The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
[raj]: all right the cabinet of dr collicaligary
did i pronounce that right
[Ben]: as far as you know
[raj]: awesome
[Ben]: you never
[raj]: released
[Ben]: hear him say
[raj]: in
[Ben]: his
[raj]: nineteen
[Ben]: name you
[raj]: twenty
[Ben]: never hear him say his name in
the entire movie
[raj]: well that's that's what that's that's a
sign of movie for you so
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: all right let me tell you why
i love this movie and i did love
[raj]: this movie the production and set design
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: it is off the charts now i
know i use that word often when describing
[raj]: movies but i really do mean at
this time every scene looks like a painting
[raj]: done by some avon guard artists the
rooms have walls that are slanted or curved
[raj]: the buildings have sharp edges and windows
are shaped like ramp uh the set
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: yeah the whole production designed lets the
viewers know that this film
[Ben]: yes
[raj]: is bizarre even mad
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: and unpredictable a world where anything goes
and right from the start the movie has
[raj]: a creepy field you see francis sitting
on the park bench with another man a
[raj]: francis fiance jane walks by with almost
with an almost expressionless face
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: she doesn't even look at francis
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: and then francis tells the other guy
i was like oh she's my fiance a
[Ben]: you get the you get the sense
that she is very disturbed something
[raj]: she is very
[Ben]: has happened
[raj]: disturbed and i i'm glad you said
that i love when movies start out with
[raj]: this kind of weirdness or disturb where
you have this like wow this is just
[raj]: irby
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: and then the rest of the movie
is there to explain why yeah
[Ben]: yeah there's
[raj]: so
[Ben]: tremendous foreshadowing and fact
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: everything seems disturbing one of the facts
that the scenery
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: has the odd angles the fact that
nothing seems to have a right angle any
[Ben]: in the movie
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: nothing that's completely vertical nor completely horizontal
[raj]: ah
[Ben]: it's really kind of throwing you into
this is
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: the world where madness reigns supreme where
[raj]: m
[Ben]: madman is king and where
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: saying people are the playthings of mad
people and
[raj]: yeh
[Ben]: it is very now some of this
is just brilliant artistic design
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: that you can see there's definitely very
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: strong cubist influence s this is this
movie was made directly after were one the
[Ben]: cubist movement is
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: in full swing this point
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: although it's not peaked and but it's
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: a lot of it was simply the
you know the poverty post war
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: germany they couldn't get
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: bigger sets they couldn't build bigger sets
there was the
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: studios were bankrupt the actors were making
good money for germany at the time but
[Ben]: you
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: know tiny tiny tiny salaries compared to
what american or british or italian actors
[raj]: no
[Ben]: would be making um
[raj]: ah
[Ben]: it is and
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: a lot of these bizarre camera angles
it's simply because they couldn't put the camera
[Ben]: anywhere else it's a combination of artistic
genius but also necessity pushing the genius even
[Ben]: further
[raj]: well said well said
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: sometimes like
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: the accidental
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: genius even more genius
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: the plan genius
[Ben]: yeah i mean it is like there
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: were situations where they in order to
illustrate light they couldn't actually have lights
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: so they had to paint lights like
okay we only get the lights we
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: have in the front and we can't
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: actually do anything else
[raj]: a
[Ben]: but it is now
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: i mean go on ahead going and
enough with the sets enough with the sets
[raj]: so yeah let's get into the movie
actually so
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: so this movie is like part flash
back or mostly most of it's a flash
[raj]: back
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and the flash back is
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: we'll just give away the ending
[Ben]: well
[raj]: we find out
[Ben]: yes
[raj]: well go ahead
[Ben]: you're goin t give away the ending
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: well i was going to say like
so the movie is a flash back but
[Ben]: ye
[raj]: flash backs made up it's all the
guy's head
[Ben]: this is kind of
[raj]: so
[Ben]: you know when you think about like
stories like the occurrence at owl creek bridge
[Ben]: where
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: the only part that really is happening
real time was the beginning in the end
[Ben]: and everything is in the guy's head
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: same thing is going on here
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: um dr caligari who all though the
movie is portrayed as this crazy man is
[Ben]: not
[raj]: oh and by the way the guy
that plays or word or cross
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: you could disagree with you if you
want but he was fantastic
[Ben]: yes
[raj]: as dr caligari i mean just his
acting was incredible and a lot of it
[raj]: is just his look and his weight
and when he was dressed asked
[Ben]: well the other thing is also
[raj]: but that's part of acting
[Ben]: when you actually do
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: see that in fact calgary this mad
[raj]: ah
[Ben]: scientist is nothing of the kind he's
just the
[raj]: yah
[Ben]: doctor running the same
[raj]: yah
[Ben]: asie
[raj]: the
[Ben]: and
[raj]: director
[Ben]: he starts acting completely or
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: is almost unrecognizable until he puts his
glasses on to read something and they're like
[Ben]: oh it really is
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: calegory
[raj]: we'll get to that final part well
we'll get to that part a little bit
[raj]: a little bit later i wanted i
do want to talk about that because that's
[raj]: like one of my favorite scenes in
the movie but but go on yeah like
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: uh
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: it's like we get this twist ending
where like francis the whole flash back scene
[raj]: in the middle is just part of
his imagination but then it got me thinking
[raj]: like
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: is it could it possibly be that
maybe the whole thing was real and then
[raj]: they put him in the asylum to
cover it up and then when he was
[raj]: in the asylum he was getting memories
of this where it's like wait a minute
[raj]: something i feel like i should be
here something happened
[Ben]: i actually kind of got the sense
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: in fact
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: something was not right when
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: you know he follows caligory
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: to the insane asylum and he walks
and he
[raj]: kay
[Ben]: said is there patient
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: cacaligory and s like no they find
out that the cagaryis running the asylum and
[Ben]: all the doctors
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: immediately side with him
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: not with calgary and
[raj]: so
[Ben]: next thing you know calgary s under
observation and like well that doesn't seem rational
[Ben]: or real
[raj]: so i wrote that as part of
my favorite scene and we'll get right i'll
[raj]: just by as well jump around to
[Ben]: hey this movie
[raj]: and
[Ben]: is
[raj]: actually
[Ben]: insane
[raj]: thought that was funny i thought out
it was like hey wait a minute the
[raj]: doctors sure are taking the side of
some outsider they don't even know they're like
[raj]: oh we believe him will wait till
caligari is sleeping into his office look through
[raj]: his private notes in his desk
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: to find out if he's a madman
[Ben]: ah
[raj]: doctors are like okay let's do it
[Ben]: yeah i mean
[raj]: and i wonder if that's to give
a hint for like people that are like
[Ben]: yah
[raj]: one step ahead when they're watching this
movie like anyway something is not right here
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: yeah well yeah i mean well something
is never quite right i mean the fact
[Ben]: is you always it is at no
point are they ever
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: to giving you a sense that anything
is okay that is the theme of the
[Ben]: movie
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: everything is to tell
[raj]: i
[Ben]: you that things are not all right
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: down from like the sets to
[raj]: okay
[Ben]: the characters the actual appearance of category
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: the fact that you this bizarre
[raj]: ah
[Ben]: side show act it's just nothing
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: nothing at all at any
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: point tries to give
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: you a sense
[raj]: ah
[Ben]: of normality
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: or a lack of danger you know
and like you know one of the first
[Ben]: thing that introduces a sonambulists and i
am like somnambulist
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: what's the
[raj]: do
[Ben]: sonambulist and you know i never looked
it up
[raj]: you
[Ben]: to
[raj]: looked
[Ben]: try
[raj]: it
[Ben]: to
[raj]: up
[Ben]: find out
[raj]: you didn't look it up
[Ben]: eh
[raj]: i looked it up
[Ben]: oh well you got to tell me
what is the senambalist
[raj]: a sleep walker
[Ben]: except well he does do some he
does do
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: some sleep walking yeah but
[raj]: but you know let's you know i'll
get to some of the favorite scenes actually
[raj]: because i said then we could go
go on to what you were saying but
[raj]: like jumping back a bet or like
the part where you were like so he
[raj]: goes to the town clerk
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: and like i'm just amazed by the
whole set aside of like this little hall
[raj]: is like he's sitting on the chair
that's really high up he's got to bend
[raj]: way over on to his desk like
i'm thinking
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: this town clerk is not related to
[Ben]: ah i thought of him as a
symbol of just kind of bureaucratic authority he's
[Ben]: not a king
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: he's not
[raj]: ye
[Ben]: an elected official he is simply a
bureaucrat but he might as well be got
[Ben]: as far as like what you can
do and where you can be i mean
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: i'm sure a lot of people look
at him that way and he really is
[raj]: yah
[Ben]: justice
[raj]: that is like actually a common theme
and movie sometimes where like the hero
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: is on his journey and runs into
like some sort of like bureaucrat that has
[raj]: this
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: unbelievable power but this
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: buracrat or this person is not the
bad i
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: sure as well by as well be
[Ben]: well i mean if you ever seen
[raj]: at
[Ben]: the twelve tasks of astrics it's animated
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: it's a cartoon but one of
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: them is one of the twelve herculean
tasks as he has to you know get
[Ben]: a copy of a certain form from
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: building and they almost don't succeed it
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: a mind maddening
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: it's like you know the ancient greek
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: of like being you know of ulysses
being torn you tied to the mass and
[Ben]: being driven crazy the sirens
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: except for in this case it's just
simple bureaucracy which just brings the heroes to
[Ben]: a state of madness of course that's
a different movie
[raj]: a
[Ben]: but you know i mean i can
imagine like if calgary
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: calgary was clearly crazy
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: going in there and this did not
[raj]: m
[Ben]: now
[raj]: well
[Ben]: your first impression of calgary is the
bizarre combed hair the mickey mouse loves these
[Ben]: are literally micky mouse gloves
[raj]: ah
[Ben]: and the way his eyes
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: he seems to be able
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: to get his eyes to move in
two different directions at the same time
[raj]: yeah yeah
[Ben]: and you're just like holy cow this
is not one of them good doctors
[raj]: no no i
[Ben]: this
[raj]: mean right
[Ben]: is not dor
[raj]: and that's
[Ben]: who
[raj]: i think with the casting and the
costumes that's like you know like this guy
[raj]: is not a good doctor probably the
bad guy in the movie
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: and
[Ben]: he's not a good doctor and now
he's not misunderstood either
[raj]: but what's funny
[Ben]: except
[raj]: he
[Ben]: he
[raj]: gets
[Ben]: is
[raj]: he goes he goes to visit the
town clerk and immediately he's like dis respected
[raj]: he's like no no no wait he's
been told to wait a couple of times
[raj]: told of sitting in a chair so
he's waiting and then when he fought italy
[Ben]: ah
[raj]: gets the town clerk it's like the
town clerk
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: is on his way leaving like clock
it out go and help and the last
[raj]: person that he asked to see is
dr caligari dr call caleras like hail ent
[raj]: permit for the carnival the town fair
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and to be a somnambulist and the
laugh and the dismissiveness of the town clerk
[raj]: is so funny and then the reaction
[Ben]: m
[raj]: of dr caligari it's like he is
pissed off
[Ben]: but he got his pere he was
there at the town
[raj]: he got
[Ben]: fair
[raj]: his perfect the town clerk does signal
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: one of the staff guys to come
over and help him out and he gets
[raj]: his permit and then the town fair
is like the next scene and what i
[raj]: love about the scene is before dr
caligari uh enters the frame he kind of
[raj]: show the cardival and we got t
be thinking like they don't show a whole
[raj]: lot like the camera doesn't move i
don't think it moves at all it just
[raj]: shows it that one scene you see
a background of ple walking back and forth
[raj]: then you see a cart with a
monkey and a guy and people coming across
[raj]: and pay in money and i was
thinking it was like you know that's pretty
[raj]: economical you know they didn't build a
huge carnival town fair set just one frame
[raj]: middle but you know it's a town
frame and people are paid to pay the
[raj]: guy i with the monkey and i
kept thinking man that monkey is not doing
[raj]: much and it seems like the people
that are paying for the monkey aren't very
[raj]: impressed
[Ben]: my
[raj]: like they pay and then they leave
like two seconds afterwards
[Ben]: i mean
[raj]: uh
[Ben]: you know after you see a sanambalist
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: how impressed can you be with a
[raj]: well it was before we see this
sanambulist but yes
[raj]: well you know when i see a
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: monkey i kep my i can't take
my eyes off of it so including in
[raj]: this v
[Ben]: well okay
[raj]: so hey shall we go to the
scene when we first see the when we
[raj]: first see caesar the sundambalist
[Ben]: sure
[raj]: so that's a great scene he's got
a crowded house
[Ben]: m yeah
[raj]: like it's a packed house like everybody's
[Ben]: well it's kind of one interesting you
know one you
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: know looking back on it if this
guy is
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: running in a sane asylum why did
i need the money the side show carnival
[Ben]: apt isn't
[raj]: but we don't know that yet
[Ben]: we
[raj]: though
[Ben]: don't know that yet yeah he just
seems to be kind of this mad doctor
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: you know we don't really realize that
especially the way he's treated by the town
[Ben]: cork that he's actually somebody somewhat respected
man in the community which is why it
[Ben]: is such a surprise when you do
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: out that he is obviously not too
respected because his own doctors basically decided
[raj]: my
[Ben]: to trust the guy coming off the
street like hey i think this guy is
[Ben]: a crazy killer
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: yeah well okay which it we'll believe
you yeah
[raj]: so h and then when he finally
brings out cesar the sleep walker
[Ben]: m
[raj]: and i think he like she's like
caesar will tell you your faith or answer
[raj]: any question
[Ben]: yeah any question at all
[raj]: and yeah and and when allen francis
s friend raises his hand i think francis
[raj]: is already having bad vives he's like
tugging on his on his shoulder his r
[raj]: he's like closed telling him like no
no no you don't want to do this
[raj]: it's like he already knows he's got
bad vibes on it uh but ale goes
[raj]: through with it and actually as one
of my favorite sees with
[Ben]: okay
[raj]: when caesar tells alive that you're gonna
be dying soon like
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: next morning uh
[Ben]: at the break you will live till
the break of dawn
[raj]: and the look on alan's face was
absolute horror
[Ben]: well he was taken
[raj]: a
[Ben]: in by this act
[raj]: yeah so yeah exactly like it wasn't
like for him like a joke
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: in a good time it was like
holy smoke
[Ben]: m
[raj]: that's dark
[Ben]: that is dark
[raj]: like i came here to have a
good time and all of a sudden now
[raj]: this guy is telling
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: me i'm going to die i mean
it's one thing you
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: go to those things and the guy
would tell you like you're going to meet
[raj]: the love of your life and get
married tomorrow
[Ben]: ah
[raj]: but no
[Ben]: well but this might actually
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: be a good strategy for a carnival
act you're not going to survive the night
[Ben]: spend your money now spend it here
you ain't going to be
[raj]: m
[Ben]: around
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: the morning and can't take it with
you come on come on we got caught
[Ben]: candy there's so
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: many more shows and rides
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: bull it now
[raj]: yeah but you know it's funny though
so then after the carnival you see both
[raj]: allen and francis walk you can tell
allen still a little bit shaken and then
[raj]: they do meet
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: chain and we get the idea that
jane both allen and francis love jane
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and it looks like jane loves both
of them
[Ben]: m
[raj]: and so it's like okay things are
on the up and up but did you
[raj]: see dr caligari come out of nowhere
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: i don't if you remember that scene
where he comes out and he turns off
[raj]: like one of the one of the
lamps outside
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: it's like he's setting something up and
then that's when they see that like that
[raj]: the poster for reward of like
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: murder that's on the loose am i
getting that
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: right and then shortly after that and
that's what kind of got me that's why
[raj]: i wrote down like the town clerk
because i was like when the town clerk
[raj]: was laughing at dr caligari and dr
cower gives a peturbablook and i was like
[raj]: oh something is going to happen to
the to the clerk the how because you
[raj]: don't you don't disrespect a evil doctor
like that and he's the first to get
[raj]: killed
[Ben]: yeah i mean well i mean the
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: is though you don't really know that
necessarily there's going to end up murder you
[Ben]: know something bad is going to happen
but you also kind of think that oh
[Ben]: you must be kind of a minor
character m you know
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: would think that it would just be
this huge thing but i mean yeah you
[Ben]: never expected the court well the court
isn't a major character but
[raj]: and it kind of gets me thinking
though so if this movie is a flash
[raj]: back
[Ben]: ah
[raj]: and a dream something that's just in
francis's head would you even have with would
[raj]: you even have the town clerk and
would you even would you even see that
[raj]: point of view
[Ben]: you never know
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: it's i mean it's something where it
is i think that in many ways
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: logic is
[raj]: h
[Ben]: deliberately you know they try to exercise
it from the script they try to make
[Ben]: the script not crazy enough where the
audience is going to walk out
[raj]: h yep
[Ben]: crazy enough where you're always kind of
disturbed there's an uneasiness
[raj]: yep
[Ben]: you know when you think about things
that were oftentimes done i don't believe this
[Ben]: was done in this case but when
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: like for example directors will happen actor
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: walk backwards and then filment and reverse
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: make an uneasy walking forward it's
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: you get that kind of unsettling
[raj]: yeah oh
[Ben]: feel about every
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: aspect the way people behave the way
people move
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: the way everything
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: is you know and again like the
lack of any kind of normal structure anywhere
[Ben]: none of it
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: yeah you know none of it is
[raj]: ye
[Ben]: is absolutely nothing there to be reassuring
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: it's you know the enormous use of
darkness you i mean the fact is you're
[Ben]: in the vision of a madman
[raj]: yep
[Ben]: wonderfully
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: acted out by some amazing actors
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: but
[raj]: agree i mentioned that earlier i thought
dr caligari was the the actor that played
[raj]: werner cross was amazing
[Ben]: well
[raj]: in this
[Ben]: and
[raj]: movie
[Ben]: also for example comrade vi who plays
[raj]: oh caesar
[Ben]: because
[raj]: the sleep walker
[Ben]: you know this is a guy his
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: career you know starts in grey born
in germany
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: you know here he is in in
berlin he ends up in britain he becomes
[Ben]: a british is and he ends up
in america
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: where
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: he's probably
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: most
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: famous for his rule in casablanca
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: as
[raj]: yah
[Ben]: the evil
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: s s captain but we
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: we got a new cast a blank
that's one of my favorite here's also another
[Ben]: movies in
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: where it's the man who laughed we
talked about actors who were the motivation
[raj]: m
[Ben]: or comic book characters the guy who
plays the plays caesar
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: another rule becomes a motivation
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: for the joker in the batman
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: series he is this iconic
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: person who also
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: plays more than one igoniciconic character even
boris carloff or bella gos very iconic
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: but
[raj]: ah
[Ben]: and boris karlov ever played another ionic
character he played the ranch and how the
[Ben]: green stole christmas but
[raj]: m
[Ben]: other than that you know you
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: know boris girl off in two really
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: bello go see well
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: i suppose the but i mean well
even i mean you know he kind of
[Ben]: plays a mad guy
[raj]: we
[Ben]: in the ed wood movies but you
know but in that really
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: only one iconic character
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: so they have more than one that's
really saying something
[raj]: yeah no no he's great as
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: caesar he really is and
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: i mean he really is kind of
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: even when you first see him at
that at the like the review at the
[raj]: town fair when he when he i
think he's like in a coffin
[Ben]: well one thing you
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: know i kind of wondered
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: when i
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: first saw him because when i first
saw him my first impression was tim curry
[Ben]: and rocky horror picture show
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: and i had to ask i've checked
up checked up checked up checked
[raj]: yah
[Ben]: i haven't found any evidence for this
but you got to wonder
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: if this could have been
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: motivated tim curry's character in the rocky
or picture because there's nobody else who really
[Ben]: dresses quite like tim curry in the
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: horror picture show so i don't know
if that is just a sheer coincidence but
[Ben]: i have a hard time
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: believing it's not
[raj]: it wouldn't surprise me
[Ben]: similarity
[raj]: i mean
[Ben]: is just
[raj]: it was
[Ben]: so great and then
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: again
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: there is no other character in the
rocky horo picture show who looks like that
[raj]: ye
[Ben]: m i mean they're all like you
know they're all you know flamboyantly you know
[Ben]: dressed you flamboyant make
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: up but nobody looks like that but
you never know you never know
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: i mean even though if necessarily the
actors would know oh
[raj]: you know speaking of caesar um so
even though dr caligari is a madman evil
[raj]: doctor you he does take care of
cesar you know he houses
[Ben]: no
[raj]: him he feeds him by the spoon
i think like a father would do for
[raj]: his son
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: when the cops come
[Ben]: a
[raj]: or the authorities com his first instinct
is to not let them inside the house
[raj]: protect him and
[Ben]: oh yeah oh
[raj]: i okay
[Ben]: yes
[raj]: it's like
[Ben]: m
[raj]: he loves him
[Ben]: oh we
[raj]: so i thought i thought that was
just a great scene like you know like
[raj]: in the house when you when you
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: get to see and that's why
[Ben]: it's
[raj]: go
[Ben]: one
[raj]: ahead
[Ben]: of those scenes where you want you're
like oh no the villain is going to
[Ben]: get caught and the way that they
create that tends like oh
[raj]: so
[Ben]: no the
[raj]: true
[Ben]: villain is going to get caught he's
trying to do everything and then
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: of course now you have a situation
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: the cops come in they have their
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: and they're going to interview this guy
the problems that can't
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: wake him up and
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: you know
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: it is this very bizarre situation because
you wonder if they did open him up
[Ben]: wake him up what would he what
would you say
[Ben]: what would he say because again this
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: is a guy you can ask
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: any questions
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: yep
[raj]: you know when you bring up a
good point actually
[Ben]: m
[raj]: just to just backing up a little
bit i'll be honest with you i was
[raj]: actually when the cops came over to
dr calegari'shous i was on the side of
[raj]: dr caligari i didn't want him to
get caught
[Ben]: no
[raj]: no
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: you know and we don't know for
sure obviously he's the evil guy but we
[raj]: don't know
[Ben]: what
[raj]: for sure that he
[Ben]: i actually kind of wonder because it
seems so convolutent if maybe there would be
[raj]: m
[Ben]: a twist maybe there was some other
killer and you do get that especially when
[Ben]: they start chasing
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: another killer and that guy and that
guy is clearly
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: evil that guy
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: you're like oh what
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: i
[raj]: no
[Ben]: now
[raj]: no he is truly evil and even
he even admits he's like okay yeah i
[raj]: did try to kill the old woman
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: but i didn't kill the other two
people i just
[Ben]: so i can go now
[raj]: use the same murder weapon
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: just so you guys wouldn't find me
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: i forgot about that scene that was
just let the people know that we were
[raj]: supposed
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: to do this pod last week but
we both of our schedules got a little
[raj]: bit busy so yeah
[Ben]: it was
[raj]: you're
[Ben]: all
[raj]: just
[Ben]: supposed
[raj]: bringing
[Ben]: to be
[raj]: up
[Ben]: before
[raj]: some scenes
[Ben]: hall lean we had two movies lined
up and none of them got done but
[raj]: yeah well helloeiza it's a tough holiday
to it's a
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: isy weekend but
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: yeah that was i forgot about that
and i'm glad you brought that up and
[raj]: you're right
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: it's like even as the audience we
don't know dr caligari but there's got to
[raj]: be something said like i actually felt
for dr caligari seeing him get laughed at
[raj]: by the town clerk no it was
just like i already had the sympathy for
[raj]: him
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and now they have the cops and
francis after him
[Ben]: the
[raj]: and
[Ben]: other
[raj]: i'm
[Ben]: thing
[raj]: just
[Ben]: is also
[raj]: like
[Ben]: when francis sits up all night with
calgary watching you know what he believes is
[Ben]: caesar lying
[raj]: a
[Ben]: in the coffin and the cabinet is
technically the cabinet and you said and
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: he's like no it couldn't have been
here i i
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: watched them they didn't go anywhere all
night they stayed
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: there all night he's got the he's
got he is the alibi he is the
[Ben]: alibi for his friend's
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: killer
[raj]: yeah yeah i mean francis does
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: an old fashioned stake out
[Ben]: yeah nothing wrong with that
[raj]: nothing wrong
[Ben]: nothing
[raj]: with that
[Ben]: creepy
[raj]: end
[Ben]: like nothing creepy about sitting outside somebody's
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: watching him all night long
[raj]: no very creepy but he's not a
cop we actually don't even know what francis
[raj]: does
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: but hey if that's good old like
detective work though or investigated work you know
[raj]: you do it take out and but
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: what's great like during the stake out
[Ben]: yes
[raj]: it flashes to the scene where you
see caesar
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: uh
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and the cesar's going out and enters
jane's home and tries to kill her then
[raj]: he instead of killing her he decides
to abduct her and then he's getting chased
[raj]: by the the angry mob and i
love how the angry mob like uh just
[raj]: like in the movie that we saw
a fan of the opera
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: they're there they're out there seeking justice
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: i mean he face the hook you
know you live in a small town not
[Ben]: a lot happens you don't want to
let an angry mob go because who knows
[Ben]: when you're going to get that chance
[raj]: yeah and not only that like if
you lived in that small town it's a
[raj]: small town you may have arguments
[Ben]: okay
[raj]: and enemies within that town but any
outsider that comes in and s is with
[raj]: what of your
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: community
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: you're going to gang up and get
[Ben]: yeah oh yeah
[raj]: i like the use of the fake
doll the manikin of cesar to fake out
[raj]: the cops because when when
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: when francis goes back and finds out
that jane was abducted and now she's recovering
[raj]: was like oh no it couldn't have
been caesar dr caligari
[Ben]: or could
[raj]: i watched
[Ben]: it
[raj]: them all night
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and so they went when he went
to the house and then they had a
[raj]: warrant
[Ben]: yep
[raj]: yeah and when
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: they opened up the the crate and
they find out the doll um i like
[raj]: how dr caligory just kind of like
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: ran right out of there
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: and straight to the asylum
[Ben]: well yeah they jason well he's only
being chased by one portion at that point
[Ben]: and
[raj]: is it francis
[Ben]: yeah and so france is the only
one who season go in there
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: francis runs in there convinced the doctor
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: that in fact the the respected
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: head of the institution is insane
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: with almost no effort at all
[raj]: uh
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: uh oh yeah yeah like the the
doctors at the at the sad totally take
[raj]: francis for his word at it
[Ben]: yeah what's
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: not to trust
[raj]: h yeah
[Ben]: m
[raj]: hey so can we talk about the
n c unless there's any other seeds you
[raj]: wanted to
[Ben]: um
[raj]: talk about
[Ben]: let's see
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: the unseen yeah well we can talk
about the unseen
[raj]: so so then we find out then
we see france
[Ben]: what
[raj]: it flashes back to the present you
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: and you see francis talking to the
old band and then all of a sudden
[raj]: francis seize caesar
[Ben]: yeah awake
[raj]: and he's awake he's not sleep walking
[Ben]: and
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: and smiling
[raj]: smiling
[Ben]: and strikes him he
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: is this kind of gentle character and
he seems almost to be in love which
[Ben]: you now show him displaying emotions you
never seen him display before and then you're
[Ben]: starting now i couldn't tell who else
was there
[raj]: jane is there
[Ben]: jane yeah i'm in jane's there obviously
but i mean for example i didn't see
[Ben]: whether allen was there or
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: anybody else who would because i was
kind of wondering you know how what what
[Ben]: is the character of allen because he
is his friend he's obviously important and so
[Ben]: i was looking but i couldn't be
sure you know one of the problems of
[Ben]: film quality is an one of the
characters cs because
[raj]: i don't recall seeing alan there and
obviously they never brought it up so if
[raj]: he was there
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: we would have to go back and
find it but it can also leave open
[raj]: to maybe that francis's story
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: it's real
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: allen really is dad
[Ben]: uh maybe well maybe
[raj]: and
[Ben]: or maybe francis killed allan
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: maybe
[raj]: well
[Ben]: that's why he's in the asylum
[raj]: well that's what i was kind of
thinking was
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: what if there are no good guys
even the director who really is ecretly dr
[raj]: caligari because when he sees the director
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: the asylum could walk out and francis
like oh that's dr caligari i think he
[raj]: attacks him right
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: and then the security and other people
commonly separate the two and then they restrain
[raj]: francis and then you see the director
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and he's dressed differently and kind of
like you were mention he's like is that
[raj]: dr caligari
[Ben]: you can't
[raj]: i think
[Ben]: tell
[raj]: it
[Ben]: until
[raj]: is
[Ben]: he put
[raj]: but
[Ben]: his glasses on
[raj]: yeah you really and so he puts
all his glasses on and then he says
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: oh i understand
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: this francis's delusion
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and i think i could cure up
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and i think he puts his glasses
off as he says that and then the
[raj]: film turns into a circle narrowing his
face and the look on his face was
[raj]: like oh
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: maybe this director is not a good
guy he kind of gave the dr caligari
[raj]: look
[Ben]: well
[raj]: and does
[Ben]: he is
[raj]: he mean by curing them oh i'm
sorry go ahead
[Ben]: well i got the sense that actually
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: you know maybe he can
[raj]: oh you're more optimistic than i can't
i am so you're thinking he could cure
[raj]: of and i'm thinking he's going to
go back to his old eighteenth century books
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: make france is his
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: new caesar
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: and they came into a sleep walker
and then start committing murders around town
[Ben]: m
[Ben]: m
[raj]: he has found his caesar and it's
[Ben]: well could it be that maybe allan
is not dead could it be that allen
[Ben]: was in the asylum is now cured
and outside living a normal life ye
[raj]: and now francis would be like that
would be just like allen
[Ben]: well francis all francis knows is that
his friend
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: is no more
[Ben]: who knows i mean that's the thing
about it is like
[raj]: yeah i who knows
[Ben]: who knows
[raj]: well i guess just from i guess
from the creepy look that dr caligari gives
[raj]: at the end i'm just thinking like
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: he is down going to make francis
[Ben]: ah
[raj]: a sleep walker
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: burger sleep walker ah ye
[Ben]: or
[raj]: but you know what i do like
your optimism and see it good in people
[Ben]: oh i got to say i do
i do i do i want to see
[Ben]: the best in people oh
[raj]: even in this mad bizarre world that
the d the cabinet
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: of dr caligari takes place
[Ben]: i mean i mean and the other
thing i do look at is like i
[Ben]: couldn't find allen
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: you never really see the cork well
enough to see if he among the patients
[Ben]: you just never do
[raj]: you know the other thing
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: is that a little outdoor or the
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: area in the asylum when it flashes
back to the present
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: that's kind of like a normal looking
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: so it's not like we're not in
this like bizarre weirld world that
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: we thought was reality but really was
just all francis as had
[Ben]: i mean it's it's it's the sanest
scene in the whole
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: man that's the irony the insane asylum
scene is the sanest scene it is the
[Ben]: least distorted est insane
[raj]: even from the outside the building is
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: normal it's not all slanted or crooked
the windows are i think the normal the
[raj]: the director's office
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: is well proportioned like
[Ben]: o
[raj]: everything is just like it would be
in real life but everything
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: that was in francis's head
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: look like some sort of like
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: bizarre world of a guard
[Ben]: ah
[raj]: type of pity yeah
[Ben]: yeah i mean
[raj]: all right
[Ben]: i can't argue
[raj]: you
[Ben]: with
[raj]: have
[Ben]: any
[raj]: convince
[Ben]: of that
[raj]: fi
[Ben]: and but that's
[raj]: that
[Ben]: also
[raj]: is kind
[Ben]: when
[raj]: of
[Ben]: you
[raj]: brilliant
[Ben]: get to see okay
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: maybe um oh god i'm banking on
her name is
[raj]: j
[Ben]: jane you know you your first impression
you sorrily dramatized but then
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: the first time you really get to
see her speak and you realize that she
[Ben]: is freaking out of her mind she
is in a delusional
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: world and her delusional world is completely
different from his she is in her own
[Ben]: completely delusional world and it has nothing
to do there's nobody getting killed that looks
[Ben]: like there's no abduction
[raj]: m
[Ben]: there's no carnivals she is a princess
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: and she is fulfilling her
[raj]: a
[Ben]: regal
[raj]: queen
[Ben]: duties
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: you know and she she's her complete
own delusion which he can't see because he's
[Ben]: in his own delusion he somehow things
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: that you know she's in his world
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: and he's not
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: i don't know i mean to a
certain extent it seems like she thinks and
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: he is in her world like some
suitor may be a prince from a far
[Ben]: away land who's
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: you know you never know how she
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: sees him simply that she says that
they can't be together
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: but i mean you know i really
do think that you know my impression is
[Ben]: that you know this has all been
the crazy delusion
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: in his mind and that is it's
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: that's all there is to it
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: you see
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: you see and like it's one
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: of the tins where when you re
watch it having watched it and knowing what's
[Ben]: going on you start to see francis's
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: insanity his anerisms even when you're thinking
he's sane
[raj]: i'm going to have to re watch
this movie again i might i might let
[raj]: it sit for a while before we
watch it
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: but
[Ben]: yeah i mean this would
[raj]: i think
[Ben]: be a good
[raj]: but
[Ben]: halloween
[raj]: i think
[Ben]: movie
[raj]: i think i would probably pick up
some things
[Ben]: eh
[raj]: that i didn't notice the first time
i only watched this when we did this
[raj]: when you suggested this movie i haven't
seen it before so this this was the
[raj]: first time i saw uh
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: uh it was a great choice at
the movie did not disappoint ye
[Ben]: well i'm glad always glad when things
don't disappoint
[raj]: you have a you
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: have a good taste in films
[Ben]: well actually i actually had recommended this
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: i think i may have watched maybe
the first scene
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: and that's when i said oh we
should do this
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: but
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: yeah it is an amazing movie it
[raj]: ye
[Ben]: beat the sets i guess you could
there was a there was a hitchcock movie
[Ben]: where salvador dolly
[raj]: i've seen that
[Ben]: design
[raj]: movie
[Ben]: the
[raj]: it is
[Ben]: try no
[raj]: one
[Ben]: remember
[raj]: of the
[Ben]: what it was but other than that
[raj]: it is i'll look it up right
now it is one of the
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: most different h hitchcock movies i've ve
ever seen
[Ben]: because that's not really
[raj]: spell
[Ben]: a style
[raj]: bound
[Ben]: the dream sequence isn't really a
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: hitchcock thing
[raj]: the spell bound
[Ben]: spell bound
[raj]: yeah very good movie very tricky movie
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: unlike any other hitchcock movie i've ever
seen ye
[Ben]: yeah i've
[raj]: uh
[Ben]: actually never seen it i've actually never
seen it i actually on know about it
[Ben]: from reading about
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: sounder dolly
[raj]: well worth the watch and if you're
a hitchcock fan which i think you are
[raj]: you would enjoy the movie ah
[Ben]: so yeah let's
[raj]: ye
[Ben]: see is there anything else to this
you think
[raj]: i have nothing else to say you
you were doing some research on on i
[raj]: m d b if you wanted to
bring up some stuff the one thing i
[raj]: wanted to tell you was just for
reading the wikopedia page
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: fritz lang the great director
[Ben]: okay
[raj]: who directed a metropole metropolis
[Ben]: metropolis
[raj]: sorry petropolis thank you
[Ben]: fromnfrnmond
[raj]: he was actually and he was actually
[Ben]: m
[raj]: slated to direct this but because of
schedule conflict he had to drop
[Ben]: well
[raj]: out
[Ben]: one thing you will
[raj]: and
[Ben]: notice is that there's a number of
people some minor actors not
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: the major ones but the minor
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: ones also did movies with fritz lang
you could tell
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: that this was very much the same
acting circuits i don't know how the studio
[Ben]: system worked in you know in germany
compared to hollywood but you know for example
[Ben]: in holywood you had one brother actors
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: had united artists actors and you had
universal actors and m g m actors and
[Ben]: they
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: tended to be very long term contracts
and so you didn't see them move
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: apart a lot but
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: i don't know if that was the
same way it worked in germany but
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: there are it's
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: not just the actors who are connected
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: actually i will say a few things
a lot of this is based on the
[Ben]: writer's um you know care mayer's ideas
current layers he himself pleaded insanity try to
[Ben]: feign insanity to avoid service in over
one the scene where caesar predicts the future
[Ben]: of allen is actually somewhat based on
a fortune or who in this case predicted
[Ben]: that he would survive the war which
he did like but could you know it's
[Ben]: probably thinking well what would they have
done if the fortune teller predicted i was
[Ben]: going to die before the next day
and but a lot of this is actually
[Ben]: based on his own experiences and his
own thoughts his own feelings about authority is
[Ben]: not just the clerk who sits on
these high chairs but also the police ficers
[Ben]: sit on these really high chairs and
where so that they looked down on anybody
[Ben]: who comes in um you know there's
[raj]: ye
[Ben]: distinct kind of not liking authority
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: not
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: liking crowds
[raj]: ye
[Ben]: you know whether the
[raj]: yep
[Ben]: authority is the doctor or the authorities
the police or that crazy town
[raj]: yah
[Ben]: clerk
[raj]: h yeah
[Ben]: but a good movie really good movie
[raj]: yeah no it is definitely is
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: yeah so i don't have much else
to add on the movie do you have
[raj]: anything else you wanted to say
[Ben]: well one of the things that really
dustrike me was
[raj]: kay
[Ben]: you know postware germany an a lot
of money to work with these sets
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: in these sets are incredibly
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: frugal they were really working now
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: dirt
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: cheap but at the same time fritz
lang is also making movies at the same
[Ben]: time
[raj]: h yeah
[Ben]: and his sets are amazing
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: yep
[Ben]: now a lot of those were also
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: you know made with wooden stuff like
that but there is such a difference and
[Ben]: it really kind of strikes
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: me as why is that
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: and
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: again you know i do not know
i mean there's so
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: often you know so much of this
has been lost men this is berlin after
[raj]: yeah yeah
[Ben]: we were one they didn't have a
huge amount of money they weren't making
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: huge numbers of copies of their scripts
and stuff like that and then also
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: a huge amount of stuff was just
simply lost well were to this is berlin
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: it fell under the soviet side the
soviet probably weren't were not all that interested
[Ben]: in you know trying to maintain this
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: so a lot of
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: people would have probably who had worked
on this who could have told the list
[Ben]: of what happened behind the scene were
[raj]: uh
[Ben]: behind the red curtain or behind the
iron curtain
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: and stayed there until they died so
there's a lot of stuff where it's just
[Ben]: we don't know we don't know as
far as what's going on beyond the scenes
[Ben]: some of the actors did escape you
know westward so they could tell their story
[Ben]: but you know probably large numbers of
people who could have answered
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: these questions simply weren't in positions to
answer any questions
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: well you
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: were mentioning about like the lack of
money and stuff like that and so
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: they had to take some cut some
corners on the design but i think it
[raj]: works for its benefit though
[Ben]: i think it did
[raj]: so oh
[Ben]: you know but i mean is one
of the things where you're reading that a
[Ben]: lot of it was just because of
the budget but on the other hand you
[Ben]: know fritz lane
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: his budget you know his movies the
budgets now he now fritz lang was a
[Ben]: master of creating tiny models
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: create enormous
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: scenes i mean he does metropolis he
does it in fralamond and
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: you know he was a master of
that ability to miniturize things
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: and make it completely convincing but
[raj]: yep
[Ben]: even still
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: the difference
[raj]: yeah oh
[Ben]: between fritz lang set and the fritz
laying is just amazing
[raj]: i think
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: if fritz lang direct this movie would
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: have been a different movie i think
the camera would have moved more
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: uh
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: i mean obviously like
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: fritz lang is a master craftsman you
know just
[Ben]: yes
[raj]: way ahead of his time
[Ben]: a
[raj]: uh
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: kind of like hitchcock before hitchcock and
so i think the movie would have been
[raj]: a more suspenseful and maybe even like
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: have a ittle bit more realism
[Ben]: yeah i mean now the thing is
and now at no point in a ritzlaying
[Ben]: movie do you ever get the sense
like it's it's fictional i'm trying to remember
[raj]: yes
[Ben]: there was a fritzlang movie
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: after you left germany went to
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: free it's
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: this the one where the guy
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: spends this period of time in hell
hoping for forgiveness but even even in that
[Ben]: the visions of heaven and hell is
their buracricies and so on no it's it's
[Ben]: like you know heaven is still a
work place there are forms
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: that need to be filled out and
there's all this other stuff i mean fritz
[Ben]: line even in a fantasy
[raj]: okay
[Ben]: you know how fit realism gets in
everywhere yeah i mean it just gets in
[Ben]: everywhere with it like where is this
realism has really been shoved out it's been
[Ben]: purged from every last corner of every
last frame except at the very end where
[Ben]: you the reveal is you're in an
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: and finally for the first time you
[raj]: a
[Ben]: see clearly
[raj]: oh
[raj]: you know i wonder if like a
guy like charlie coffman the writer and director
[raj]: i wonder if he was been influenced
by this movie
[Ben]: a lot of people have
[raj]: of
[Ben]: this
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: is apparently one of the big influences
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: on curacorsala was
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: i mean i hope that's
[raj]: the
[Ben]: it
[raj]: great
[Ben]: i've
[raj]: japanese
[Ben]: actually been
[raj]: director
[Ben]: researching two movies at the same time
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: so but memory serves
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: it was a big influence on
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: a career saga this is
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: also robert ever really thought it was
an amazing movie
[raj]: oh yeah i did see robert he
called it the first true horror movie
[Ben]: well i would actually say
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: i mean it's still after edison's frankenstein
edison's frankenstein beats it by
[raj]: ye
[Ben]: ten years
[raj]: got it
[Ben]: so and that is still very much
a horror movie with one amazing
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: scene right in the middle
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: which by the way we can do
it at some point but you know that's
[Ben]: it's going to be a very short
podcast is only a twenty minute movie but
[raj]: uh you know what i wouldn't i
wouldn't put that prediction out we have done
[raj]: a couple of podcasts where we've lapped
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: ruddy type of the movie
[Ben]: well
[raj]: we
[Ben]: it's
[raj]: have done
[Ben]: like
[raj]: it before especially especially if there's a
lot of stuff to talk about
[Ben]: look if you don't have the time
to sit through the podcast just go watch
[Ben]: the movie
[raj]: well we don't have a big podcast
but we do have our fans and
[Ben]: ah
[raj]: so i'm sure they'll enjoy it
[Ben]: oh there's actually one other thing apparently
[raj]: is
[Ben]: the appearance
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: of dr cowgariis
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: actually based on the german philosopher shopenhawer
now by the way schopenhower is one of
[Ben]: these guys who talks about the triumph
you know of mind over matter and so
[Ben]: clearly there's the
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: influence there where
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: you got this guy who's thinking about
mind over matter
[raj]: yeah oh
[Ben]: it's also interesting because i'm sure probably
unknown to the director
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: at the time shopenhouris also this huge
influence on hitler and so for example later
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: on there's a very famous propaganda film
triumph of the will by wennyrefinstall
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: um
[raj]: my oh
[Ben]: so i mean
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: you you know
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: both both actors or both
[raj]: ah
[Ben]: directors are definitely
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: kind of drinking from the same philosophical
[raj]: oh yeah
[Ben]: inspiration as it were
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: although frankly i think the best jopenhour
reference in a movie is still roberta
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: banim and life is beautiful
[raj]: see the reference
[Ben]: well it's like you know him and
his friend you know they've traveled to rome
[Ben]: they're sharing a hotel room so they
have to share a bed and um and
[Ben]: his friend is saying show up and
our stuff and re basically using shopenhower's mind
[Ben]: over matter thing
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: to put himself to sleep he's just
like saying you know shopenhower says you just
[Ben]: guys say sleep sleep sleep sleep and
it will become reality and your sleep will
[Ben]: become reality and our ridiobrtbe is let
me try that and he turns to his
[Ben]: friend
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: away away away away at the like
[raj]: right
[Ben]: is like ain't worked it works chopenhower
it worked
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: and he will use schopenhower again shopenhowr
shopenhower shopenhower
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: but this time it's always he's trying
to do something
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: wonderful it's almost like he wheels that
magic again and again to get the woman
[Ben]: who will some day be his wife
nicotabrosi to look at him chopenhow or shopenhow
[Ben]: r turning
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: around turning around or when he tries
to get remember when his son is hiding
[Ben]: in the box in the german century
with the guard dog you know the dog
[Ben]: is going right towards where
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: this on is and he's like chopenhower
chopenhourshopen or wheeling the dog
[raj]: h
[Ben]: away from his son and saving
[raj]: h
[Ben]: his life you know and it's you
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: know there's there's the other shopenhour reference
which isn't over long pause if one
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: but i mean even you know but
beniti also would have known
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: that shopenhower was this kind of influence
[raj]: oh
[Ben]: the hilarian movement both
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: in reality and also on film there's
no white vanini doesn't know that
[raj]: no i'm sure he does and i
don't want to get too much into it
[raj]: but there's a great youtubeayoutube video out
there where
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: vanini
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: and his wife are being interviewed and
they talk about how much research
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: they do when they
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: write and make a movie so
[Ben]: well they get great results
[raj]: yeah definitely so i don't really have
much more else to add we're kind of
[raj]: getting almost to the hour mark fifty
one minutes is there anything else you wanted
[raj]: to bring up
[Ben]: how do you think rebertobanini and his
wife interview or did research to make johnny
[Ben]: stakin
[raj]: well that was the video i don't
want to get too far
[Ben]: okay
[raj]: into
[Ben]: okay
[raj]: it
[Ben]: never mind never mind
[raj]: no but i will mention i sent
you the video the video is one hour
[raj]: long so it's a you know you
got to have the time to watch it
[raj]: but actually that video
[Ben]: m
[raj]: is actually about
[Ben]: oh
[raj]: johnny casita and how much they like
went over every joke in that movie to
[raj]: make sure that it wasn't a wasted
joke did it contribute to the plot of
[raj]: the movie i contribute to the character
s of the movie
[Ben]: by the way we
[raj]: and
[Ben]: get a podcast
[raj]: it was
[Ben]: on this if
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: if you are interested you're getting
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: close to the end of this podcast
and if you're looking for another podcast
[raj]: yeah
[Ben]: that you would like to listen to
i would recommend johnny ticking o
[raj]: i totally agree and you can watch
that movie on youtubesactually a very hard movie
[raj]: to find um and the only version
of it you can find is on youtube
[raj]: it's not in the best resolution quality
[Ben]: it's better than
[raj]: it's
[Ben]: the b
[raj]: just where this movie
[Ben]: s tape
[raj]: is hard to
[Ben]: i
[raj]: find
[Ben]: got you know
[raj]: oh yeah for the folks that are
listening the v h s tape was something
[raj]: that old guys used to watch movies
from a long
[Ben]: they're
[raj]: time
[Ben]: great
[raj]: ago
[Ben]: paper weights too if you are
[raj]: so
[Ben]: watching the zombi movie and attacked by
zombies at the same time you could press
[Ben]: eject and use it as a weapon
to defend yourself you could bash him over
[Ben]: his head or you could pull the
tape out and strangle him with it
[raj]: that you could that
[Ben]: yeah
[raj]: you could so i think this is
probably a good time to end the pod
[raj]: could you just stay on to a
wild uploadsawesome
[Ben]: okay okay you think i'm grasping for
[raj]: yes oh