seen it
[raj]: can't be kathleen turner movie but he's
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: that movie and then i was never
a big fan about matthew lard but i
[raj]: liked him as scraggy in scooby
[neil]: hm
[raj]: dod i thought was i rembrwhen the
movie came out like
[neil]: he was shaggy
[raj]: he was
[neil]: shag
[raj]: shaggy yeah i mean
[neil]: yeah yeah yeah
[raj]: and he was great and shaky
[neil]: men
[raj]: and that movie was actually wasn't so
bad i mean the movie that movie was
[raj]: very campy um skeet olridge i do
recall the actor's name
[neil]: i mean he didn't really have much
like movie wise after this like i mean
[neil]: he was in he had like a
small role and as good as it gets
[neil]: and but then he primarily did t
v after
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: that like show called jericho and
[raj]: ye
[neil]: i think he was on like
[raj]: m
[neil]: law and order a couple of times
like just for like a small run but
[raj]: oh my gosh law and order gets
[neil]: everybody is put in in order it's
it's writers passage
[raj]: hey you know you get good get
good residuals
[neil]: true
[raj]: oh
[neil]: true
[raj]: h
[neil]: plays a lot
[raj]: h
[neil]: so back to the movie
[raj]: yeah so you know what i actually
want to go to the favorite scene so
[raj]: you know what
[neil]: oh
[raj]: video stories are done now
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: and it's it's um it's sad because
i spend so much of my life in
[raj]: a video store um
[neil]: hm
[raj]: you know you go to a video
store and you spend sometimes forty five minutes
[raj]: they're looking for a film and you
finally walk out with one and it was
[raj]: like it's like a your only way
like if it wasn't in the theaters you
[raj]: go to the video store um and
they had a video store scene in the
[raj]: movie and
[neil]: right
[raj]: it made me smile when i saw
it and was packed there was everybody there
[neil]: yeah yeah like yeah people were waiting
for movies to get checked in so that
[neil]: they could check them out for friday
evening like it was yeah it was it
[neil]: was always a zoo on fridays just
trying to get some and for the weekend
[raj]: yea and it was kind of like
a big deal i feel like with streaming
[raj]: movies we kind of take it for
certain you know for certain like it's like
[raj]: let's see you watch a movie you
have netflix or h b and oh i
[raj]: seen this movie and you watch it
and you like fifteen minutes and you're like
[raj]: you know whatever turn it off or
you may watch it over a span of
[raj]: three days or four days or even
a week but when you went to the
[raj]: video store it was kind of like
a big deal like you go to the
[raj]: video store look for a movie come
home and then you would watch the movie
[neil]: right
[raj]: and you know we didn't have cell
phones back then or you know or very
[raj]: few people had cell phones in the
mid nineties and so you were less distracted
[raj]: you would you pop in a sad
or the d v d at like seven
[raj]: p m or eight p m and
[neil]: hm
[raj]: you'd watch the movie all the way
to ted
[neil]: right
[raj]: and it just like i kind of
missed those times and so i thought that
[raj]: scene was great you know it just
like it just kind of reminded me of
[raj]: the old days and i know i'm
sing like an old guy it's like well
[raj]: you know back when i was young
we had this
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: oh
[neil]: i mean i had some i had
favorite moments in the movie i mean the
[neil]: party obviously was really great um but
the part of the like i always like
[neil]: you know how you're just you're thinking
about who's going to go next i guess
[neil]: is the best because you know this
is a horror movie right people have to
[neil]: die
[raj]: yep
[neil]: and i was just waiting
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: for courtney cox is camera man and
you know he's sitting in the
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: van you know watching through the planted
camera at the party and i'm just thinking
[neil]: okay when is this guy going to
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: and he was yeah yeah it's just
just waiting and anticipating for that to happen
[neil]: was my my favorite part
[raj]: well they didn't mention it though they
did mention a little bit about it and
[raj]: i don't know they would but one
of the movie rules is like it's different
[raj]: now but i would say in the
ninety every move made in the nineties and
[raj]: before the the chubby of the overweight
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: was dion movie
[neil]: they got more blood to give to
the floor
[raj]: they got more blood to give
[neil]: oh
[raj]: on the floor and it's you know
there's hollywood always shown and the same thing
[raj]: with magazine and even on t v
is shown like an unrealistic view of the
[raj]: world like everybody is good looking everybody's
skinny and
[neil]: hm
[raj]: usually the chubby guys kind of like
the character actor um and usually ends up
[raj]: getting made fun of or gets killed
and this rule this movie played by the
[raj]: rules
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: he got killed
[neil]: yeah for sure
[raj]: and you know he wasn't even really
that fat and courtney cox he even makes
[raj]: a mention but was like i know
you're fifty pounds over weight but when
[neil]: hm
[raj]: i say move you better run you
better move your ass and
[neil]: oh
[raj]: it
[neil]: it's
[raj]: was like
[neil]: a camera yeah
[raj]: um and i think it's kind of
good now and i wonder if a line
[raj]: like that would not be would be
written differently now
[neil]: yeah yeah i
[raj]: i mean
[neil]: think
[raj]: we've got a little more sensitive but
in some ways it can be a good
[raj]: thing but but really he really wasn't
even that big
[neil]: no no he wasn't he wasn't but
he was just he was a character that
[neil]: could go and it wouldn't
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: really affect the story line that much
[raj]: ah and it seems like you know
the other thing i noticed is this was
[raj]: a town where life kind of moves
on like a
[neil]: m
[raj]: kid dies and you know a ten
anger dies and keelhavclasses the next day and
[raj]: people just kind
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: of move on
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: i've just like noticing that was just
like wow this is just this town is
[raj]: resilient
[neil]: it yeah there's not a sense of
concern for anything
[raj]: no or it seems like man does
there's no sense of like really community here
[raj]: like there's just no one crying and
i mean it'd be a different movie if
[raj]: you made it like that
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: oh
[neil]: it seems like it was more about
a click in high school than about the
[neil]: other kids outside of that click right
[raj]: yep
[neil]: we didn't really see the yeah the
different levels of school like we stuck pretty
[neil]: much to the one group of students
we didn't really venture outside except for those
[neil]: two guys around being idiots in the
hallway and also in the bathroom scene with
[neil]: the cheer leaders so i don't think
[raj]: a
[neil]: nat campbell
[raj]: oh
[neil]: or even her friends like associated with
that kind of jock cheer leader crowd but
[neil]: they kind of had their own
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: because they were smarter
[raj]: right
[neil]: i mean they seemed like more of
a smarter group
[raj]: yep
[neil]: at least jamie kennedy was you know
worked in a video store he very well
[neil]: very well versed with with
[raj]: oh
[neil]: everything and obviously probably
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: a product working in the video
[raj]: oh
[neil]: store but they seemed
[raj]: right
[neil]: a lot smarter
[raj]: oh
[neil]: than the other kids
[raj]: oh
[neil]: at least in the school that we
did see
[raj]: hey so speaking about the two killers
so stew and billy um
[neil]: hm
[raj]: forgetting about like you know when we
find out that they're killers but like in
[raj]: the beginning move they were kind of
like the a little too cool for school
[neil]: sure
[raj]: um did you know any of those
[neil]: they
[raj]: because
[neil]: re more
[raj]: i
[neil]: like
[raj]: knew
[neil]: revels they felt like more rebel like
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: did you know any of those types
of like i knew some of those type
[raj]: of guys in high school and even
a little bit in college when i went
[raj]: to u s c i hung out
with a different crowd i didn't get to
[raj]: see those type of but it was
like watching that was like oh i've seen
[raj]: these assholes before
[neil]: yeah i mean they were on a
path right like
[raj]: we're
[neil]: they
[raj]: on a path
[neil]: they decided this is the way i'm
going to live my life it's
[raj]: ah
[neil]: like yeah it's almost with no regard
for anything else but what they are interested
[neil]: in like they say
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: it's like what they want is what's
important and that's about it they didn't really
[neil]: care about anybody else's needs
[raj]: no it's also been a while since
i've liked i've seen like so you know
[raj]: relieve revealing a little bit about myself
if i work in it so like um
[raj]: and you used to work in it
so you kind of know
[neil]: m
[raj]: the crowd there it's little more introvert
people keep to them elves
[neil]: sure
[raj]: um a lot of minorities so you
don't get a lot of like in your
[raj]: face type of people
[neil]: hm
[raj]: and so i haven't been exposed to
these like in your face type of people
[raj]: in a while so just i'm watching
this movie and seeing how billy and stew
[raj]: act i was like yeah those guys
exist i just been a while i've been
[raj]: around those guys
[neil]: just an example of like billy and
[raj]: it
[neil]: yeah what's her name net campbell's
[raj]: sydney
[neil]: tiny right so like she just almost
gets killed and they meet like in the
[neil]: in the hallway at school and he's
like are you going to just always be
[neil]: upset with me like he like he
just cares about himself right he he's not
[neil]: very emotional for her like or worried
i mean he might be
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: he was off the upset
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: that you know he sent her to
the police in the first place she was
[neil]: right to do that but
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: at the time we don't we don't
know that if you haven't seen it and
[neil]: uh so it just he seems a
little selfish
[raj]: he does and i just kind of
wrote it off was like well that's kind
[raj]: of his character in the movie but
it was like he didn't yeah he didn't
[raj]: doesn't seem to understand sydney's point of
view you know sydney being scared with his
[raj]: mom died horrifically the year before
[neil]: m hm
[raj]: and then him just magically showing up
[neil]: okay
[raj]: after ghost face showed up i mean
[neil]: who's to say which ghost face it
was right because
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: it was two of them so
[raj]: but but we we as the audience
and sydney especially did not know that at
[raj]: the time
[neil]: do you find it odd that billy
and the other guy stewart stewart
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: were like of varying heights like
[raj]: oh
[neil]: you i mean like did you ever
think about oh well that
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: that killer looked shorter than this one
[raj]: oh
[neil]: like i almost always thought it was
the tall killer all the time i always
[neil]: thought it was stewart most of the
[raj]: oh
[neil]: just based on kind of how he
kind of like moved around
[raj]: ah
[neil]: like he was kind of lanky you
know just kind of like just it was
[neil]: comical
[raj]: m
[neil]: the way
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: he he moved from room to room
and i felt like stewart's character was more
[neil]: loose in his bodily movement than than
billy who seemed a lot more stiff
[raj]: yep
[neil]: everything so i you know again like
i don't know how they dived up the
[neil]: say but the killer to me always
looked tall in some way yeah
[raj]: yeah you know i actually
[neil]: oh
[raj]: they don't really get into that because
you never
[neil]: don't
[raj]: really
[neil]: they don't
[raj]: you
[neil]: know
[raj]: never see them get unmasked the only
time you get to see him get unmasked
[raj]: is when um drew
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: barry more's casey casey in the beginning
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: see it it's like off camera but
[neil]: right
[raj]: pulls the mask and then goes face
and finally kills
[raj]: so yeah they don't really get into
that my guest i guess they had to
[raj]: switch because there are scenes where like
you know
[neil]: they're there and the other one's not
yeah i know i
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: get that but every time i saw
ghosts face he was he had some stature
[neil]: to him the
[raj]: well
[neil]: other
[raj]: you know getting behind
[neil]: for
[raj]: the removing the movie magic ghost face
was probably played by an unnamed actor
[neil]: sure of
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: course why would they put talent to
do anything with mask on why let's put
[neil]: a let's put stuff double in there
[raj]: unless you're like tom cribs you know
[neil]: m
[raj]: you get
[neil]: want
[raj]: a stunt
[neil]: to
[raj]: double
[neil]: yeah the other thing too which uh
i don't know if we're going to get
[neil]: into flaws later but i'm going to
[raj]: you can bring it up right now
go right ahead
[neil]: so my biggest flaw was i know
when they when they had the voice changers
[neil]: and they were exposing themselves at the
end neither of them sounded like ghosts face
[neil]: and
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: you know only after seeing the credits
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: i realize that they at another actor
cast just to do the phone voice
[raj]: i did
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: not notice that i noticed that would
skeet like billy i was like
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: no no billy's not
[neil]: what
[raj]: ghost face but i kind of thought
maybe ste
[neil]: no
[raj]: so
[neil]: it
[raj]: no
[neil]: was i mean it was a different
it was a voice cast guy just to
[neil]: do that so it really kind of
like i was a little disappointed in that
[neil]: sense like they didn't really now there's
so many disconnected pieces to this character you
[neil]: know i had issue with as far
as the who was under the mask and
[neil]: the voice because those are big roles
the voice
[raj]: oh
[neil]: was the role right i mean there
was the killing and everything but that's
[raj]: m
[neil]: how we got to know
[raj]: oh
[neil]: s face as through the phone calls
[raj]: i don't think west craven i think
he's a fine director but i don't
[neil]: hm
[raj]: think he's that type of director where
he was like all those details need to
[raj]: be right
[neil]: oh of
[raj]: where
[neil]: course
[raj]: where
[neil]: no we're
[raj]: there are some other directors that are
just like
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: wait no no no we're going to
have to get this right
[neil]: sure fair
[raj]: so
[neil]: and it's a horror movie right so
it's not even it's
[raj]: oh
[neil]: not about those fine details
[raj]: yah
[neil]: is more about
[raj]: and comedy
[neil]: they fill
[raj]: too
[neil]: yeah and the comedy and they hit
all that just sometimes
[raj]: oh
[neil]: were where we can be a little
bit more specific and poke holes at it
[neil]: you know after the fact but in
the in the grand game of things it
[neil]: probably didn't matter that much to the
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: i actually enjoy david arcas character due
[neil]: sure you root for him
[raj]: you root for him i even thought
it was i thought it was hilarious and
[raj]: i remember even in the movie the
audience was laughing too when it was a
[raj]: scene where him and the sheriff standing
next to each other and
[neil]: m
[raj]: the sheriff smoking a cigarette doe's eating
ice cream
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: and not you know he's not eating
like chocolate or he's even like a strawberry
[raj]: ice cream
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: and so you know it just thought
that team was just hilarious it was just
[raj]: and he's a sweet character and they
saved him
[neil]: right yeah
[raj]: um so yeah those are in terms
of flaws you already hit one of
[raj]: actually going back to the dialogue not
so which is a flaw you know i
[raj]: kept thinking about like i wonder if
quin terantino who came out with reservoir dogs
[raj]: in nineteen ninety one and pulp fiction
in nineteen ninety four before this movie he
[raj]: kind of like spawn that kind of
lie we're allowed to talk about pop culture
[raj]: in a movie um
[neil]: okay
[raj]: now queen tarantino most of his pop
culture is from the seventies so
[neil]: right
[raj]: if you watch like paul fiction and
you watched resover dogs he's talking about t
[raj]: v shows and movies made in the
seventies and the six es
[neil]: right
[raj]: um and i feel that kind of
like span like a whole wave of movies
[raj]: in the nineties where you could talk
about other movies or other t v shows
[raj]: in the movie
[neil]: hm
[raj]: itself and in this movie obviously i
think the writer his name is kevin williamson
[raj]: and we could talk a little bit
about it and i think he wrote very
[raj]: popular t v show he was a
show runner for dawson's creek
[neil]: oh yeah
[raj]: okay
[neil]: another ten
[raj]: another team
[neil]: coming
[raj]: and
[neil]: of age
[raj]: another t v show that i did
not watch because i tended to watch more
[raj]: comedies i didn't watch the dramas and
[neil]: right
[raj]: was what was it on like on
c w i
[neil]: yes
[raj]: never watched c w
[neil]: w yeah
[raj]: i was a
[neil]: and beak
[raj]: yeah that's right you know i was
an n b c in a fox guy
[neil]: yep
[raj]: you know it's back then you you
were like you know we're a c vs
[raj]: house or you know you know you
had a channel
[neil]: hm
[raj]: and so
[neil]: fox more edgy
[raj]: fox was more edgy they had
[neil]: or
[raj]: the simpsons and what was that kind
of like it was like a family t
[raj]: v show but they were like i
rated our family they weren't
[neil]: parry
[raj]: like
[neil]: or children
[raj]: yes married with children
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: and
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: then you have the x files which
i think was probably like the big hit
[raj]: that fox needed to now become
[neil]: hm
[raj]: like now fox is considered like a
main stream channel
[neil]: sure
[raj]: but yeah like the dialogue i think
now when you watch movies now it's like
[raj]: you're going to find dialogue like that
but i still feel like the dialogue in
[raj]: this movie was like the movie is
very self aware that
[neil]: hm
[raj]: it's a whole a movie and they
brought up and i just like how they
[raj]: brought up other movies right from the
beginning they talk about like oh let's rent
[raj]: a tom crews movie or they kept
[neil]: hm
[raj]: talking about halloween and jamie le is
[neil]: yeah
[neil]: yeah it makes it relatable right when
you do stuff like that
[raj]: and also you know not to get
too crass you know this was in the
[raj]: early days of the internet you know
now it's a different world now you've got
[raj]: high speed internet and new tiding movie
was not like a big it's not a
[raj]: big deal anymore i mean you got
[neil]: hm
[raj]: poor any time you want you know
[neil]: sure
[raj]: you get it for free or you
could pay very cheap to get it but
[raj]: like back when we were in the
d you know nudity the movies that was
[raj]: a big deal you know
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: it's like oh she
[neil]: right
[raj]: gets need and
[neil]: i was
[raj]: they bring it up in this movie
[neil]: well the thing was was
[raj]: yes
[neil]: that this movie carries an r rating
and it doesn't carry an r rating because
[neil]: of nudity it carries an r rating
probably because of the murder and the man
[neil]: of blood and but if this movie
was to be made now i think it'd
[neil]: be p g third team
[raj]: i think so too yeah
[neil]: if it was released in the same
form that it is as it was then
[neil]: yeah pg thirteen like i was like
you know maybe my my my daughter who's
[neil]: she's twelve i was like you know
maybe she'd want to watch this with me
[neil]: and then i looked at the rating
and i'm like okay let me let me
[neil]: move on but then i watched it
and i
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: said no it's not that bad you
know there's just you know some
[raj]: oh
[neil]: some stuff here and there but
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: but i don't know i think like
today's kids have been exposed to more than
[neil]: this in an hour movie like it's
got to be a little bit more crazier
[neil]: now i think to get that r
rating i think movies
[raj]: ah
[neil]: like kind of work
[raj]: oh
[neil]: towards that
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: you know when they just did
[raj]: yes
[neil]: give it that sense
[raj]: oh
[neil]: of ah like they've added all that
they've checked marked all the boxes to get
[neil]: that r rating well where this was
like oh yeah you just see some blood
[neil]: you're goin to
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: be p g thirteen o
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: yeah i think it's a little bit
more defined now also also i think senhor
[raj]: movies like this movie it was a
mild r and like even
[neil]: yeah it was a very mild art
just like it was a mild horror movie
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: that's right
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: like
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: they don't really show i'm trying to
think do they show any like actual penetration
[raj]: with the knife
[neil]: not really
[raj]: not really
[neil]: really it's more like knife close to
body cut away come back blood on shirt
[neil]: you know
[raj]: yep
[neil]: kind of it seems to be
[raj]: and i think they wanted to bring
in some of the teen ager crowd i
[raj]: mean i mean sure you and i
have done it before you know we've stuck
[raj]: in the movies you you buy a
ticket for a p g movie or a
[raj]: p g the team movie and you
sneak right in into the rated r movie
[raj]: you know so
[neil]: yes i
[raj]: i think uh maybe that was kind
of like what they were kind of going
[raj]: for there now this is not a
flaw really but it just so at the
[raj]: ending towards the climax
[neil]: m
[raj]: now that sydney
[neil]: m
[raj]: has got the upper hand she steals
the phone and
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: and yeah and the little voice thing
and so now she's calling and billy picks
[raj]: up and so now bill is looking
for sydney and then when sydney comes out
[raj]: of the closet dressed his ghost face
i was
[neil]: yep
[raj]: like okay that's a little much i
mean there's
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: no reason he needs address its ghost
ice is not like ghost face gives you
[raj]: any special powers like
[neil]: wasn't
[raj]: why
[neil]: she
[raj]: do you have to put on that
[neil]: wasn't she
[raj]: oh
[neil]: dramatized enough by having
[raj]: and
[neil]: by having a chase her all around
the entire movie
[raj]: and do you want to money the
whole like thing for the cops even more
[raj]: you know it's like wait maybe sydney
is the true you know master mind behind
[raj]: all this
[neil]: right
[raj]: and it was just like not like
a fly on the movie and technical flaw
[raj]: but just like is she thinking
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: so hey i don't know if you
noticed i don't know i you had any
[raj]: other like scenes you wanted to talk
about i wanted to talk a little bit
[raj]: about the directing a little bit
[neil]: go for it
[raj]: so did you notice the color and
i wasn't sure if it was the way
[raj]: my t v was set up i
even checked the settings and i was like
[raj]: i wonder if my daughter or my
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: changed the t v settings um to
know how i like it but they didn't
[raj]: and i was like the color in
this movie is very bright yeah
[neil]: yeah i mean it's it's not very
it's not a very dark movie
[raj]: no
[neil]: the way that no no for sure
i can't
[raj]: and
[neil]: agree
[raj]: and it might be because you know
i've been watching a lot of older movies
[raj]: especially movies in the seventies in the
movies in the seventies the lighting was just
[raj]: dark and the film was very grainy
which i actually am a fan of
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: um
[neil]: this
[raj]: but
[neil]: is
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: very
[raj]: this movie
[neil]: well
[raj]: was bright and
[neil]: in the
[raj]: i wonder if that was yeah i
wonder if that was a choice by west
[raj]: craven and some of the other producers
to to kind of like make it very
[raj]: very bright like just colors stand out
[neil]: yeah yeah it definitely gave it a
[raj]: ah
[neil]: that's kind of different from regular horror
movies but it kind of it kind of
[neil]: what it did is it took the
high school the daytime high school kind of
[neil]: feel to it and it just applied
it to night by the way that they
[neil]: live
[raj]: yeah no and it makes sense because
high school movies are you know if you're
[raj]: making a comedy you know you don't
you're not going to want like a dark
[raj]: like a
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: dark lighting and stuff comedies tend to
be the rooms are lip bright and it's
[raj]: just like the color even off the
skin tones i found very bright
[neil]: hm
[raj]: throughout the whole movie um he other
thing i noticed you know i used to
[raj]: notice a lot more when i was
younger i'm still a film fan like a
[raj]: big big big film but like my
mind was a lot sharper when i was
[raj]: younger so i would notice a lot
more of the camera movements and the edits
[raj]: and the cuts and the camera angles
more so than i do now now i
[raj]: just kind of just watch the movie
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: but one thing i notice is and
wes craven is not really known for you
[raj]: know tracking shots like score size or
or depamaorspelburg is but like i've noticed that
[raj]: he does a lot of like the
camera was stopped with start like on like
[raj]: like a like a second floor level
and then it would pan down
[neil]: right
[raj]: and it was just like there must
have been like a dozen seeds in the
[raj]: movie where he would do that it
was kind of like that's his thing you
[raj]: know have the camera start off high
and then slowly pan down
[neil]: one thing i don't know if it
was weird it was weird to me but
[neil]: maybe it was you know thought out
but like there was a couple of scenes
[neil]: like one example is when the school
bus pulls up that it's actually tilted it
[neil]: looks like it's going
[raj]: oh
[neil]: to crash the way that they have
the camera framed and i mean and and
[neil]: sydney's house was on top of a
hill so they easily kind of just manipulated
[neil]: the camera little bit but it looked
like it was gonna it was gonna crash
[neil]: it was slanted
[raj]: oh
[neil]: down and there
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: was another
[raj]: oh
[neil]: scene i think might maybe it might
have been with it news van
[raj]: yah
[neil]: at one point where they show
[raj]: yah
[neil]: the news van and it's in that
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: sort of positioning where it's just
[raj]: ye
[neil]: not straight
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: it's very crooked
[raj]: yeah ye
[neil]: so i didn't know if that was
just a personal choice or they just didn't
[neil]: level the tripod when they were whatever
[raj]: i'm gonna go with a personal
[neil]: i think
[raj]: choice
[neil]: it was
[raj]: but
[neil]: exposed
[raj]: you never know though you know
[neil]: i think it was i think it
was a choice that i mean it made
[neil]: things awkward i think is what what
they were going for just to like nothing
[neil]: was normal in the town so yeah
[raj]: so i don't have much else to
add to this movie you know i do
[raj]: want to say that i thought ned
campbell sydney's character was quite good i also
[raj]: like she's quite physical i don't know
have to use the stunt double but she
[raj]: can fight
[neil]: yeah yeah
[raj]: and you know they don't really mention
that in the movie there's no back story
[raj]: about like her like taking martial arts
class or being some sort of athlete is
[raj]: it just she can fight she
[neil]: it might
[raj]: can
[neil]: have
[raj]: move
[neil]: been related
[raj]: she can
[neil]: to the
[raj]: escape
[neil]: fact that it might have been related
back to the fact that her mother was
[neil]: supposedly raped and murdered in
[raj]: it
[neil]: the past so she might have take
it upon yourself to take some self defense
[neil]: course or something like that
[raj]: totally makes sense um you know
[neil]: those details are left out right you
just kind
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: of
[raj]: but i thought it was kind of
cool that she could fight i don't watch
[raj]: a lot of horror movies but like
all the girls with exception of
[raj]: i think drew barrymore's character so even
like um tatem sydney
[neil]: m
[raj]: sydney's friend they all
[neil]: hm
[raj]: kind of like fight back
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: and uh that's kind of cool
[raj]: i
[neil]: the male dominated roles right where fighting
is happening so it's nice
[raj]: well
[neil]: to see that
[raj]: yeah it's nice to see i mean
this was in the nineties so i think
[raj]: you're starting you were starting to see
a little bit of that turning like you
[raj]: know i'm a big fan of the
movie of the seventies and the f mal
[raj]: roles in the seventies were just just
[neil]: yes ye
[raj]: the sexual politics back then and the
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: the female roles where they were it
was just different a different time back then
[neil]: yes
[raj]: um oh you know you're right about
the voice of ghost face i just i
[raj]: have the lickapedi i like to have
the lickapedia pa so i can see the
[raj]: cast members
[neil]: right
[raj]: and you're right
[neil]: yeah yeah that's i mean i guess
[raj]: oh
[neil]: it's just it's like the dark vater
thing right like different actor played his face
[neil]: james rill jones did the voice so
when we eventually see him
[raj]: yeah all right well i don't oh
you know what there is i do have
[raj]: one thing to add and then i
don't really have much else to say but
[raj]: the janitor so when
[neil]: oh right when
[raj]: so i was like when they showed
the janitor and the janitor was like a
[raj]: little bit creepy and i was just
like well you know it just hits on
[raj]: the creepy janitor but that was actually
played by west craven
[neil]: oh
[raj]: so he does little like a hitchcock
in the movie where
[neil]: cameookay
[raj]: he shows up yeah but
[neil]: look like greepybag
[raj]: he looked really creepy and there's
[neil]: that's
[raj]: something
[neil]: a
[raj]: about
[neil]: date up
[raj]: the yeah there's something about the janitor
like in high school movies there either
[neil]: hm
[raj]: the creepy one and or the wisest
person in all of school like they'll come
[raj]: they'll say some sort of wisdom to
the hero was like
[neil]: right
[raj]: oh wow i never thought about that
way oh
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: so i don't know much else to
add we're getting about to like the forty
[raj]: five minute marks
[neil]: sure
[raj]: anything else you wanted to add in
the movie
[neil]: um well i will just say i'll
be honest with you i have not seen
[neil]: any of the sequels but
[raj]: i haven't either
[neil]: this
[raj]: though i did see i did scream
[neil]: did see scream to you okay so
i haven't seen any of the sequels but
[neil]: watching this again has encouraged me to
maybe take a look at some of the
[neil]: other ones and i think they re
made like a new scream two thousand twenty
[neil]: two or something of two thousand one
version with a lot of the old cast
[neil]: members as well so i might
[raj]: i might
[neil]: go there
[raj]: watch it too
[neil]: arson
[raj]: i saw the pre view
[neil]: hm
[raj]: because i was interested myself after watch
this movie i was like okay let me
[raj]: just see the pre views of these
other movies and
[neil]: hm
[raj]: yeah it actually looked to bad i
basically you know they got it's a mixture
[raj]: of like the older cast and then
also takes place in high school so you
[raj]: got a whole
[neil]: there's
[raj]: like
[neil]: new
[raj]: new cast
[neil]: rab kids right
[raj]: but you see all the greatest heads
you neve campbell david r cat courtney cox
[neil]: hm
[raj]: m there all there obviously i didn't
see jamie kennedy so he's probably
[neil]: okay
[raj]: out doing other things but
[neil]: yeah
[raj]: yeah yeah
[neil]: mab most wanted
[raj]: oh s that like a movie he
did right
[neil]: yeah yeah it was one of
[raj]: he
[neil]: my
[raj]: had
[neil]: favorite
[raj]: he had a pretty pretty decent career
you know
[neil]: yeah for sure
[raj]: now he's probably now he's probably just
like a character actor so nothing wrong
[neil]: at
[raj]: with that
[neil]: nothing wrong with that
[raj]: yeah
[neil]: m
[raj]: all right
[neil]: hm
[raj]: i think it's a good time to
end the pot if you could just stay
[raj]: on for a minute so i can
[neil]: sure
[raj]: m