The Ninth Gate (1999)
[raj]: all right the ninth gate released
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: in nineteen ninety nine so i really
like this movie and it's
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: this one is a different one because
normally when we do the pa i've seen
[raj]: the movie before i know that when
you and i did something wild um that
[raj]: was the first time you watched it
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: i've seen it before
[shishir]: ye
[raj]: and this movie is actually the first
time i watched it
[shishir]: okay
[raj]: and m and i've always loved roman
plank movies i haven't seen all of his
[raj]: movies um but i have not seen
this one and it was released in nineteen
[raj]: ninety nine and nineteen ninety nine was
an incredible year for movies so
[shishir]: is
[raj]: at the end of the pot i'll
have to give the list of movies that
[raj]: came out in ninety nine but
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: this movie reminds me of old movie
like the old movies from the four it's
[raj]: in the fifty especially the first hour
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: um like the acting and the dialogue
they're muted and that was i think that
[raj]: was done on purpose like the lines
being delivered by johnny yap and frank lanjella
[raj]: like they're not over overacted
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: and if anything they're being under delivered
and along with the lining and the mood
[raj]: reminded me of a film nor
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and i love film norris and i
found this movie more mystery and thriller than
[raj]: horror
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: even though it involves the devil or
the devil is lurking
[shishir]: m
[raj]: and but i think palansky intended the
movie to be that way he's always been
[raj]: a ittle bit more suspense and horror
mean suspense and mystery though i mean he
[raj]: did direct rosemary's baby which is like
a different type of horror movie
[shishir]: i
[raj]: um so you don't get like the
cheap thrills that you normally get from horror
[raj]: movies but at the same time you
know this thing and like i never feared
[raj]: for de corso being killed and
[shishir]: eh
[raj]: it's not that he wasn't likable but
[shishir]: m
[raj]: i don't even think he elf like
[shishir]: m
[raj]: and i don't even know if he
even cared for his own life that much
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and in that way it kind of
makes the movie a little funny
[shishir]: m
[raj]: because nothing phases him he's like a
rare book researcher finder part detective part evaluator
[raj]: he's also a little bit a con
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: maybe quite a bit and but courser
doesn't get too hung up with stuff like
[raj]: his apartment gets broken into
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and she's a nest everywhere he doesn't
think much of it
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: he evalized oh you know i got
a stash his book at my quote friend
[raj]: my partner owns a book store um
then leona comes over and he has sex
[raj]: with her and then she goes crazy
and attacks him knocks him unconscious of course
[raj]: i just wakes up the next day
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and freshes it off and continues on
with his vision uh the same i mean
[raj]: he was a little surprise i would
say her face when he saw his friend
[raj]: or his partner at the book store
get killed
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: but he tends to brush that off
fairly quickly um he's phase by the blond
[raj]: girl keep showing up
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: in different locations and even in different
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: different countries he almost gets killed when
the scalfading from a building always falls on
[raj]: it
[shishir]: m
[raj]: it's like he has a death wish
and i wonder if corso
[raj]: you know they said he is in
it for the money but i wonder if
[raj]: he even likes the money it seems
like he just kind of going through life
[raj]: he michael waves his food with the
box in it
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and so we know he doesn't care
about food
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: he's not a food
[shishir]: m
[raj]: he's got no girl friend no wife
no real friends and you know it kind
[raj]: of makes me think that it makes
sense why the girl wins corso alive and
[raj]: wants him open and walk through the
night gate um oh it's a person that's
[raj]: not like evil but he's
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: not really good maybe multiple
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: where like frank la jella who's great
in this role and i couldn't get over
[raj]: his hair
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: i don't know if that was a
hair piece but just loved it
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: but he seems too eager to meet
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: the devil
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: and he would be the wrong choice
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: i think to walk through the gate
um and so theah that's what i thought
[raj]: this movie was kind of like i
don't know five love love this movie like
[raj]: if i had to give a star
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: my first inclination is out of four
stars i've given to three
[shishir]: m
[raj]: but more i think about it and
i'm talking to you i like i want
[raj]: to give it a three and a
[shishir]: it's nice
[raj]: so i just i liked it because
it was just i really like the character
[raj]: corso because he was just so in
phase by everything
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: yah
[shishir]: that's a really interesting really interesting observation
that you made actually you know one of
[shishir]: the things that i immediately
[raj]: ye
[shishir]: thought about courses care or versus all
the other characters in this like ninth gate
[shishir]: universe was that he was detached from
the world so to speak everyone else
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: had something that they really wanted like
they were very either extremist
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: or they like you know for for
some particular aspect where there is for a
[shishir]: collection of rare books or in that
cult society worshiping this so called lucifer
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: character but he was the only
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: one and actually even there's so many
other things i want to talk about it
[shishir]: but even then the nicer characters
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: they had some kind of
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: attachment to life so to speak
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: either interest in doing something like day
to day like that's good but but yeah
[shishir]: so what you're actually
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: describing was something that i also kind
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: saw and it i think johnnie deppe
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: does such a great job at showing
show casing that type of character
[raj]: m
[shishir]: behavior i it's very hard to do
right like you you know a lot of
[shishir]: people should
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like the hero or
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: the protagonist will will you know in
some sense show emotion or or what not
[shishir]: but it's literally
[raj]: m
[shishir]: you know like you said it just
doesn't really
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: phase of anything
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: in the any
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: encounter any any danger any reward it's
like okay yeah great yeah
[raj]: and when he takes it to one
level i mean he doesn't not just play
[raj]: the street man use the word detached
i mean he just playing somebody that's detached
[raj]: and i actually kind of like um
johnny get when he plays like the more
[raj]: straight man or the this type of
role is supposed because he does have a
[raj]: history of playing like characters are just
off beat benny in june prior to the
[raj]: caribbean i mean a lot of ike
i would saying moe than half his movies
[raj]: are like that but he
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: does like johnny brasscois like one of
my favorite movies and he plays a straight
[raj]: man
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and in this movie kind of a
straight man more detached and
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: i thought it was really good it
was a great choice
[shishir]: there's
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: a couple of theories i want to
tell you later in the podcast but but
[shishir]: yeah i mean
[raj]: oh we should definitely talk about the
ending maybe halfway through we get to this
[raj]: pot because
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: we can talk a lot about the
ending yeah
[shishir]: yeah definitely
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: i just the the other thing that
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: i found so just beautiful
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: about the movie was the sound
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: it's just
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: you know some scenes you don't have
any background music
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: and the the different different objects that
make sounds
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: specifically like books or what not just
rustling of of leaves or or you know
[shishir]: something moving on the floor like you
know like for example the bookshop just everything
[shishir]: was just done
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: so well and even just the regular
music that they use throughout
[raj]: the score
[shishir]: was very like just good
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: i love that the selections that they
did with the kind of the different instruments
[raj]: you talked about the sound like the
pages roughly that's a very polansky thing i
[raj]: think and
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: he does a great job and the
score i even noted it like i love
[raj]: the
[shishir]: m
[raj]: score yeah
[shishir]: before this movie actually i didn't really
think much about books
[raj]: yes
[shishir]: in terms of like
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: you know just stuff that you study
from like
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: school or things that you like you
know fiction fantasy book that you read after
[shishir]: watching
[raj]: h
[shishir]: this i was like wow there's like
i looked this up a bit there's a
[shishir]: pretty large secondary market on on
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: rare books and things that people like
[raj]: yeah oh
[shishir]: i think one of the one
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: of the earlier editions of the bible
for example is goes for a huge
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: amount of money just because that's you
know there's not many copies of that available
[shishir]: but i'm one of the because i
was cited in the in the movie that
[shishir]: donquiote um that
[raj]: yep
[shishir]: that as i looked that up there's
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: many copies where they're in good condition
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: around that same same year same time
that they were talking
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: about in the movie so i was
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like wow i just found it very
fascinating ly i m having new found appreciation
[raj]: kay
[shishir]: for
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: for like rare books because it's it's
just another it's a it is kind of
[shishir]: a work of art to the sense
[raj]: i
[shishir]: right like you have at that during
that period of time there's a specific type
[shishir]: of paper that was used and it's
just like the type of ink that used
[shishir]: for the print and all this stuff
just very cool overall
[raj]: m
[shishir]: on
[raj]: yeah and it was a different time
back then i mean we don't you don't
[raj]: have the manufacturing capabilities that you do
have now
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and so being able to make a
book for hard cover was a lot
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: of work and effort
[shishir]: lot of
[raj]: you
[shishir]: work
[raj]: know
[shishir]: out
[raj]: you didn't have all the machines that
we have now
[shishir]: yeah i just
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: very
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: type of subject or topic you know
there's a lot
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: of movies that are about you know
the lucifer devil or whatever and what not
[shishir]: and you know they tend to be
more action or even
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: to you know like but this is
more like a game of the mind so
[shishir]: so speak and i was very fascinated
by this kind of mystery thriller
[raj]: yeah you know it usually and i'm
trying you know my movie knowledge movies with
[raj]: the devil or it's not extensive but
i come back to maybe you can help
[raj]: me with the name of the movie
the one with patino cana reeves
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: um
[shishir]: when is the
[raj]: constantine or
[shishir]: c
[raj]: no
[shishir]: was at that kenerives did do which
didn't include the devil but this one was
[shishir]: a devil's advocate
[raj]: devil's advocate which i enjoyed and
[shishir]: still
[raj]: i think alpathino is the devil and
so you do see that and there is
[raj]: that kind of like scene where he
shows great power
[shishir]: yep yep
[raj]: and there's other movies i think that's
where like how the devil shows up but
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: this movie very
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: much kind of like rosemary's baby where
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: the devil is kind of in the
background i think rosemary baby the baby is
[raj]: the devil and in this movie we'll
get into the theories a little bit later
[raj]: on but it's just it's not really
showing its power there's no like there's
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: a chase scene here and there but
it's not with the devil
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: m
[shishir]: fascinating
[raj]: eh
[shishir]: you know the i think this is
probably one of my favorite movies just in
[shishir]: that type of that that subject matter
so to speak and you know you could
[shishir]: you could technically just replace lucifer with
just some any any supernatural undertate but
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: the thing i liked
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: about this was you know it wasn't
[raj]: yeah oh
[shishir]: really in my opinion like a religious
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: story it was more just that there
is a supernatural
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: character that is associated with like
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: know the negative side of
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: humanity so to speak where it has
more negative types of characteristics but not
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: like it
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: it is ultimately the humans that do
the bad stuff if you
[raj]: he
[shishir]: if you really see the think about
it like
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: in the story franklin jealous character boris
you know vulcan
[raj]: balkan
[shishir]: he
[raj]: yep
[shishir]: m it's not like he's under the
influence of lucifer and he's pretty much just
[shishir]: a fanatic phenomenal
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: phenol performance
[raj]: so good
[shishir]: yeah and then even
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: telfer liana telfer she's
[raj]: yep
[shishir]: just also
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like an extremist who is just completely
upset with this whole thing if you think
[raj]: she's
[shishir]: about
[raj]: like
[shishir]: it
[raj]: psychotic
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and where she's more kind of like
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: a heated ist
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: where she's wanting to have a good
time she's there's probably a lot of sex
[raj]: involved she just loves that where the
ball balkan bors balkan
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: he wants the power he also wants
probably what's t
[raj]: he wants to maybe live forever and
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: have you now be able to have
that kind of power god like devil like
[raj]: power
[shishir]: being mortal yeah
[raj]: immortal that's it that was the word
i was looking for
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: and
[shishir]: yeah the humans end up doing more
damage like
[raj]: my
[shishir]: the girl the mysterious girl right
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: who's kind of falling course around i
don't think she really i don't recall her
[shishir]: killing anybody um she protects corso um
and she has like these like you know
[shishir]: she's gifted with some kind of power
so you could assume that she's you know
[shishir]: she's she's either one of the lucifers
you know servants or like somebody
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: that's like just a you know some
kind of entity but that has some sort
[shishir]: of power but
[raj]: she does not really she doesn't kill
anybody and the only time we see her
[raj]: kind of like get into a fight
is when what when lianas partner or
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: body guard or henchman uh comes and
chases corso around
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and she uses justin s
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: to get to create some space and
i think she holds back because we see
[raj]: it we see her i think fly
or glide in the air like twice
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: um
[shishir]: to
[raj]: corso does not
[shishir]: yeah yeah
[raj]: and i don't even know of course
so she's like the roundhouse kick
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: that happens
[shishir]: m
[raj]: um he may suspect that you know
there is something he did but she purposely
[raj]: stays behind during that chase when they
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: climb up the steps and all that
[shishir]: y yeah exactly i mean most of
the movies that i
[raj]: okay
[shishir]: see any of these demons that are
like enchmen of the devil or whatever a
[shishir]: lot of them they just do very
evil deeds right there very they're very
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: clearly either they have no issues terms
of killing or doing other bad types of
[shishir]: act in this case it was pretty
much just that she was protecting really much
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: more about protection and not doing anything
that would take another person's life and so
[raj]: and also kind of like guiding corso
[shishir]: exactly yep
[raj]: because i wud say maybe about i
wasn't sold on it but i would say
[raj]: about twenty five twenty five or forty
percent of way through the movie i was
[raj]: saying she could be working for balkan
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: or she could be working for someone
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: but half way through i was like
okay it might be i'm not sure if
[raj]: she's working for balkan anymore but
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: like she guides him like she tells
him when is it fargus the second the
[raj]: guy that owned the second copy or
[shishir]: m
[raj]: he she tells course and i was
like hey you need to go there
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: even points out and he's like drowned
[shishir]: yep yep that's
[raj]: um
[shishir]: right
[raj]: and so she's like kind of like
getting him point him at the right track
[raj]: path and uh she even stops corso
from saving leon is what life
[shishir]: yeah yeah that's right you're right i
remember that yeah that scene was vulcan uh
[shishir]: yeah was joking and she told them
do don't do it your life will be
[shishir]: your life will be over as well
i think she was saying basically that he
[shishir]: would get killed
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: if you if he did that at
that moment yeah
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: it's that's that's exactly it
[raj]: well when we get to the ending
i have so i have another theory on
[raj]: why she saved him um but i
love the line when she was like hey
[raj]: balking just killed her and wide open
in front of everybody you're off the hook
[raj]: and i was thinking that though the
whole movie i was like he wait a
[raj]: minute coops don't really exist in this
universe and course as walked away from every
[raj]: murder scene
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: even though we know we didn't do
because we saw him not doing it usually
[raj]: walked when someone but like he's there
the fingerprints are if there's any witnesses he's
[raj]: the last person leaving the room
[shishir]: yeah that's right
[raj]: he
[shishir]: it's yeah
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: that's the other aspect of
[raj]: and i kind of like movies like
that i mean i'm not saying this movies
[raj]: anything like a tarantia movie but tarntino
has this universe
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: in that universe usually doesn't involve cops
[shishir]: right right
[raj]: and this universe has no cops
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: that's a good point i wouldn't
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: even know what cops would be able
to do outside of
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: yeah i
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: mean the
[raj]: it would be a distraction i mean
there have been movies where let's say in
[raj]: this case course is not really like
a good guy he's detached
[shishir]: ye
[raj]: and to the point where like i
wanted to know what happened next but i
[raj]: wasn't like overtly concerned of what happened
to course
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and if you didn't have dimthine in
the movie ave been like it's the movie
[raj]: that's the choice they made i would
be like oh no
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: but a lot of times like they
will let say have another another like a
[raj]: side character like a detective
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: and a detective would be kind of
a good guy and your detective is kind
[raj]: of like you're moral conscious and you're
kind of also get a point of view
[raj]: from his view and they didn't have
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and i think that was a good
choice not to have that yeah
[shishir]: kept the story focused that's
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: true
[raj]: nd there's not a whole lot of
like characters in the movie i also like
[raj]: i'm always kind of like
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: it may sometimes like if it's one
thing if it's like a movie based on
[raj]: a play of one room act you
know i can understyouknow
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: but this is like this is happening
in the city of paris you know
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: and in portugal uh
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: i don't know if it's paris but
they're in paris right part
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: parts of it yeah spain
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: and so yeah you just don't have
a whole lot of speaking parts
[shishir]: yeah it was very very tightly ely
woven like good number of characters story i
[shishir]: love each of the people that that
were introduced that owned the books the ninth
[shishir]: gate books
[raj]: same here
[shishir]: and it was just it was kind
of cool because you're like oh this is
[shishir]: the collector
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: and the way they talk about how
passionate they
[raj]: m
[shishir]: are it's just that's
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: when i was like you know i
was like you know what i actually want
[shishir]: to start collecting our books
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: now because i was like this is
pretty cool like i didn't realize this is
[shishir]: actually like a it's like coin collecting
or you know some people have different hobbies
[shishir]: like stamp collecting or like some you
know collect old old whiskeys from various countries
[shishir]: and things like that but this is
like another you know another category of collectors
[raj]: and they're all different like
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: bulk in you know he's got he's
got his books in a penthouse under through
[raj]: like a door that's that's pin protected
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: um
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: and then you have vargus who's got
a country home and his books are just
[raj]: laying
[shishir]: a
[raj]: on the floor and he
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: even mentioned it you just like excuse
the way i have it but this is
[raj]: what i got but i clean them
and maintain them every day
[shishir]: yeah i know
[raj]: and then and then you had gesler
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and she's more academic
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: with an office with a secretary probably
has like a side job maybe teaches at
[raj]: a university you know
[shishir]: yes each each unique kind of personalities
each individually interesting
[raj]: yeh
[shishir]: you know throughout the movies through
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: the cross of the movie i was
actually when fargus was
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: and then when kester was killed i
actually thought that it was initially i thought
[shishir]: it was the girl the mysterious girl
that was doing it because i was like
[shishir]: oh she has like the she has
like this kind of extraordinary power extern abilities
[shishir]: and she doesn't seem you know you
just automatically i think there's a bias because
[shishir]: at least for me when i
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: saw any movie that involved this concept
of lucifer the
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: devil i just thought they're automatically like
the ones that caused the mahamad stuff right
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: which is the nice thing about this
movie where
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: it's really not like
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like those kind of biases
[raj]: yes
[shishir]: are i think what poleski probably fed
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: and used you know to surprise the
audience in a sense because enid not being
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: then the serious girl that did
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: those murders
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: and and in a way it also
like kind of it made the story more
[shishir]: interesting beaus then you it's sort of
you start out and it's like universe of
[shishir]: like you know like like let's say
ten leven different characters is right airing it
[shishir]: down to like the final kind of
like main players of this you know end
[shishir]: game you know to get into the
get into the ninth gate and then it
[shishir]: really tightened up to see who the
main kind of adversaries were in a sense
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: and yeah i just i love the
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: locations that they did the
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: i don't know if you noticed this
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: there's a painting that kan hasan is
a is a library
[raj]: yeah yeah
[shishir]: where that's that that location is the
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: of the ninth gate um and it's
it's a chateau i think in paris somewhere
[shishir]: but i looked that up and i
was like it's a real place and
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: leskiwasscouting locations and he really liked that
is the location
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: for
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: for the for the final you puzzle
location of that
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: so
[raj]: okay
[shishir]: i was very fascinating
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: asplex of the movie did you did
you have a particular like favorite scene
[raj]: yeah i mean i have quite a
few let's talk about some favorite scenes and
[raj]: then we should definitely talk about the
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: so i like every scene with balkan
with franklin
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: he's great in this movie
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: he has this kind of like presence
around him he's tall really tall there's this
[raj]: great scene or it's kind of no
nothing scene but when he walks into i
[raj]: think into the elevator or not the
elevator but maybe it's to the collection of
[raj]: where his books are
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: i thought he would have to hunch
down because his head
[shishir]: a
[raj]: is like that close
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: from the top so he's a tall
imposing figure and it shows in the movie
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: and so i love just every scene
with him i even
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: like the scenes where you see you
don't even see him he's off screen and
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: of course i was talking to him
on the phone
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: and he always ends up like just
hanging up or leave and courses
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: like hello
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: or answer question it would be just
like dead
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: air
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: i also liked going to back to
the begining of the movie i also like
[raj]: the owner of the rare book shop
burney ornstein played by james
[shishir]: s
[raj]: russo um he's got it great face
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and that's what i really think you
know if you have a face like that
[raj]: you don't have to be a good
looking guy but he's a good looking guy
[raj]: but you got to have a great
face you would be a great character actor
[raj]: and
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: he's a great character actor
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and he's also great donne borasco another
movie with johnnie
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: dep
[shishir]: ye oh
[raj]: and then i also like how corso
is like smoking cigarettes everywhere
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: um
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: and i kept thinking i was like
you know it's a little half hazard smoking
[raj]: those cigarettes with those like while you're
handling or investigating those
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: very expensive and sometimes priceless rare books
[shishir]: ye yes exactly
[raj]: you know it's like you ash and
you know the ash could be still on
[raj]: fire
[shishir]: yep definitely causes
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: damage and stuff like that for sure
[raj]: so and then i like the score
and then
[raj]: i like the ritual scene which we
can explain ittle bit more when we talk
[raj]: about the indian but i wasn't expecting
balkan to walk right in and when he
[raj]: walks right in it's
[shishir]: i
[raj]: just
[shishir]: know
[raj]: he just takes charge mumbo
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: jumbo mumbo jumbo
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and then i got one little scene
i got to mention that just thought was
[raj]: funny during the car chase
[shishir]: do
[raj]: um and when corse's car gets stuck
in the muddy water
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: he just gets out
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and he gets his stuff and he
just like and he
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: walks to the nearest kaffir establishment
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: nothing phases him
[shishir]: the phases phases that's like literally the
most even keel like you know guy
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: character i've ever seen in any any
like t v show movie ever
[raj]: same
[shishir]: like
[raj]: here and he doesn't
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: even try to get the car started
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: or
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: he doesn't try to push the car
he just it gets stuck
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: and i think that was done on
per if it was not of the script
[raj]: it was something that plant was like
we're going to leave it there it's funny
[raj]: and i'm
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: not sure how i would play in
a packed house but i thought i was
[raj]: hilarious
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: do you
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: have any favorite scenes
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: so i i mean just like you
like i love practically all the various scenes
[shishir]: uh you know with balkan i mean
he his like franklin jealous presence is to
[shishir]: me
[raj]: so good
[shishir]: just amazing like you just hear him
talking and you're like i was like his
[shishir]: voice is just the perfect voice for
radio or
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: whatever you just can't like you could
read a audio book and i would listen
[shishir]: to that for hours and hours
[raj]: same here
[shishir]: yeah so i love every scene for
me the one of the scenes that
[raj]: eh
[shishir]: keeps
[raj]: so
[shishir]: keep re
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: playing in my head and i just
like just love that scene i
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: could like actually watch it is when
corso visits the the book store the what
[shishir]: the book the
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: those italian italian brothers
[raj]: yep
[shishir]: it's i don't
[raj]: the
[shishir]: know if
[raj]: sinse
[shishir]: you
[raj]: brothers
[shishir]: yes yes they are so i don't
know if you notice this but it's not
[shishir]: played by two actors its one single
actor that does both those roles right and
[shishir]: there so like that at those characters
are so funny the actor that plays the
[shishir]: brothers the same act basic brothers
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: is just phenomenal
[raj]: o
[shishir]: actor i think where did
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: he yah i think plank found him
discovered something else but yeah the actor's name
[shishir]: is pose lopez roder
[raj]: ah yeah
[shishir]: but
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: i watched that scene on hearing talk
about like books
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: and just
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like the way they were talking with
corso very fascinating conversation
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: i was like this is like just
like a very like you know kind of
[shishir]: secretive
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: or very
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: like very knowledgeable accumulated knowledge very wise
people those characters and the way they were
[shishir]: talking to course so it was just
so fascinating the sounds in that entire scene
[shishir]: in the in the book store
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: just the way the the scenery looked
that environment just very beautiful
[raj]: yeh
[shishir]: over ike i just that's very memorable
scene to me and it was only that
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: that was the only time you you
see those brothers right um
[raj]: as
[shishir]: only for a couple of minutes but
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: then that was such a i don't
know why i just had a huge
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: have a huge impression on me
[raj]: well they're the only characters in the
movie with exception to maybe burney orange stein
[raj]: the
[shishir]: a
[raj]: owner of the rare book shop in
the beginning they kind of had like joy
[shishir]: exactly yes yes
[raj]: but no one else has got either
there detached or power hungry crazy or you
[raj]: know mysterious
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: but the brothers they were joyful
[shishir]: very yeah very joyful
[raj]: ye
[shishir]: they
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: they're normal and you know in a
sense like they just had uh you know
[shishir]: some kind of i guess connection
[raj]: as
[shishir]: to the world so to speak but
they should know uh obsession with the the
[shishir]: subject matter they were like well you
know a great opportunity presented itself for us
[shishir]: to sell this book
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: so sold it
[raj]: i was definitely thinking that like they
weren't they never gave like when he showed
[raj]: the book he learned you have the
nine gate like they were just like wait
[raj]: this is the book that we sold
[shishir]: yeah that's yea and
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: most all the other collectors they would
not sell their copy i think telferheyeah whatever
[shishir]: he told bors backin bors balkan was
telling course that he got it because he
[shishir]: he got he bought it from telford
before telford on himself
[raj]: yep
[shishir]: and i
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: i mean who knows why that ha
and i suspect that balkan idiot threatened him
[shishir]: or who knows what like somehow none
of those guys wanted to sell that copy
[shishir]: of their copy of the ninth
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: gate
[raj]: but
[shishir]: and
[raj]: telfer
[shishir]: so
[raj]: may have been the only one
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: maybe less interested in that book it
was in something that
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: we're not sure though because you know
what he he hangs himself which is actually
[raj]: a great opening scene
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: he just hangs himself and i actually
kind of like the way how the camera
[raj]: moves
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: so yeah we don't know much about
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: but we kind of get like a
little here and there like he wasn't interested
[raj]: in the ritual
[shishir]: yep yep exactly
[raj]: and it's
[shishir]: why
[raj]: we find out that his wife is
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: really more into the ritual and more
into the book
[shishir]: yep yep exactly she was the one
that was you're right because in the in
[shishir]: the one of the scenes
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: with the onnectin with he brothers the
brothers they said that
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: telfer's wife is the one that was
so one of them one of them mentioned
[shishir]: i think was it the camisa
[raj]: yes
[shishir]: brothers or one of the characters that
corso when he was oh no it was
[shishir]: fergus i think it was fergus who
said that telfer telfer's wife was the one
[shishir]: that wanted that book so he bought
it for her
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: so something definitely happened
[raj]: came
[shishir]: in that that relationship between husband and
wife where
[raj]: you know what i may be getting
a little weeds here but i thought and
[raj]: i'm not sure i'd have to watch
it again but i thought that telfer leanna
[raj]: had the book use the senias brother
to sell it to her husband so therefore
[raj]: she can get the money to buy
to keep the chateau which is kind of
[raj]: what kessler the third third owner of
the third book or the other
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: owner of the third copy i think
she mentioned that and she mentioned that um
[shishir]: a
[raj]: but she was the one part of
the ritual and she and the money to
[raj]: fund her chateau
[shishir]: m
[raj]: and if telfer found out he what
what liana was doing he would kill himself
[raj]: and
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: that's when corso goes funny that you
say that he killed himself
[shishir]: m
[raj]: last week
[shishir]: god that's actually you know i missed
that part of it yeah okay i think
[shishir]: that that explains explains a good good
good portion of that yeah i just remember
[raj]: a
[shishir]: that exchange when they were talking how
the telfer himself was not the one interested
[shishir]: in the book as more for his
wife remember that part of it but i
[shishir]: think this is actually a great point
that liana might have done something to try
[shishir]: to get to see if that chateau
that's fascinating actually
[raj]: it was like a throwaway line that
kester said but
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: it stuck out to me
[shishir]: that's
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: that's that's actually great great observation
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: i'm gonna have to
[raj]: a
[shishir]: i'm gonna watch that part
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: but that explains a lot then
[raj]: hey so you won't take about the
[shishir]: yeah yeah
[raj]: yes
[shishir]: let's talk about the ending
[raj]: so when i saw the ending
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: and then m we find
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: out so corso okaylone is that at
first i was like when course when when
[raj]: balkan lights himself on fire
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: i actually liked it how he didn't
feel the pain at first
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: because he just so wanted it to
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: feel it and then you're like a
waitin started feeling the pain
[shishir]: ye
[raj]: and and of course so shoots vulcan
i was like well that's cold but going
[raj]: on line i was just reading a
little bit about it wanted to hear what
[raj]: other people had to say and they
were like oh he shot him to shoot
[raj]: him out of his misery was
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: like oh that makes sense
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and so he go s out and
then he runs into the girl i think
[raj]: or she's like and the girl um
m have sex
[shishir]: right
[raj]: and that's to me is a very
palanski thing i don't know if ou'vever seen
[raj]: bitter moon
[shishir]: and
[raj]: but
[shishir]: that way uh
[raj]: that's actually a funny
[shishir]: h
[raj]: movie dark comedy but i think he
has a lot of sex in his movies
[raj]: or
[shishir]: not
[raj]: and so but there's a reason why
he had it wasn't just to like oh
[raj]: let's just have a sex scene it
was you know one of the images in
[raj]: the book is showing her naked
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: and so then after he had sex
it's like you know he doesn't think anything
[raj]: of and he was like so what
this is just all fake and he wasn't
[raj]: i don't think he was convinced by
this like
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: he was probably more interested in why
are these people interested
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: but
[shishir]: right
[raj]: i don't
[shishir]: right
[raj]: think he like the night game
[shishir]: hm
[raj]: whatever
[shishir]: never never thought of meeting
[raj]: because he so
[shishir]: as
[raj]: i pays he just doesn't
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: even
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: and then that's when she says ah
well it didn't work as one was a
[raj]: forgery
[shishir]: yeah yeah
[raj]: and so like you mentioned when you
know we always see the sedisa's brothers once
[raj]: but i was thinking i wonder if
they're like the true culprite and it makes
[raj]: sense they're the most joy people maybe
they are the most evil but no no
[raj]: she just he just sends him back
there she just sends him back there to
[raj]: go find the missing the missing image
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: page um so anyways
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: so when the ending happens you never
see him do the ritual you never see
[raj]: him do any spell but you know
he does because he goes back to the
[raj]: castle and you see the light now
[shishir]: hm
[raj]: a special effect and he walks right
in and
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: when i was watching it and fade
to black and then the credits go and
[raj]: i was like so you know how
look on on on the t v you
[raj]: can find out how many minutes left
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: it was like three minutes left like
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: wait that's it
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: so i went to see like is
this like a marvel thing maybe there is
[raj]: some like after credit stuff but no
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: and i was conflicted and i did
say what
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: the question mark
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: but more i thought about it i
kind of liked it
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: and i kind of felt
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: one i don't think because course was
so detached i don't think he does served
[raj]: to be the hero or have a
happy ending and i think polanski knew that
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: uh and we don't get a sad
or violent ending
[shishir]: m
[raj]: and i think that cully makes the
movie better
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: so there's so many loose ends and
now there's gonna be a lot of thin
[raj]: pieces
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: what happened at the end and i
wanted to hear your thoughts about the din
[raj]: but then after your thought i wanted
to i wanted to talk about like so
[raj]: what do you think happens when he
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: in through that
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and we don't know because you know
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: the movie just as
[shishir]: i love the fact that they didn't
show initially now i guess we're so used
[shishir]: to seeing
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: everything laid out right like it doesn't
really a lot more movies show like don't
[shishir]: leave as much room for imagination in
some sense and
[raj]: very
[shishir]: so
[raj]: few like no country for old men
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: that leaves a little
[shishir]: m
[raj]: like to doubt like you know
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: but
[shishir]: m
[raj]: same thing with this movie like we
don't know but most movies you know the
[raj]: indian they
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: give you the ending and i
[shishir]: very
[raj]: think most people want the ending
[shishir]: exactly even christopher nolan actually does this
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: pretty decently i think in
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: some of his movies i know he
did that with inception he did that
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: with the ment to some degree um
but yeah it's not not the common i
[shishir]: think it's sort of a probably an
audience testing thing and studios then step in
[shishir]: and say no this ending is to
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: to vague we need to have more
clear kind of finality so that is satisfying
[shishir]: that's probably like a
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: like more of a studio
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: type of you know type
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: of motivation but
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: but i love the way this ending
was because it's like the whole point of
[shishir]: the movie was this adventure learning about
what the nine different
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: gates what
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: they are not the gates but the
nine different kind of puzzles
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: what they actually mean going through them
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: and and executing them and then at
the end you know what happens
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: he gets admitted into this kind of
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: uh realm so to speak
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: and i you know
[raj]: did
[shishir]: the thing
[raj]: you
[shishir]: that
[raj]: like that though did you like how
that ending wet
[shishir]: i was like
[raj]: m
[shishir]: just seeing the ending when he's going
walking i was so glad that they just
[shishir]: showed him only walking in and then
they then they went to the credits because
[shishir]: it's
[raj]: do
[shishir]: like
[raj]: you think
[shishir]: you
[raj]: it would have been better if they
showed the ritual or not needed
[shishir]: i don't you know so
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: my thought about the ritual was this
[raj]: eh
[shishir]: so okay balkan obviously was basing it
off the fake manuscript or the fake
[raj]: ye
[shishir]: fake puzzle but
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: technically speaking he didn't have to set
himself on fire he
[raj]: he
[shishir]: just did that because course kind of
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: sort of go to him he just
said oh well if you're immortal now then
[shishir]: you can set yourself so you can
put fire
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: on you and you won't
[raj]: was that what he said
[shishir]: yeah yeah basically
[raj]: oh wow missed that
[shishir]: yeah so like vulcan was never meant
like that that supposed ritual was never meant
[shishir]: for him to set himself
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: on fire he he all he did
was like he read at some inscriptions on
[shishir]: that that ninth
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: supposed the final final puzzle and then
like he you know just threw some stuff
[shishir]: down the floor and that's it right
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: but that was that was he also
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: one of the puzzles what is was
to sleep with that i think they defined
[shishir]: that character the mysterious girl character as
like the consort of the devil or something
[shishir]: like that like lucifer sort i
[raj]: right
[shishir]: can't remember exactly but that was one
of the
[raj]: i have a theory about that but
go ahead
[shishir]: ah that was we of the acts
that was supposed to
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: happen that was part of the the
the the process right and so so balkan
[shishir]: didn't do that so that but that
that act corso did do that right
[raj]: and
[shishir]: so
[raj]: that's
[shishir]: i
[raj]: because balkan didn't have that image right
[shishir]: in
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: exactly and so
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: he didn't have that image neither did
corso but the girl like you know she
[shishir]: had seen corso go through all those
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like eight different puzzles and basic
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: he survived um then
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: the ninth one they
[raj]: he
[shishir]: you know
[raj]: passed the test
[shishir]: exactly pssitest
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: they do their thing in the ninth
one and then that's it right but now
[shishir]: it's like okay where does he go
right and so
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: then she tells him you know if
you still want to go you have
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: the choice this the actual final step
is you know the puzzle is at you
[shishir]: know
[raj]: m
[shishir]: the brother's shop or whatever right
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: she tells them where to go get
it and uh
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: so yeah actually he finds it and
then he just
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: goes to that location uh that's it
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: we know one thing i noticed about
this whole process was that um
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: m it was
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: it was kind of ride like there's
nobody else that could have entered the ninth
[shishir]: gate except for course
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: which to me meant that there's something
about him that
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: he's somehow like connected to that no
lucifer character in some way in my opinion
[shishir]: umanandyou know there's some people that have
talked about this a bit terms of theories
[shishir]: but
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: you know it's a little
[raj]: m
[shishir]: bit hard to you know lensky
[raj]: right
[shishir]: doesn't talk about this stuff really that
much so
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: is based on a it's a loose
adaptation of a book that
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: polenski actually read but
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: this is like far
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: more i think creative than some was
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: you know a lot more o
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: more imaginative fictional stuff that he adds
to this movie but you know some
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: some individuals
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: actually theorized that courses character is related
to lucifer
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like lucifer's son so to speak and
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: you know so i actually found that
more interesting and more believable because he does
[shishir]: not actually come
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: off as human if you think about
it like
[raj]: yep
[shishir]: he s no interest
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: in anything in the world you know
it's it's it's kind of like for him
[shishir]: none of it matters
[raj]: ye
[shishir]: right it's just he's just there and
he doesn't like
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: people in general like he just you
know earns
[raj]: or anything
[shishir]: or anything yeah really anything
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: i mean there's no like love that
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: shown in is like you know living
nature or what not in his
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: personality so things that you know kind
of show human like a very core aspect
[shishir]: of humanity it's not that he's evil
that's the other thing i just think that
[shishir]: the a
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: character he is is much
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: like significantly different from any of the
other characters we see other characters really show
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: some level emotion they're very human so
that's why i got i got the impression
[shishir]: we throughout the movie let was not
really a human
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: and
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: that in that sense that he's
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: able to you know access this particular
portal so to speak where others couldn't you
[shishir]: know there's no way i feel like
[raj]: i
[shishir]: bulkin
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: buckin was one of the most knowledgeable
guys like he's the one that started this
[shishir]: whole you know goose chase finding
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: the different the different books and then
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: figuring out what is authentic and what
is not like that was all his
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: own idea like he had spent decades
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: on this right so i actually love
the i love the ending because it
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: brought up a lot of questions in
my mind like trying to
[raj]: right
[shishir]: figure out why why corso like
[raj]: ye
[shishir]: was it was it something that anybody
else could have done like that could have
[shishir]: access to ninth gate and i just
i don't see it because one the one
[shishir]: mysterious
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: that mysterious girl figure who has supernatural
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: ability she was not not guiding anyone
else she only had an
[raj]: a
[shishir]: interest in corso so
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: from that from that moment i was
like there's
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: something about him that shows you know
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like you know connection and it's not
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: it's not just that he's working for
balkan to find the books you know
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: i'm sure balkan actually like tried you
know looking looking up this information with
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: probably a bunch of other people and
then decided okay corso is like one of
[shishir]: the more
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: effective
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: ones but technically speaking that the mysterious
girl could have approached balkan cause balkan
[raj]: yep
[shishir]: was very interested you know why not
like so she she picked she basically picked
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: the person that
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: would get access to the ninth game
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: to me that means my my mind
at least it was because there's something something
[shishir]: else that was inherently where he could
he could he was a kind of the
[shishir]: chosen one so
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: to speak but yeah i just
[raj]: thank
[shishir]: absolutely love that the way they did
that because i'm like wow okay this is
[shishir]: this is real this is actually a
real thing that's
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: the other thing like this is not
it wasn't like oh okay there's a
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: goose chase like you know all the
different puzzles at the end it so
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: you know that's
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: it it was it was a real
ninth gate
[raj]: there is one sea where
[shishir]: eh
[raj]: corso does show a little bit um
is when liana is like henchman or partner
[raj]: now has the gun and lean says
take them downstairs don't do it here too
[raj]: much of a scene and
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: when they go downstairs
[raj]: it's not the girl but it's corso
doing that move
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: uh hitting him throwing him down the
stairs you know
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and then think killing him with
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: the gun or the or the boot
or something and some sort of clarin him
[raj]: in the head and i remember when
he was i was just like well this
[raj]: seems like a little bit out of
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: and the girl noticed it too but
she smiles
[shishir]: yeh
[raj]: and a
[shishir]: yeh
[raj]: smile gets wider and wider and then
she even says like i didn't know you
[raj]: had it in you
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: she never tried to stop it where
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: she ends up stopping him later when
he tries to save liana
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: you know and so my theory is
and i can go either way that the
[raj]: girl is a subordinate worker for the
devil or the
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: devil him and herself in a
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: form of a human
[shishir]: yeah yeah yeah
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: that's that's a good one too
[raj]: and she picked corso
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: now i didn't think of that like
only corso could do the ninth gate my
[raj]: thinking was that ninth gate was obviously
real from the end of the movie but
[raj]: the ritual is real too if they
were all real and she was going to
[raj]: make sure that the right person did
[shishir]: yeah yeah
[raj]: and now but it got me now
here we're going to like what happens after
[raj]: he passes the gate
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and so i doubt corso
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: i think
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: he will then get absorbed and now
be the evil person on earth for the
[raj]: devil to do his bidding
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: whether it's just like outright evilness or
be more of a con man setting people
[raj]: up to fail or whatever and got
me thinking is like i doubt course would
[raj]: win
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: because i doubt he's ever going to
double cross or out smart this devil and
[raj]: so we're kind of luke to our
imagination what happens next and it got me
[raj]: thinking like so of course it was
not going to be like an arnold swartnger
[raj]: and beat the devil
[shishir]: red red
[raj]: not going to happen
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: for preswallish or whatever um and so
but it got me to think that you
[raj]: know for a way that course ho
to beat the devil by walking through the
[raj]: gate um would we get to get
the power of community get that evilness but
[raj]: just not care enough to use it
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: ay
[shishir]: yeah that's right
[raj]: and and just make the devil frustrated
[shishir]: that's
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: a very very good like we actually
[raj]: because it's like okay so you chose
the right person because you can mould he
[raj]: maybe you
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: know bulkin might have his own ideas
the guy who as already
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: you
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: know like you know he might be
more trouble than it's worth for the devil
[shishir]: yeah he was power
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: hungry and he wanted he wanted that
for a specific reason he just wanted
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: to basically accumulate
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: infinite power in some sense
[raj]: and lena
[shishir]: an
[raj]: she's a hedonist i mean
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: she's
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: she and kessler and fargus they're just
real life book collectors they're not
[shishir]: ah yeah
[raj]: they're they're very inter did in the
devil um
[shishir]: the pademic
[raj]: m
[shishir]: perspective
[raj]: yeah more from an academic perspective but
i don't think they wish even though they
[raj]: may not even themselves believe in the
night game
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: you know
[shishir]: exactly yeah
[raj]: or for them it's more of an
academic thing it has like analogies to real
[raj]: life
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: where balking he knows the night gate
is real or
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: at the very least he has a
high he really does believe there's a high
[raj]: chance of it being real and i'm
going to find out
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: i went in and he says it
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: in the ritual is like none of
you guys deserve this book
[shishir]: yep yep
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: he thinks they're more like
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: fake
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: you know fake fans so to speak
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: versus
[raj]: and they are they are
[shishir]: and if they actually are is actually
[raj]: but
[shishir]: of
[raj]: nothing
[shishir]: funny
[raj]: wrong with that though but he
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: like he truly hates them though
[shishir]: he spent like how many decades like
learning about this stuff
[raj]: yah
[shishir]: and actually taking it seriously yeah i
mean at the end of the day
[raj]: yah
[shishir]: it's what is that was
[raj]: ye
[shishir]: purpose the use of attaining this power
that these guys want at one and for
[raj]: okay
[shishir]: it's pretty clear with balkan once before
and the one person that doesn't really care
[shishir]: about it is
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: so like he's just like whatever i'm
sure if he's like now that he's in
[shishir]: the ninth gate
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: and he's got powers he's probably like
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: you know i don't really have anything
to do with them i don't i don't
[shishir]: have any
[raj]: exactly
[shishir]: design
[raj]: and
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: you know he didn't go in there
to get the power
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: balkan wanted he went in there as
like well now i got this thing and
[raj]: now i want to know
[shishir]: i want
[raj]: you
[shishir]: to
[raj]: know
[shishir]: know ye
[raj]: and he's probably also thinking it's like
well what is my life here worth
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: anything i don't
[shishir]: right
[raj]: have anybody to care for and no
one cares for me
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and my one kind of maybe maybe
maybe maybe friend bertie old steam he's dead
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: m
[shishir]: that one friend of his you know
the i mean the goal at least in
[shishir]: some of these stories that you see
with us for is that
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: is to influence humans to send more
to like you know be
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: basically like get more at the end
of the day it's like he that that
[shishir]: character that supernatural character wants more devotion
from the larger following and more worship to
[shishir]: him versus people worshiping
[raj]: a
[shishir]: god and
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: i'm assuming that's because he drives like
more power from
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: that in some sense
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: but in this in this story
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: it wasn't really about that like you
[raj]: no
[shishir]: you didn't really hear like oh this
is the goal for just
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: that there is a there is a
[raj]: is it
[shishir]: supernatural character and people want
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: to you know being closer to that
or some
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: people at least a segment of that
the society
[raj]: i
[shishir]: and that
[raj]: m
[shishir]: in that movie you want to be
closer to that some in a more fictional
[shishir]: way than others
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like balkan who's doing research and then
[raj]: m
[shishir]: it being
[raj]: yah
[shishir]: real is actually kind of fascinating to
me in the movie universe let um because
[shishir]: i mean this is the great thing
about the movie ending where it did because
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: it's not like it could be that
it's just another dimension to some alien cat
[shishir]: you know that has like powers that
you know regular human can't really fathom
[raj]: ye
[shishir]: right versus
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: you know versus like a
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like a like a christian christian type
of antagonist
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: as like all these abilities and supernatural
powers too so it's kind of i mean
[shishir]: i think it's
[raj]: a
[shishir]: open to a lot of different
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: ways to interpret what is it that's
on the other side of
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: the poor of so to speak but
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: i just i actually loved that way
they went through
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: this kind of set of puzzles get
to ending
[raj]: same here and you know you were
mentioning it earlier and i'm glad you brought
[raj]: up like no explanation of the devil
and they don't even mention god at least
[raj]: i don't think so so there's no
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: scene with like a father or a
priest um
[shishir]: nothing
[raj]: nothing like that whether it's christian or
jewish and then m so you get no
[raj]: explanation
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: who the devil is and you don't
really need a whole lot and it doesn't
[raj]: matter what religion you are or even
you're an atheist or agnostic the devil is
[raj]: no like
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: people just you know it's in pop
culture so there's an assumption there and if
[raj]: i was found kind of like the
depnead i don't my knowledge in christianity or
[raj]: judaism is very low
[shishir]: same
[raj]: and
[shishir]: here
[raj]: but i've always found the devil interesting
because it's like i don't really see him
[raj]: as a person that's like fighting god
you know it's not like
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: um like those marvel character like super
man and lex luther you know
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: hero and villain you know or dr
octopus and spider man hero or green
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: goblin or like it
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: it's like i've always kind of like
my thought was like the devil works for
[raj]: god
[shishir]: right
[raj]: and the devil
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: has a purpose
[shishir]: as i prepare
[raj]: and if you best not you're going
to health
[shishir]: that's
[raj]: that's kind
[shishir]: him
[raj]: of my always thoughts like the like
god is kind of like the creator and
[raj]: he created the devil
[shishir]: yeah that's that's essentially essential at what
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: the kind of the core of dynamic
is right
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: one other kind of depiction of that
care or the lucifer character that i actually
[shishir]: think is done pretty well in an
interesting way is in the t
[raj]: sure
[shishir]: v show called the sandman um
[raj]: i've heard of it i haven't seen
it now though right
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: and
[shishir]: it's
[raj]: paced
[shishir]: new
[raj]: off a comic comic
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: book
[shishir]: it's based off of a d
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: c a graphic novel
[raj]: yeah okay so is
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: it h p
[shishir]: it's on neflixnetflix
[raj]: it's on the flex and it's d
[shishir]: oh
[raj]: c huh
[shishir]: yeah so d c
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: it was done by this author named
nil gamin
[raj]: oh i've heard i know neal game
and yeah he's a a popular
[shishir]: m
[raj]: science fiction writer he's
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: also
[shishir]: yep
[raj]: written some children's books too
[shishir]: exactly wide variety of different literature but
this one yeah
[raj]: yes
[shishir]: i mean the story is actually centered
on the lord of dreams so this one
[shishir]: character was the dream king so
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: to speak it's just very fascinating but
lucifer is one of the characters and is
[shishir]: a very
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: powerful character in terms of the abilities
but there's no mystery
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: right because you see that
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: character and so somewhat what i loved
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: ninth gate specifically was that you didn't
really have to believe in anything
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: just you know as for part of
your background you go in and you watch
[shishir]: they're like this
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: is very like trippy it feels
[raj]: yes
[shishir]: real that's the other thing like it
really it feels like a real thing
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: it was just like oh does this
book exist that's one of the questions in
[shishir]: my mind like does this actual
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: is this based on a real like
book or something was out there you know
[shishir]: for whatever reason and
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: i started researching that a bit because
i was
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like you know is there something like
inspired this this movie
[raj]: okay
[shishir]: there's not really anything that's
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: like you know that famous it's it's
uh i think there's like people that are
[shishir]: like god
[raj]: ye
[shishir]: i that have some like some odd
[raj]: uh
[shishir]: types of novels
[raj]: uh
[shishir]: that
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: have been ritten but nothing like as
fascinating as this
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: so it's a wonderful wonderful
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: movie magic that poleski brought to the
screen because i was
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like wow this this has to be
real you know it's very rare to think
[shishir]: of something completely like novel from imagination
[raj]: yes
[shishir]: like usually rooted in a lot of
things that have
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: occurred in reality so
[raj]: yeah even the craziest stories out there
that kind of base
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: a little bit on reality
[shishir]: exactly so
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: that's the other other aspect
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: that i loved you know
[raj]: oh oh
[shishir]: now for me reading reading a book
and getting in versed in a book it
[shishir]: happens when it happens not that often
[raj]: my
[shishir]: when it does happen i actually feel
like i'm in that world and like this
[shishir]: is like a real thing and the
same thing with this movie but that was
[shishir]: one of the other
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: effects that i loved about it just
way the story unfolded it was very ah
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: i felt very real and you're like
[raj]: ye
[shishir]: okay the subject there's no like you
know special effects like huge like you know
[shishir]: like types of
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: action scenes you're just like this is
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: much like people talking to each other
that you know like normally happens in real
[shishir]: life and made it so fascinating that's
the other thing i loved about it
[raj]: yeah yeah you know
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: i don't really have much to add
when almost gate over an hour i did
[raj]: want to talk a little bout the
flaws and you now it's it's oddly enough
[raj]: like when i talk about when we
talk about like really movies i'm kind of
[raj]: nip picking the flaws and there are
some flaws in this movie but you know
[raj]: my thinking was like if you get
hung up with the flaws
[shishir]: m
[raj]: um then you're not going to like
the movie
[shishir]: uh
[raj]: and i thought
[shishir]: huh
[raj]: this movie you just you can't get
hung up on it
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: the special effects you know i've never
criticized that special effect but i thought they
[raj]: were okay
[shishir]: m
[raj]: you know they couldn't avoid the green
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: on the driving scenes in new york
because palansky can't be in the us for
[raj]: legal reasons which you know i won't
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: get into in this in this pot
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: you could obviously tell and my only
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: thing is i heard this on a
tarantinopod where he talked
[shishir]: a
[raj]: about him because he used his screen
screen in
[raj]: put fiction and i think he also
uses him an kill bill so in pulp
[shishir]: really
[raj]: fiction when you see john travolta driving
with uma
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: it's a black and white in the
back and he says that he wanted to
[raj]: use it but he didn't want to
use it kind of like he didn't use
[raj]: this an example but like how you
see older movies or even plants ke using
[raj]: it they're just trying to make it
look real
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: he he was going to use it
and make it on purpose
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: to not look real
[shishir]: okay okay
[raj]: and so in fiction from what i
remember more more so than kill bill
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: is travoltis in color the car is
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: in color but the green screen the
image in the back is in black and
[raj]: white
[shishir]: oh yes
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: yes yes yes okay i remember that
[raj]: and it's just like even a non
casual you are non movie buff we notice
[raj]: that and get a
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: chuckle out of it
[shishir]: to
[raj]: and so you know that was my
like one kind of little flaw there you
[raj]: know i think with this movie like
this it's like you kind of just have
[raj]: to kind of accept it of what
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: there
[shishir]: yeah i mean there were some flies
too for for example when the crane almost
[shishir]: fell on and that was one of
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: one of the puzzles where you have
to avoid danger that will ill come to
[shishir]: you if you get too close to
attaining your goal right so it actually was
[shishir]: like when you watch it the way
that scene happens like there's enough time
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: for him you avoid getting hit by
that crane and i was like wait this
[shishir]: doesn't seem that dangerous it's like
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: too slow in terms of falling down
and like you know he didn't narrowly miss
[shishir]: it in my
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: and else
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: the after it had
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: felt fallen down it didn't really seem
like it was going to hurt anybody that
[shishir]: badly
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: like it
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: wasn't like a huge like heavy like
you know
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: something that could you know type of
object that could really cause cause damnnatputs
[raj]: a
[shishir]: you know i think that's that's just
it's a minor flaw like that's something that
[shishir]: has improved a lot over the over
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: last few years where people really have
kind of gotten the science down of like
[shishir]: like getting the scene to synematically unfold
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: in just enough time to feel
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: like that person is narrowly
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: missing getting injured badly
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: you know
[raj]: yeah and
[shishir]: so
[raj]: usually you have a guy on the
production staff that's like dedicated to like okay
[raj]: this is when he should run this
[shishir]: yes
[raj]: how it's going to look
[shishir]: ah
[raj]: i give a little pat because planche's
not an action director
[shishir]: exactly
[raj]: and now he he has to make
his movies in foreign countries and sometimes he
[raj]: has trouble getting financing so he's got
to make do with what he's got
[shishir]: exactly and then that's the thing like
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: to me it didn't bother me i
was like okay like
[raj]: right
[shishir]: i get that that's
[raj]: he
[shishir]: that's not so believable but it never
like detracted
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: from like larger story and i was
like you know this is it's still because
[shishir]: it's such a quick scene and then
you kind of move on to the next
[shishir]: phase
[raj]: if it was like a marvel movie
or like a john wick movie you would
[raj]: expect
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: a lot more you know it's just
like okay come on you got to tighten
[raj]: that
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: up make it little bit better uh
[shishir]: instagratification right
[raj]: yeah oh
[shishir]: but but to me it was like
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: you know it's just a limitation of
[raj]: ah yeah
[shishir]: resources at the time but it does
even then like i'm like you know what
[raj]: yeah oh
[shishir]: yeah you could probably spend an extra
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: one two million realyjus to re do
that scene but you don't need
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: to it's such a such a well
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: movie over all that no need like
it's keep it as
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: is just you know
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: it's a parut of its time so
yeah flaw as wise i also agree with
[shishir]: you there are couple of things that
i saw as
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: far s but i didn't it didn't
[raj]: yes
[shishir]: really keep me from from like not
believing in the story that was the other
[shishir]: thing like i know it's not you
know real if we want to go to
[shishir]: the technical aspect of it but i
don't know for me when i was watching
[shishir]: it i felt very like this is
a real real
[raj]: ah
[shishir]: thing
[shishir]: have you seen the movie hostile by
eli ruth
[raj]: no
[shishir]: yeah
[raj]: i haven't you can probably talk me
into a kind of stay away from those
[raj]: kind of like horror slash i don't
know if it's a torture movie but i
[raj]: kind of stay away from those movies
[shishir]: in it was based on some real
actual events that eli roth
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: read about i mean that's that's
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: there's another movie actually
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: in that in that kind of jean
that i would recommend but we can talk
[shishir]: about another pot
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: but but the fact is like you
watch it and you're like wow you know
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: i can believe that this is real
[raj]: right
[shishir]: you know
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: in some cases this is rooted in
an actual event but in the ninth gate
[shishir]: it's just surely
[raj]: oh
[shishir]: like you know someone's imagination
[raj]: yep
[shishir]: so i was like wow this is
so cool i love that aspect of it
[shishir]: too so
[raj]: well i don't have much else to
add this movie were a little bit over
[raj]: an hour do you have anything else
you wanted to yeah
[shishir]: no really i think we covered like
the big points
[raj]: yeah
[shishir]: and other aspects that i think were
really cool
[raj]: okay awesome al right i'll go ahead
and we can end it and if you
[raj]: can just stay on for a little
[shishir]: sure sure